Obama called on trump to give Russia back in if necessary

Barack Obama President Barack Obama urged his successor Donald trump to cooperate with Russia, but to stand up to her if necessary. About this American leader said during a visit to Germany, his words are reports Reuters. “Work with Russia to our advantage if we want to solve many important problems of the world. I hope that the President-elect will be equally constructive work with Russia and look for areas of cooperation where our interests coincide,” said Obama. He noted that trump has to be ready to confront Russia in the spheres in which Moscow is moving away from American values and international law. Obama explained this with an example. In his opinion, the sanctions against Russia because of the situation in the South-East of Ukraine should be preserved as long as Moscow does not fulfill the conditions of the Minsk agreements. The U.S. leader also called the German Chancellor

The family of the deceased in Syria, the Russian officer wrote to Hollande

Maria Zakharova The family of a Russian officer, Alexander Prokhorenko, who was killed in Syria in April of this year, wrote a letter to French President Francois Hollande. The text in the briefing, read the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, reports kp.ru 17 Nov. According to her, the message is proposed to combine efforts of the two countries in the fight against terrorism. “Mr. President, why are you all after the awful terrorist attacks in Paris and nice, when our hearts were together with the French, did nothing to avenge the innocent victims?” — quoted letter to Zakharov. Alexander Prokhorenko — the native of the Orenburg region. Born in the village Towns of Tyulganskiy rayon, and after school he entered the Military Academy of air defence. He died at the age of 25 years during execute the task of air strikes on the terrorists in the area

In Syria has undermined security service of Pro-American factions of the opposition

In Syria the incident occurred in the building, which housed the headquarters of the security service of one of the factions of the moderate opposition. About it reports Reuters. The incident occurred in the town of Azaz, where regular clashes erupt between various opposition groups. A car Packed with explosives, blew up near the building where the headquarters of the security organization “Harakat Nur al-DIN al-Zenk”. According to various sources, killed between 10 and 25 people and dozens injured. Who organized the attack are not reported. “Harakat Nur al-DIN al-Zenk”, also known as the “Noureddine al-Zinki,” the Islamist group formed in 2011 in Aleppo. Known for having repeatedly changed direction, joining to one and then to another wing of the armed opposition and attacking former allies. The group received funding from the United States, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. According to Amnesty International, members of the “Harakat Nur al-DIN al-Zenk was”

The militants executed 300 former Iraqi police near Mosul

Before retreating from the vicinity of the Iraqi city of Mosul militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), executed about 300 former Iraqi police officers. Such data are contained in the report of the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW), available on its website. The bodies were discovered in several mass graves. The representative on the spot stated that most of the former police officers were shot. The dead bound hand and foot, blindfolded. Several bodies decapitated. Punishment, judging by the condition of the remains has been happening for the last few weeks. One of the locals said that shortly before the liberation of the village from the militants, he saw at least four trucks full of prisoners. It is estimated that in cars there were from 100 to 125. After a while he heard the sound of gunfire and screams. According to the

Clinton complained of the spleen after election defeat

Hillary Clinton Defeated in the presidential election in Hillary Clinton spoke about the disappointment she felt after winning Donald trump, reports on Thursday, November 17, The Telegraph. Speaking at the annual conference for the protection of children, the politician said that at first she didn’t want to go anywhere. “I admit that coming here wasn’t easy for me. Last week there were several moments when all I wanted to do is curl up with a good book and never leave the house,” said former Secretary of state of the United States. November 11 new Yorker Margot Gerster said that he faced the Clinton couple on a walk in the Park. At the request of the women, former US President bill Clinton was photographed in the arms of the democratic candidate. “It looked like he would look any different in her place after such a hard blow. She was very kind

Several Turkish military asked for asylum in Germany

Air Base Ramstein Several soldiers of the Turkish army at a military airbase Ramstein sought asylum in Germany. Reported by the Associated Press. As said a local official Paul Junker, the family members of the military also apply for asylum. According to him, the requests come from “more than one family.” While other details he said. After the coup attempt in July, Turkish authorities have arrested thousands of military. Relations between Germany and Turkey has recently escalated. Berlin said that the request for extradition Ankara suspects of involvement in the coup will not be satisfied, if they deem politically motivated.

Mexico has promised to help its migrants in the United States

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Mexico has promised to help the country’s citizens who emigrated to the US and risking to encounter problems after winning the presidential election Donald trump. About it reports Reuters. As stated in the statement, Mexican diplomats will make every effort to prevent infringement of interests of citizens. You will expand the network of mobile consular services running round-the-clock hotline for answers to questions relating to migration. In addition, it will accelerate the provision of services residing in the USA to the Mexicans, wishing to obtain passports and birth certificates. Mexico also promised to intensify contacts at the state level and advised Mexican migrants possible “to avoid any conflict situations and violations of the law”. Republican Donald trump won a victory on elections of the President of the United States must take office on January 20. Previously, he has repeatedly stated that it plans to

Obama and EU leaders will discuss the extension of anti-Russian sanctions

Barack Obama European leaders and U.S. President Barack Obama will discuss on Friday, November 18, the question of extending sanctions against Russia over its “intervention” in Ukrainian Affairs and possible new sanctions for bombing in Syria. About it reports Reuters, citing a number of sources. Meeting in Berlin organised by Chancellor Angela Merkel, will take place a few days after the victory of Republican Donald trump for President in America. It will also be attended by the leaders of Britain, France, Italy and Spain. The German official said that the agenda of the meeting envisages negotiation in the coming weeks, the issue of extending sanctions of the EU against Russia, which expire at the end of January 2017. “We are in a very critical situation,” said the German official. “We must prevent a situation where EU prolongs sanctions, and then the new US President comes in and removes them,” he

Poland called conditions of normalization of relations with Russia

Witold Waszczykowski The Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski has set conditions for normalizing relations with Russia. He said this in an interview with PAP. “If Russia requires us to respect and pragmatism, and we demand this from her. President Vladimir Putin said he was ready to do everything [to normalize relations]. I say, don’t need “everything”. Start with the transmission of the wreckage [of the presidential plane Tu-154M] and cancel economic sanctions against Poland. Then back to the topic of pragmatic relations”, — said the head of the Polish foreign Ministry. November 9 this year during the ceremony of presenting credentials, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin addressing the new Polish Ambassador said that relations between Russia and Poland can hardly be called satisfactory, but Moscow is ready to change things for the better. “We believe that the restoration of the political dialogue is possible on the

Reuters learned of the new executions is militants civilians in Mosul

Residents of Mosul are leaving the city The militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) for the last three days executed at least 21 civilian Iraqi city of Mosul. About it reports Reuters. All the victims were shot. Their bodies were not given to relatives for burial. “As usual, we saw no bodies, we received only a list of names of the executed. Now most of the shootings occur on charges of cooperation with Iraqi intelligence services”, — said a source in the forensic Department of the city. According to him, the victims buried in mass graves on the outskirts and not in the cemeteries, as militants believe those executed apostates, unworthy of burial in a religious ceremony. At the same time, the Agency with reference to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch reported that soldiers of the Iraqi army, Kurdish militia, the Peshmerga,