Trump spoke about the surreal feelings on his presidency

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump in a Fox News interview said that he had a surreal feeling from his inauguration as head of state, reports The Hill. “I must confess that when the next day I walked into the house through the main entrance, I said to myself: “This is amazing”,” said the American leader. However, he noted that the feeling of unreality you need to overcome, because the front of a lot of work. U.S. presidential election, in which the representative of the Republicans trump has bypassed the competitor from the Democrats, Hillary Clinton, held on 8 November 2016. The inauguration of the new President took place on January 20. Almost immediately after taking office, President trump has signed a decree according to which the citizens of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan, including the holders of the green card, it

Kazakhstan has announced a new round of talks on Syria in Astana

Aleppo New negotiations on the settlement of the Syrian conflict will be held in Astana, roughly, in mid-February. About it reports on Tuesday, February 7, “Interfax” with reference to the foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Kairat Abdrakhmanov. “Of course, [meeting],” said the Minister, noting that “Astana platform” remains relevant. The official date of the meeting, as reported by Abdrakhmanov, not yet, however, countries-guarantors of the political process focus on the middle of the month. “Traditionally we receive information from the guarantor countries, then proceed to the preparation of the meeting”, — he added. January 24, at the talks in the capital of Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey and Iran agreed to establish a joint body that is entrusted with monitoring compliance with the ceasefire in Syria. The competence of the tripartite Commission is to ensure full compliance with the ceasefire and “prevent any provocations and determination of the modalities of the cease-fire.” The

Trump spoke about mutual interests, Obama

Barack Obama and Donald trump The President of the United States Donald trump expressed his confidence that the former us leader Barack Obama refers to him with sympathy. It is reported by The Huffington Post, citing an interview the politician gave the Fox News channel. The head of state added that he also likes its predecessor. “A very strange phenomenon. We get on well. Don’t know whether he acknowledges this, but he likes me (…) I feel it (…) He told me, too,” he said. Trump also admitted that before he and Obama “spoke about each other terrible things.” “Politics is an amazing thing,” — concluded the President.

Media reported about the missile strike on Riyadh

Archive photo In the Saudi capital Riyadh, suffered a missile strike. About it reports the edition “al-Masdar”, located in the UAE, citing Yemeni correspondent. According to reports, the missile “Borkan-1” (“Volcano”) struck a military base mazagine the West of the city. Information on casualties or damage yet. The Saudi authorities issued a denial, saying that rumble and flash are caused by local earthquakes or the fall of the meteorite. According to some, in the capital of Saudi Arabia declared a state of emergency. According to rebels housetop, the rocket, which is a modification of the export version of the Soviet R-17, was released by the Yemeni military loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. This is not the first strike on the territory of Saudi Arabia: in September of 2016, “Borkan-1” has already hit the target in the Saudi city of TAIF in the South-West of the country. After that,

Assange called Sweden and the UK to secure his release

Julian Assange WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appealed to the Swedish and British authorities to return him to freedom. On Monday, February 6, reports BBC News with reference to the statement of Assange, appeared in a broadcasting Corporation. “I urge Britain and Sweden to do the right thing and give me back freedom. These two States have signed agreements on the recognition of the UN and its mechanisms in the field of human rights,” he said. 5 February 2016, experts of the UN Working group on arbitrary detention found unlawful deprivation of liberty, Assange. It is noted that “should be respected for his physical integrity and freedom of movement”. On 19 June 2012 Assange is hiding in Ecuador’s Embassy in Britain to avoid extradition to Sweden where he is suspected of rape and sexual harassment. The guilt, the journalist denies and fears that after extradition the Swedish authorities in Stockholm extradite

Trump said the lack of information about the conflict in Ukraine

Donald Trump Washington does not know what is happening in Ukraine, in a real situation remains to be sorted out. The President of the United States Donald trump said in an interview with Fox News channel, the full version of which was shown on Monday, February 6. “We don’t know exactly what is happening there”, — said the head of the White house in response to a question from TV host bill O’reilly is not offended if he the fact that the conflict in Eastern Ukraine escalated the fault of the “Pro-Russian forces” after his telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. USA, as noted by trump, I don’t know who controlled, and monitored whether all the forces involved in the conflict in the Donbass. “We’ll find out. I will be surprised, but let’s see,” — said the President of the United States. 5 Feb trump after a telephone conversation

In Turkey detained 748 suspected links with IG

Turkish special services for two days on February 4 and 5, 748 detained people suspected of having links with terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports Reuters. The operation was carried out in 29 provinces and was the largest in recent months. As reported, the police seized numerous documents — both paper and electronic, as well as two handguns, four shotguns and ammunition. Earlier it was reported about 400 detainees. Also it was explained that many of them foreigners. The raids are part of a massive campaign against the Islamists launched by Ankara after the attack to the visitors of Istanbul’s Reina nightclub new year’s eve. The victims of the attack were 39 people, among them — the citizen of Russia Nurana Hasanova. Responsibility for the attack claimed by ISIS. January 16 action, directly carried out the attack, a citizen of Uzbekistan Abdulqadir Masharipov was

The Egyptian army has killed 14 militants in Central Sinai

The Egyptian military reported the death of 14 militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in the Central part of the Sinai Peninsula. About it reports Reuters . In the course of the operation 10 of the extremists were taken prisoner. They seized three SUVs, a large quantity of explosives, around 100 homemade bombs, weapons and ammunition, communications equipment and military uniforms. January 9 this year, Islamist militants attacked a checkpoint Egyptian police in the town of El-Arish in the North of the Peninsula. Killed five police officers and seven were injured. In addition, injured three civilians. Various groups operating in this region of Egypt, swore allegiance to ISIS in the summer of 2014, after which the situation on the Peninsula deteriorated sharply. In clashes with militants have killed hundreds of Egyptian military and police. October 31, 2015, in the Sinai Peninsula crashed Airbus A321 for

The Israeli Parliament legalized settlements in the West Bank

The Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) passed a law that would legalize nearly four million homes by Israeli settlers, illegally built in the Palestinian territories on the West Bank of the Jordan river. About it reports Reuters. For the bill voted 60 deputies, against — 52. The attorney General of Israel, away Mandelblit called the Parliament’s decision unconstitutional and refused to speak in his defence in the Supreme court of the country. According to Reuters, despite the fact that the document was supported by the ruling coalition, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unofficially opposed its adoption, fearing that the law will be the basis for prosecution by the International criminal court in the Hague. Netanyahu urged lawmakers to postpone voting until its meeting with the President of the United States Donald trump is scheduled for February 15. The representative of the Palestine liberation Organization Hanan Ashrawi said that the adoption of the

Experts in Astana discussed the observance of the cease-fire in Syria

Experts from Russia, Turkey and Iran have discussed in Astana the implementation of agreements on ceasefire in Syria, as well as control mechanisms for compliance. This was stated by the head of the Russian delegation, Deputy head of the main operations Directorate of the General staff of the Armed forces of Russia Stanislav Gadzhimagomedov, reports “Interfax”. “Participants also discussed a number of measures of mutual trust and ensure unhindered humanitarian access,” added Gadzhimagomedov. January 24, at the talks in the capital of Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey and Iran agreed to establish a joint body that is entrusted with monitoring compliance with the ceasefire in Syria. The competence of the tripartite Commission is to ensure full compliance with the ceasefire and “prevent any provocations and determination of the modalities of the cease-fire.” The meeting was attended by representatives of Kazakhstan, Iran, the UN, the US, Turkey and Russia, the delegation of official