The media learned about the non-admission of the Russian Paralympic world Cup athletics

The international Paralympic Committee (IPC) does not intend to allow Russians to participate in the world Championships in athletics in 2017. About it reports The Telegraph. According to the publication, the IASC intends to extend the suspension of Russian Paralympic athletes, following the decision of the International Association of athletics federations (IAAF) to extend the suspension of the all-Russian athletics Federation (vfla). The world championship will be held in London from 14 to 17 July. On January 30 it became known that the Executive Committee of the IPC banned the Russian Paralympic athletes to participate in qualifying for the Games in 2018 in Pyeongchang. Despite this, the Russian Paralympic Committee (RCC) will continue to prepare Russian athletes for the Paralympics. August 7, IPC suspended the entire national team of Russia on Games in 2016 and expelled RCC membership. The decision was made on the basis of data submitted by the

Lavrov praised trump the desire to delve into the problems in Ukraine

Sergei Lavrov The desire of the President of the United States Donald trump to grasp the essence of problems in Ukraine is a quality shift in comparison with the position of the Obama administration. On Tuesday, February 7, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said TASS. He noted that the United States understands that the return of the territories of Donbass under the control of Kiev will not solve all problems. “If someone hopes that Ukraine’s problems can be solved by just restoring full control of the current regime in the Donbass — it is a utopia, it is understood by all in Europe, including Paris, Berlin and Brussels and Washington is also aware,” — said Lavrov. Speaking about qualitative change in American policy, the Minister also pointed out that the position of the trump the priority for the United States against international terrorism has positive impact on the creation of

In Zimbabwe, advised the American Ambassador to hang on a banana tree

The Zimbabwean authorities criticized American diplomats, who expressed concern over the deteriorating situation with human rights in the country. According to the newspaper, The Herald, the press Secretary of the President George Charamba call of U.S. Ambassador Harry Thomas, Jr., “the remnant of a terrible era.” “The US Ambassador thinks he can get us around. Let him go and hang on a banana tree,” said Charamba. He added that the Zimbabwean authorities are waiting for the signal from the new U.S. administration. In addition, the press Secretary recalled that Thomas Jr. for the post of Ambassador has appointed former U.S. President, Barack Obama. February 6, the U.S. Embassy in Harare issued a statement in which he said about the “continuing deterioration” of the situation with observance of human rights in Zimbabwe. Concern members of the mission, as noted by RIA Novosti, was the arrest of a local pastor Evan Mawarire

Merkel and Szydlo called for the preservation of anti-Russian sanctions

Beata Szydlo (left) and Angela Merkel The Prime Minister of Poland Beata Szydlo and German Chancellor Angela Merkel has expressed the General opinion about the need to maintain anti-Russian sanctions. About this reports Deutsche Welle. Merkel confirmed that the sanctions can be relaxed in case of progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements. “As before, the situation is unsatisfactory. Minsk is not implemented, and therefore, sanctions may now be removed,” she said. The opinion of the German colleagues shared Beata Szydlo. Earlier, on 7 February, Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed during a telephone conversation with Merkel situation in the Donbass. “Expressed serious concern at the escalation of the armed conflict, in which there are human victims, significant damage to civilian infrastructure and housing in some settlements of Donbass”, — reported the press service of the Kremlin. 30 January the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung suggested that the deterioration in the

Khamenei thanked trump for shown the true face of USA

Ayatollah Khamenei Iran’s Supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, gave an assessment of the activities of the President of the United States Donald trump. About this he wrote on his Twitter page on Tuesday, February 7. “We appreciate the trump! He did a great job to reveal to us the true face of America,” wrote Khamenei. He added that trump during the election campaign openly stated about corruption in the highest echelons of American power, thus confirming that what for more than 30 years, said the Iranian leaders. — (@khamenei_ir) 07 February 2017, 13:43 In addition, Khamenei recalled the episode with a five year old boy, who is handcuffed. He noted that this is the real “protection of human rights-American”. The incident with the child, who was among more than 100 detainees trump the decree on the limitation of immigration, took place on 28 January in Washington, reports the Daily Mirror.

Sarkozy will be arraigned in the case on financing the election campaign

Nicolas Sarkozy The former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy will be arraigned on charges of illegal financing of its election campaign of 2012. On Tuesday, 7 February, reports Reuters with reference to sources in court. According to interlocutors of Agency, in addition to the former French leader, before the court in the case of cost overruns and violation of financial laws known as the Bygmalion Affair, will appear in another 13 people. In 2012 Sarkozy lost the presidential elections to the candidate from the Socialist party Francois Hollande. Two years later sparked a political scandal involving the suspected misuse of funds allocated for the election campaign. PR company Bygmalion, engaged in information support of election campaign of the candidate, carried out part of the funding under fake accounts. Thus, through the PR Agency had spent about 10 million euros. This is not the first scandal of the election campaign Sarkozy.

Duterte promised to send at fault of the police for a meeting with the Islamists

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte promised to send at fault of the police on the island of Basilan, where there’s a group of radical Islamists “Abu Sayyaf”. This reports the South China Morning Post. As specifies the edition, on the morning of Tuesday, February 7, in the courtyard of the presidential Palace was built about 400 detention order in respect of which the investigation is made in connection with official misconduct. Duterte hit them with curses, calling “idiots”, “fools” and “children of whores”. “I’ll send you for two years on Basilan. If you survive, you’ll be able to return. And if not, then I’ll have to bury you there and not to spend money for transportation of your bodies over here” — threatened Philippine leader. On 30 January it was announced that the police force of the Philippines temporarily suspended operations against drug traffickers and switched

The Kremlin has promised to wait patiently for an apology an American journalist until 2023

Dmitry Peskov Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov commented on the statement of TV host of Fox News channel bill O’reilly that he apologize to Vladimir Putin until 2023. His words on Tuesday, February 7th, the correspondent “”. “With this gentleman we have a different understanding of etiquette and rules of politeness. This is the first. But we are very kind and very patient. Put a note in the calendar for the 23rd year and will return to him with this question”, — said Peskov. A Kremlin spokesman also said that Moscow does not think the incident. “It’s an awkward situation for Fox News,” — said Peskov.

Assad admitted the possibility of the transfer of power to any Syrian

Bashar Al-Assad Syria does not belong to the same family, any citizen of the country can take the lead. As reported by news Agency SANA, said the President of the Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad in interview to the Belgian journalists. “Syria belongs to the Syrians,” — said the head of state, answering a question on whether he could imagine that his family will not be in power. Father, Syrian leader Hafez al — Assad led the country in 1970, the year after the military coup. The main contender for the presidency was his eldest son, Basil. However, he died in a car accident in 1994. Hafez gradually began to transfer authority to the eldest of the remaining children — Bashar. After his father’s death on 11 June 2000, Bashar al-Assad was promoted to Lieutenant General, he was appointed commander in chief of the Syrian army, and was elected General Secretary

Assad said about the possible use of Russian-American cooperation in Syria

Bashar Al-Assad The interaction between Washington and Moscow could play a positive role around the world, including Syria. This was stated by Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad in interview to the Belgian journalists, transfers Reuters. “It is too early to judge this case involves cooperation between Russia and the USA”, — he added. Commenting on the Syrian authorities to the new us administration, Assad said that Damascus is aware of the statements of the US President Donald trump on a primary mission to combat terrorism. “I believe it is the desire of reassuring, that’s what we’ve asked for the last six years, but it is too early to draw any conclusions,” — concluded the head of state. On 5 February the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the position of the new US President Donald trump gives hope for positive developments in bilateral relations between Moscow and