Lavrov called the condition of the abolition of visas for Georgian citizens

Sergei Lavrov Condition for easing the visa regime between Russia and Georgia is the restoration of law enforcement cooperation between the two countries. As reported TASS, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the Munich security conference. The Minister called the possibility of returning the visa-free regime with Georgia is a complex issue and noted that he was “a little weird” to discuss in the absence of diplomatic relations with Tbilisi. “But it is also associated with the need to ensure the safety, not only Central Asia but the Caucasus is becoming a route that trying to use the militants and extremists,” said Lavrov. The Russian foreign Minister added that talking about simplifying the visa regime will be after solving these problems through the cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of Russia and Georgia. He also drew attention to the fact that between the two countries is

Vice-President of the United States discussed with Poroshenko the ceasefire in the East of Ukraine

Mike Pence Vice-President Mike Pence during the meeting with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in Munich expressed its concern about the escalation of the conflict in the Donbass. About it reports on Saturday, February 18, RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the White house. “The Vice President expressed concern about the recent spike in violence in Eastern Ukraine, the leaders agreed on the need for an immediate comprehensive ceasefire”, — stated in the message. Penny, as noted in the White house, called for full implementation of the Minsk agreements. However, he discussed with the Ukrainian leader U.S. participation in the negotiation process. Pence also assured Poroshenko that the United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, not recognizing the “Russian occupation and attempted annexation” of Crimea. Previously on February 18, Vice-President of the United States put on Russia the responsibility for the implementation of the

Russian badminton players for the first time in history reached the finals of the mixed teams

Russian badminton players Vladimir Ivanov and Ivan Sozonov Russian badminton players, winning four matches for the national team of England (3:1), for the first time in history reached the final the European championship among mixed teams, which this week takes place in Lubin (Poland). About it the correspondent “”. The first point to the Russian team brought mixed doubles by Vladimir Ivanov/Ekaterina Bolotova, appeared stronger family Duo Chris and Gabrielle Adcock — 23:21, 23:21. As noted after the match, head coach Klavdia Mayorova the Russians, the British were unable to “withstand the pressure of an opponent”. “They are in the world top ten, but we knew their psychological characteristics, and this took our couple. Of course, we made mistakes too, but sometimes did and wonders,” said Mayorov. In the women’s singles Eugene Kosecka in three games broke the resistance of the Chloe birch— 21:16, 13:21, 21:12. Could a Russian woman

Poroshenko said Russia’s decision to recognize documents of residents of Donbass

Petro Poroshenko The decision of the Russian government on the recognition of documents issued in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions violates international law, says the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. His words leads to “Interfax”. “For me it is another proof of Russia’s violations of international law”, — said the head of state after negotiations with the Vice-President of the United States Mike Pence on the sidelines of the Munich security conference. Poroshenko added that he had informed Pence about this step of Moscow. Meanwhile, the head of the breakaway DNR and LC thanked the leadership of Russia. “This is another proof that the Republic became the state”, — said the leader of the Luhansk national Republic Igor Carpentry. The decree, operative to recognize Russia’s documents issued to citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing on the territories of separate districts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, was

The F-15 intercepted the plane near the residence of the trump

Command aerospace defense North America (NORAD) deployed two F-15 fighter aircraft to intercept aircraft flying near the winter residence of the US President Donald trump’s Mar-a-Lago in palm beach, Florida. It is reported by Fox News on Saturday, February 18. It is noted that the pilot of the aircraft did not respond to the requests of the Manager. “The purpose of military interception — to force the bogey to reconnect with the local managers of the Federal office of civil aviation and force the pilot to follow their instructions for making a safe landing and further action” — said in a NORAD statement. During the interception for which the jets scored a supersonic speed, was able to establish contact with the aircraft. Earlier, on 18 February it was reported that a car from the motorcade of President of trump in Florida “hit some object”. Law enforcement bodies assume that the

Lavrov has accused the head of the EU diplomacy in the Freudian slip

Federica Mogherini The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini made the so-called Freudian slip, speaking of the Minsk agreements. On Saturday, February 18, informs TV channel REN TV. According to the head of the foreign Ministry, the reservation Mogherini that the EU “will have to wait until Russia will concede,” depart from Minsk agreements, carries a hidden meaning. The phrase contains a hint of the authorities of the European Union that Kiev is behaving correctly during the conflict in the Donbass, Lavrov explained. Mogherini during her speech at the Munich security conference, also said that Western sanctions against Russia will remain in place as long as Moscow is not fully fulfilling the Minsk agreement, reports TASS. The politician noted that the European Union is interested in maintaining international support for these agreements. “If you talk

When derailment in Belgium a man was killed

In Belgium derailed a passenger train. On Saturday, February 18, according to VTM NIEUWS. According to the newspaper, one person was killed and about 20 wounded. Only the train was about 100 people. The incident occurred near the station of Leuven. The train route in the direction of De Panne. Currently, the movement of trains in the area of the accident is suspended. On site working staff of the emergency services. Photo from the scene posted on Twitter by the user @FrederikVranken. It shows one of the cars overturned. At the end of January in a train accident in India killed 23 people. Then the rails came off the locomotive and seven carriages of the train Jagdalpur — Bhubaneswar.

In Munich began the meeting of foreign Ministers “channel four”

Sergei Lavrov In Munich started meeting of foreign Ministers of the countries “Norman Quartet.” On Saturday, February 18, reports “Interfax”. Participate in the negotiations of the foreign Ministers of Russia, Germany, Ukraine and France — Sergey Lavrov, Sigmar Gabriel, Jean-Marc Ayrault and Pavlo Klimkin. The main theme of the meeting is expected to be the implementation of the Minsk agreements and escalation in the Donbass. Negotiations take place in the framework of the Munich conference on security issues. The last meeting of foreign Ministers of the Quartet took place in November 2016 in Minsk. The aggravation of the situation in the South-East of Ukraine began in late January after the APU attempts to go on the offensive. The battles of Avdiyivka were the most violent since August 2015, when Kiev security forces conducted massive bombardment of the territory of the DNI. The Minsk agreement is the document agreed at the

Russia has refused to remove sanctions against the EU before the implementation of the Minsk agreements

Russian sanctions against the European Union will not be lifted until the full implementation of the Minsk agreements. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov at the Munich security conference, reports “Interfax” on Saturday, February 18. “We also want the Minsk agreements to be fulfilled, and we are their sanctions will not be off the EU, while the Minsk agreement are not met. It is also necessary to understand,” said the Minister. “Regarding sanctions, I have already spoken about how in General is illogical and sounds artificially formula: Minsk agreements must be fulfilled by Russia and then the European Union will lift the sanctions”, — he added. The Minsk agreement is the document agreed at the summit in Minsk in February 2015 leaders of Germany, France, Ukraine and Russia in the format “channel four” to de-escalate the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine. Western

Vice-President of the USA said about the responsibility of Russia in Minsk agreements

Mike Pence Washington continues to impose on Russia responsible for the implementation of the Minsk agreements. This was stated by Vice-President Mike Pence at the Munich security conference, said on Saturday, February 18, Reuters. “The United States will continue to place the responsibility on Russia, even while we search for new points of interaction, which, as you know, the President [Donald] trump believes that it is possible to find” — he said. Pence also noted that the United States strongly supports NATO and unwavering in its commitment to the Alliance. The Minsk agreement is the document agreed at the summit in Minsk in February 2015 leaders of Germany, France, Ukraine, Russia in the format “channel four” to de-escalate the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine. Western countries constantly laying on Moscow responsibility for their execution, and attribute this to the lifting of sanctions imposed over the Ukrainian conflict. In