In the US the number of leaks of classified data has doubled in a year

Donald Trump In the United States in 2016, the number of leaks of classified information has more than doubled compared to the previous year. As reported on Thursday, March 2, TASS, it follows from official statistics of the U.S. Department of justice, transferred to the Federation of American scientists (FAA) on the basis of the law on freedom of information. According to estimates of the Ministry of justice, last year the competent authorities of the United States informed him of 37 signals about detected incidents of “unauthorized disclosure of classified information.” A year earlier the figure was 18. The Agency argues that at present, against the administration of U.S. President Donald trump conducted a deliberate campaign by getting in the media supposedly confirming the communication environment of the head of state and himself with Russia. In turn, the FAA believes that the problem of leaks of classified data in the

WSJ learned on considering US the opportunity to use military force against North Korea

Donald Trump The administration of U.S. President Donald trump does not exclude the use of military force against North Korea. On Wednesday, March 1, reported The Wall Street Journal. According to him, currently, Washington is studying possible measures to address Pyongyang. It is reported that among them also is seen the regime change in the DPRK. On 28 February, the TV channel CNN, citing a senior source in the White house reported that trump said the main threat to the United States to North Korea and its nuclear program. According to the interlocutor of the channel, the day before the American leader met with a representative of China and urged Beijing, which has serious levers of pressure upon the DPRK, taking advantage of them. The last time trump mentioned North Korea. So, in mid-January after tests by DPRK ballistic missiles of a new type, he promised “very determined” to do

The Democrats urged the US attorney General to resign because of conversations with the Russian Ambassador

Jeff Sessions Democratic leaders in Congress called on attorney General Jeff and Roman sessions to resign after Wednesday, March 1, it became known that he had twice met with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak for a few months before the presidential election and at the hearing on the question of his claim had concealed this fact. This writes the newspaper Politico. The leader of the democratic minority in the House of representatives Nancy Pelosi, representing California, led the campaign for the resignation of the Prosecutor General, accusing him of lying under oath. Pelosi in her statement called for the establishment of an independent bipartisan Commission to investigate the political, personal and financial connections of President Donald trump with the representatives of Russia. About contacts and Roman sessions Kislyak wrote the Washington Post. According to sources, it was in July and September of 2016, when sessions was in the leadership of the

Malaysia after the assassination of Kim Jong-Nam will cancel visa-free entry for North Korea

The Airport Of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia will cancel visa-free entry for citizens of the DPRK. As stated by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the tightening of the regime will come into force from Monday, March 6, reports Reuters. Now the North Koreans will be required to obtain an entry visa. Change the order, the official explained by interests of national security. The decision was made two weeks later, after Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, was assassinated in the airport of Kuala Lumpur with toxic substances nervously-paralytic action. South Korea and the United States argue that he was killed by agents of the North Korean regime. Earlier it was reported that on suspicion of involvement in the crime arrested a citizen of Malaysia, born in the DPRK Ri Jong Chol, a citizen of Vietnam and a citizen of Indonesia. The last — 25-year-old Siti Aisha got

In the United States when an apartment fire killed four children

In the US there was a fire with fatalities. On Thursday, March 2, reports the electronic version of The Daily Mail, citing a representative of the Sheriff’s Department Douglas County Does Hutson. According to him, the fire happened on March 1 at about 14:00 local time in one of the buildings of the town of riddle (Oregon, USA). In the result the couple, 39-year-old James Keith and 38-year-old Tabitha Annette Howell, and 13-year-old Andrew Hall-young, brother, husband, suffered burns and was taken to the medical centre within 200 kilometres of Portland. Their condition is estimated as extremely serious. Four children were killed. It is a native of the couple’s children four year old Gwendolyn, a seven year old Haile Meyer, 10-year-old Isaiah young, as well as 13-year-old adopted son Nicholas lowes The causes of the incident are being investigated. According to preliminary data, the version of arson is not a

Italian politician under investigation for euthanasia paralyzed DJ

Marco Cappato Italian politician Marco Cappato became involved in the investigation after euthanasia of DJ Fabio Antonini. On Wednesday, March 1, according to La Stampa, According to the publication, 27 February the musician, known for under the creative name of DJ Fabo, voluntarily resigned from the life in a Swiss clinic. After a car accident in 2014 in India, he was blinded and paralyzed. In January, Antoniani with the help of his girlfriend recorded videoprobe to the Italian President to give him the right to euthanasia at home. The government passed a law, and relatives of the victim decided to go to a medical center in Switzerland. Cappato helped them in this matter. 28 Feb politician himself came to the police in Milan and told how he helped a paralyzed DJ to fulfil his desire, and now continues to assist others in the same hopeless patients. Then Cappato were made

In the suburbs of Paris and detained four suspects of preparing terrorist attack

Four people arrested in the suburbs of Paris on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack. On Wednesday, March 1, reports Reuters, citing a source in legal circles. He said that the arrest was made in the commune of Clichy-sous-Bois to the East of the French capital. All four members of the same family, they were taken to a police station, preliminary investigation. According to the Agency, in January in one of the houses in this district were found components used to make bombs, including acetone and sulfuric acid. Traces of DNA remaining in the tanks managed to reach the suspects. In February it was reported a number of arrests in France in connection with the possible preparations of the attacks. On 10 February it became known about the arrest of three men and a 16 year old girl, during the search they found ingredients needed for the production of explosives

Announced a new job former U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry

John Kerry Former U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry will become the expert of the Carnegie endowment in Washington. On Thursday, March 2, RIA Novosti reported with reference to President of the organization William burns. According to him, the experience of Kerry is a critical need Fund. “The commitment of John Kerry’s peace in the world meets the mission of the Carnegie Foundation,” said burns, who once was Deputy Kerry. It is reported that former us Secretary of state focus on the problems of settlement of international conflicts and challenges in the field of environmental protection. In mid-February it became known that the diplomat will join the faculty at Yale University. A graduate of Yale in 1966, will lead the project “Kerry Initiative”, devoted to world politics. John Kerry 73. He served as Secretary of state since February 1, 2013 and left it on 20 January 2017 after the Obama

In the British Parliament called for dialogue with Russia

Britain should cooperate with Russia, and refusal to cooperate with the government cannot be called a viable option of foreign policy, as Russia is a state with nuclear weapons and a member of the UN security Council. This is stated in the report of the international Committee of the house of Commons of the British Parliament. As noted, the UK can work with the government of Russia, but without having to make concessions in the sphere of morality and legality, to sacrifice their values and standards. The Committee recommended to allocate the analysis of relations with Russia even more resources in the Ministry of foreign Affairs and to consider the appointment of officials at the Ministerial level, responsible for relations with the Russian Federation. Russia’s actions in Ukraine and in Syria, parliamentarians called the most pressing foreign policy challenges in relations between Moscow and London. “Ukraine should choose their own

The court reversed the payment Breivik for inhumane treatment in prison

Anders Breivik The court of appeal Borgarting (Norway) reversed the decision of a lower court on payment of the terrorist Anders Breivik compensation for inhumane treatment in prison. On Wednesday, March 1, according to Reuters. The court in particular considered that the rights of a prisoner, isolated in a three-room chamber not violated. The verdict States that the conditions of his detention is justified because he did not repent, and posing a threat. Also, the court noted that other prisoners can attack the terrorist. Lawyer øystein Storvik (Oystein Storrvik), representing the interests of Breivik, told the newspaper VG about the intention to appeal the decision of the court of appeal. 20 April last year the district court in Oslo found partially substantiated the claim in Breivik’s conditions of detention in prison. The terrorist claimed that he brought cold coffee and microwaved food, and also expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that