Began the disarmament of the FARC rebels under UN control

The UN mission in Colombia, the beginning of control over the process of disarmament of fighters of the rebel group “Revolutionary armed forces of Colombia” (FARC or FARC). As reported TASS, told reporters the official representative of the Secretary-General of the world organization Stefan Dujarric. According to him, this process will take three months and will end on 29 may, after 180 days after the entry into force of the final agreement between the government and rebels. To check and register the weapon to be folded into special containers will be 450 international observers. The process will take place in 26 special protection areas in the country, where former rebels will prepare to return to normal life. In these zones, according to the UN, arrived almost seven thousand members of the FARC. Peace Treaty at the second attempt was signed on 24 November 2016, the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel

Germany has canceled a speech by Turkish Minister before Erdogan’s supporters

Bekir Bozdag Scheduled meeting of the Minister of justice of Turkey Bekir Bozdag was cancelled by decision of the Council of the city of Gaggenau in the South-East of Germany. About it reports Reuters. Bozdag was going to speak to supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. City officials said that the alleged grounds for the event is too small for the expected audience. Turkish policies intended to achieve broad support for an upcoming referendum on the issue of granting wider powers to the President of Turkey. The Agency notes that the actions of the Bozdag has caused dissatisfaction of the German population. He called the fact of cancellation of the event “unacceptable.” Authorities Gaggenau noted that it is unknown whether the Union of European Turkish Democrats (UETD) to find another place to the speech of the Minister. A new round of escalation in the Turkish-German relations occurred after the

Pomochivshimsya on the detained Palestinian Israeli policeman will go on trial

Israeli police to stand trial for being pissed on handcuffed Palestinian. It is reported The Independent on Thursday, 2 March. This incident occurred in 2007. Two police officers accused of physical and sexual abuse of detainees. However, the internal security Service of the Ministry of justice of Israel did not find sufficient grounds for initiating proceedings against a patrol. However, lawyers managed to reopen the investigation in relation to one of the guards. During the proceedings, the suspect denied urinating. However, after the defense has presented the results of the DNA examination, he acknowledged that it happened. Thus, according to him, it was an accident — allegedly at the time when he celebrated small need, handcuffed Palestinian man pushed him, and drops of urine hit the victim’s clothing. The officer also claimed that initially gave false evidence because of feelings of shame and embarrassment. In the end, the members of

Russia protested to Bulgaria because of the desecration of the monument “Alyosha”

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia sent a protest note to the foreign Ministry of Bulgaria in connection with the act of vandalism against the monument “Alyosha”. About this informed the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, reports TASS. According to her, the document was expressed a serious concern of the Russian side cynicism of that wrongful act. The attack on the monument was committed on February 22. Unknown inflicted on the monument to Nazi symbols and slogans of the nationalist content. This day was officially declared by the Bulgarian government of the day thanking the individuals who resisted Nazism in the Republic of Bulgaria. “Alyosha” — a monument to Soviet soldier-liberator, established in 1957 in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv on the Bunardzhik hill (“hill of the Liberators”). In the post-Soviet time, local authorities have repeatedly urged to demolish the monument. In 1996, the Supreme court

Media reported about the detention of Russians with explosives in the Egyptian airport

Airport Borg El Arab At the airport of the Egyptian city of Alexandria, detained the citizen of Russia who attempted to smuggle in Luggage explosives. On Thursday, March 2, according to the Egyptian Independent, citing a source at the airport Borg El Arab. The man allegedly tried to get on Board of Turkish Airlines, which was supposed to fly to Istanbul. Egyptian Independent notes that employees of the security service of the air Harbor in the inspection notice in the Luggage of a Russian suspicious object. The place was called the bomb squad, who identified it as an improvised explosive device. In fact the incident initiated the investigation, which will deal with prosecutors. Meanwhile, TASS claims that the information about the explosives in the Luggage of a Russian was not confirmed. A source at the airport told the news Agency that the man was suspected of trying to smuggle an

Human rights activists protested over the brutal search of prisoners in the Philippines

Published naked pictures of prisoners during the inspection of Philippine prison has generated a wave of discontent on the part of the defenders and the subsequent prosecution of President Rodrigo Duterte in violation of the rights and freedoms of the individual. About it reports The South China Morning Post. Inmates in the prison in the Cebu provincial woke at dawn, brought to the yard of the correctional institution and forced to strip naked for screening storage of drugs. At this time, the police and the military searched the camera. Philippine Federal office of drug control issued a statement, which refers to multiple packages of methamphetamine and marijuana discovered in the search. Human rights activists from Amnesty International condemned the police action and described the incident as “cruel, inhumane and degrading”. Their colleagues from Human Rights Watch drew the attention of the authorities in the Philippine laws that prohibit torture and

Pyongyang announced its own version of the death of Korean at the airport of Kuala Lumpur

Kim Jong-Nam North Korean authorities suggested that the deceased at the airport of Kuala Lumpur people — Malaysia argues that it is the brother of the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-Nam has died of a heart attack. About it reports Reuters. Former Deputy permanent representative to the UN Ri Ton Il also said that if the authorities of Malaysia there is evidence of poisoning of the deceased, the samples detected substances need to pass for research in the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW). Kim Jong-Nam, was killed at the airport in Kuala Lumpur with toxic substances nervously-paralytic action. South Korea and the United States argue that he was killed by agents of the North Korean regime. Pyongyang does not recognize that the victim — it’s Kim Jong Nam. Earlier it was reported that on suspicion of involvement in the crime arrested a citizen of Malaysia, born

The European Parliament stripped Le Pen’s parliamentary immunity

Marine Le Pen The European Parliament (EP) voted for the lifting of parliamentary immunity with his colleagues, the leader of French “National front” (NF) Marin Le Pen. About it reports Reuters. The decision was made at the request of French law enforcement agencies conducting the investigation against Le Pen into the distribution of visual images that contain scenes of violence. In December 2015, the national front leader has published in his microblog three pictures with scenes of executions, including the picture, which was captured the moment of the decapitation of American journalist James Foley by militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). The presence of parliamentary immunity gave the possibility of Le Pen’s to avoid prosecution. If the court finds politician guilty, she could face up to three years in prison and a fine of up to 75 thousand euros. Against Le Pen, is also

Media reported about the withdrawal of the militants of the “Islamic state” from Palmyra

The militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), leaving the Syrian city of Palmyra. On Thursday, March 2, according to the District. It is noted that the extremist forces had withdrawn from most of the city, mined the houses and roads. As reports TASS with reference to the newspaper Al-Watan previously reported that Syrian troops from the center of Palmyra are only a kilometer. Fighting with extremists was in the South-Western parts of the city. On February 27 it became known that the units of Syrian government troops, backed by allied militia forces drove the terrorists of ISIS from the strategic height 939,5 near Palmyra. The attack at Palmyra began in mid-January and after a pause resumed on 6 February. The city was liberated from the militants in the spring of 2016, but in December they took it back.

The North Koreans via balloons will talk about the murder of Kim Jong-Nam

South Korean activists are using balloons are going to tell the citizens of North Korea about killing of Kim Jong-Nam — the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. About it reports The South China Morning Post Thursday, March 2. Inside balloons that will be sent to the DPRK side, will leaflets with a description of the circumstances of the incident and photographs of Kim Jong-Nam, including suicide picture taken at the clinic in the airport of Kuala Lumpur. Kim Jong-UN in these Epistles to be named “devil-Slayer”. According to the activists, the leader of North Korea killed a family member, that he did not claim power. The first balls will fly across the border with the North in mid-March. Kim Jong-Nam, was killed at the airport in Kuala Lumpur with toxic substances nervously-paralytic action. South Korea and the United States argue that he was killed by agents of the