American biologist spoke about the Pope’s call to limit the birth rate

Peter Raven American biologist Peter Raven talked about the fact that Pope Francis urged those who could not support their children properly, to limit the birth rate. It is reported by Life Site News. Speaking at a conference in Rome organized by the Vatican, Raven said: “At some point we will reach the maximum population that can afford it. That is why Pope Francis, like his predecessors, always asked not to have more children than you can properly contain.” According to Raven, to refer to the Pope, this is necessary in order to ensure sustainable development of all mankind: overpopulation leads to social inequality, as resources are unevenly distributed. The Raven said that is against artificial contraceptive methods that are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Vatican statements of the biologist have not commented on. The Catholic Church categorically rejects abortion, as well as any artificial contraception. While

Merkel said Erdogan on comparing the policy of Germany with the Nazis

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that he sees “absolutely no justification” to the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan about Nazism. About it reports Reuters. According to the Chancellor, Erdogan’s statements “bottomless pit devalues the suffering of those who became victims of Nazi crimes against humanity.” While Merkel assured that the German government remains committed to the principles of freedom of press, speech and Assembly and will not interfere with the agitation of the Turkish politicians in Germany ahead of the constitutional referendum, as they respected German laws. 5 Mar Recep Tayyip Erdogan has compared the ban on campaign in Germany in support of it with the Nazis. “You have nothing to do with democracy and you should know that your current actions are no different from the actions of the Nazis,” he said at a rally in Istanbul. Earlier German authorities have banned two rallies of the local Turkish

Hollande decided to stop Le Pen coming to power

Francois Hollande French President Francois Hollande said he is obliged to prevent the victory of marine Le Pen in the next elections of the President. About it reports Reuters. “My sacred duty is to ensure that people with this program do not win in France and that France will not have to carry a heavy responsibility in case of their success,” explained Hollande, commenting on probable prospects of the victory of the party leader “national front”. At the moment, judging by the polls, Le Pen, head of the “national front” in 2011, is a leader in the struggle for the sympathy of voters. She was ready to vote on 27 percent of the French. Presidential elections will be held in France in April-may of 2017. In addition to Le Pen, in the struggle for a post of the head of state will attend the candidate from right party “the Republicans”

Eight Zambians died in a stampede on the distribution of free food

At least eight people died during a stampede during the distribution of food rations to the poor in the Zambian capital, Lusaka. On Monday, March 6, reports Reuters citing local police. According to the guards, another 28 people were injured. Just for the free food came about 35 thousand people. The distribution of aid was organized by the international religious organization “Church of Christ” (Church of Christ). Law enforcement authorities had to disperse the crowd. On the fact of death launched an investigation. In February 76 people were injured in a stampede that occurred at the stadium during a football match between two teams from the city of Uige in the North of Angola. 17 of them later died. Zambia is one of the poorest countries in the world. According to various estimates, from 60 to 80 percent of the population lives below the poverty line.

Hollande said Russia’s influence on public opinion in Europe

Francois Hollande Russia’s participation in resolving international conflicts is dictated by its desire to test the ability of Western countries to counter. In an interview with several European publications, said the President of France Francois Hollande, reports on Monday, March 6, The Guardian. “Russia is approved as a world power (…). Russia is using all means to influence public opinion”, — leads edition of the words of the French leader. Hollande also said that “ideology is not the same as in the days of the Soviet Union, but often use the same tools plus new technologies.” He called to “unmask the ideological operation”, which carries Russia in the world. “We need to explain who is who and who funds what. And why all these extreme right-wing movements in one degree or another connected with Russia”, — said Hollande. The President stressed the need to continue dialogue with Moscow, adding that

Juppe refused to run for President of France instead of Fillon

Alain Juppe Former Prime Minister of France and mayor of Bordeaux Alain Juppe refused to replace françois Fillon as a candidate from the largest opposition party in the country the Republicans in the presidential election. On Monday, March 6, reports Reuters. “Declare once and for all that will not be a candidate for the presidential elections”, — quotes RIA Novosti the words of the policy. He noted that currently it is very difficult to unite the ranks of the Republicans and, moreover, “voters want new faces”. While Juppe criticized the current representative of “Republicans” in presidential elections. According to the Agency, the former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy called for party members, Fillon and Juppe is to hold a meeting in the evening of 6 March in order to discuss what is happening. March 5, Fillon said he did not intend to refuse participation in the presidential campaign and nobody

The debt to the builders of the Eastern

The arrears of wages to employees of Pacific bridge construction company (TMK), which is building the Vostochny cosmodrome, was fully repaid. On Monday, March 6, RIA Novosti reported, citing the Prosecutor’s office of Primorye. “In the period from 22 APR 2015 to present CJSC “Pacific bridge construction company” employees were paid salary arrears for a total amount of 285 million rubles”, — stated in the message. In November 2016, the court sentenced the former head of TMK to 3.5 years in prison for misappropriation of funds in the amount of 1.7 million rubles. Earlier in 2015 against the company management was excited a number of criminal cases. In August 2015, the Arbitration court of Primorsky Krai recognized TMK bankrupt. In may of the same year it was reported that “Dalspetsstroy” listed four subcontractors involved in the construction of the cosmodrome East, 54.9 million rubles. In April 2015 a group of

Media reported about the detention involved in the murder of Ambassador Charles Russians

In Ankara arrested 33-year-old Russian suspected of involvement in the murder of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey Andrey Karlov. It is known that her name is Catherine. On Monday, March 6, writes Yeni Akit Gazetesi. Exactly how is the woman related to the murder of a diplomat, not reported. However, according to the publication, before the end of November she was in contact with the direct executor of murder, Mevlut by the MERT Altıntaş, including through the WhatsApp messenger. It is also noted that Catherine may be involved in the organization of prostitution in five star hotels of Ankara.

Berlin called cowardly comparison of Erdogan’s policy of the German authorities with Nazism

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Power and politics, Germany has criticized Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for comparing a ban on rallies in his support in Germany with the Nazis. About this reports Deutsche Welle. Minister of justice of Germany Heiko Maas has called Erdogan’s statements “vile, incomprehensible and unacceptable” and urged “to reject them in the strongest terms”. The leader of the faction of the Christian democratic Union (CDU) in the Bundestag, Volker Kauder also called the statement of the Turkish leader is unacceptable. “The fact that the President of a country that is a member of NATO, speaks of another country, member of NATO — is unbelievable and unacceptable,” — quoted the Deputy ARD. In turn, the Deputy head of the CDU Julia klöckner demanded that Erdogan apologize. “Outrageous, arrogant history is forgotten!” she wrote on Twitter. Secretary General of the Christian social Union Andreas Scheuer in an interview with

The President of Republika Srpska considered the question of Crimea is solved

Milorad Dodik The question of the annexation of Crimea to Russia is solved the will of the people, which must be respected. This was stated by the President of the Republic of Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik in an interview with “Izvestia” published on Monday, March 6. “Crimea went to Russia on the referendum and the will of the people must be respected. The Crimean issue is resolved,” said Dodik. He accused the West of double standards, noting that he did not recognize the results of the voting in the Crimea, but at the same time considered the solution of the political elite in Kosovo, where the referendum was not. The President of Republika Srpska also expressed the view that many European countries support the lifting of sanctions against Russia, “these sentiments are only growing”. “They tried to economically weaken Russia, but they suffered serious economic losses. In Brussels stated that