Sociologists have estimated the number of victims of corruption in the Asia-Pacific region

About 900 million people living in the Asia-Pacific region (APR), were forced to pay bribes in 2016. This is stated in the report of the NGO Transparency International, published on its website. The highest level of corruption was identified in India and Vietnam, where almost two thirds of respondents are unable to access public services without additional cash incentives to the officials. Less often with bribery faced by the people of Japan, South Korea and Australia. Almost a third of respondents reported that bribery by the police. In other areas, including education and health, this indicator was lower. Bribers are more likely to be younger than 35 years (34 percent) and representatives of the poor (38 percent). Men and women faced with a corrupt, almost equally often (30 and 27 percent, respectively). The survey involved more than 20 thousand people from 16 countries and territories in the Asia Pacific region.

The United States started the deployment of missile defense in South Korea

Protests in South Korea against the government’s decision on the deployment of the US THAAD The United States began deploying the first elements of missile defense in South Korea. It is reported by Reuters on Tuesday, 7 March. “The continuing provocative actions of North Korea, including yesterday’s launch of several missiles, only confirm the correctness of our last year’s decision to deploy THAAD in South Korea”, — said the head of Pacific command of the U.S. Armed forces Admiral Harry Harris. According to the Agency, the deployment of the system will be completed in a month or two it will start functioning in April. North Korea launched rockets on March 6 at 07:36 local time (01:36 MSK) from the province’s Do. Presumably, it is a test of Intercontinental ballistic missile KN-08 & KN-14. The launch coincided with South Korea’s large-scale Korean-American military exercises. On the same day, North Korean Agency

The WSJ reported the toughening of US policy towards Russia

Donald Trump The administration of U.S. President Donald trump launched a surprise tightening of policy towards Russia that is approved in a number of allies of Washington in Europe. According to The Wall Street Journal. According to the publication, the election trump President of the United States has caused joy both in Russia and trouble Europe. Now, however, these attitudes began to change. “After taking office, he appointed a number of key aides who are the hardliners in the Kremlin’s attitude; how it seemed in the beginning, they adhered to other than the President, views. Trump himself was more to speak in support of NATO, in particular during his address to the U.S. Congress last week”, — quotes extracts from the article TASS. The WSJ said that with harsh criticism against Moscow was made by Fiona hill, which has become the trump Advisor for Europe and Russia in the White

The foreign Minister of Canada said about the destabilizing role of Russia in her country

Chrystia Freeland The Minister of foreign Affairs of Canada Chrystia Freeland said that Russia may destabilize the situation in her country. About it reports Reuters. She recalled that, according to U.S. intelligence, Moscow has attempted to undermine the political system of the United States. “I think that Canadians and other Western countries really have to be ready for such efforts against us,” said Freeland. January 6 was published declassified version of the report prepared by the Central intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) and national security Agency (NSA) of the USA. The paper argues that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally gave the order to start a campaign with the aim of influencing the political process in the United States and to discredit the candidate in presidents from Democratic party Hillary Clinton for the victory of her opponent Donald trump. Moscow all such accusations have consistently rejected. Freeland, appointed

Investigators have confirmed the involvement of the President of South Korea for bribery

Park Geun-Hye At the end of 70-day investigation into the biggest corruption scandal in South Korea investigators have confirmed the involvement of President Park Geun-Hye and her entourage to corruption and abuse of power. On Monday, March 6, said the Agency “Yonhap”. Investigators believe the President was an accomplice to receiving bribes her friend Choi sung-SIL from the leadership of Samsung in exchange for business support Corporation of the state. In addition, the investigators came to the conclusion that Park Geun-Hye was in course of preparation by the Ministry of culture of South Korea blacklist of 9473 artists, who are critical of the presidential administration. Also, the President and her friend, for fear of wiretaps, used for talks from April to October 2016 mobile phones registered to other persons is a violation of the laws of South Korea. Political scandal in South Korea led to the impeachment of Park Geun-Hye

The Embassy has requested information about the arrest of the Russians in the case of the murdered Ambassador Charles

The Russian Embassy in Ankara sent an official request to the Turkish side in connection with the appearance in the media publications about the arrest of the Russians allegedly linked to the murder of Ambassador Andrei Karlov. On Monday, March 6, “Interfax” reported the press attache of the Embassy, Irina Kasimova. “The answer is not yet received,” she said. Previously, a number of Turkish publications, including Yeni Akit Gazetesi, reported the arrest of 33-year-old Russian woman Catherine (surname not stated). It was noted that until the end of November 2016, she maintained contact with the direct executor of murder, Mevlut by MERT altıntaş a, also called the Russian cultural center in Ankara. In addition, the article claimed that a Russian citizen allegedly involved in the organization of prostitution in five star hotels in the city. The Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov was killed on December 19 last year during

Ahmadinejad got himself a Twitter

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad started a microblog in English and Farsi. The first entry reads: “In the name of God, let there be peace with all peoples of the Earth who love freedom.” Another message dedicated to the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. “Chavez lives and will live while alive, humanity, freedom and truth. He will be back as well as return the freedom and justice,” he wrote. — Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (@Ahmadinejad1956) 05 March 2017, 12:33 The authenticity of microblog confirmed by the video, which the politician recorded specially for the occasion. Ahmadinejad himself on Twitter describes as a “husband, father, grandfather, a University Professor, the President, the mayor and a proud citizen of Iran.” Ahmadinejad is known as one of the toughest advocates of Internet censorship in the country. The microblogging service Twitter is blocked in Iran since 2009. In September 2013, Twitter was suddenly unlocked,

Us Marines posted a photo of naked colleagues

U.S. Department of defense is investigating reports of deployment of us military photos of naked female soldiers online. It is reported by Marine Corps Times. The picture shows how women in the military, and others, the identity of which has not yet been set. Photos were published on the page in Facebook United Marines, numbering about 30 thousand subscribers. Among them are active Marines of great Britain and the United States, Navy doctors, and soldiers of the United States Navy, retired. The criminal investigations began an investigation on this case. At the moment it is unknown how many people involved in the incident. Apparently, we are talking about several hundred Marines. As the newspaper notes, is currently a photo removed. The corps commander U.S. marine corps General Robert Neller declined to comment on the investigation, but condemned the actions of subordinates. He pointed to the importance of trust and mutual

The Russian Embassy condemned the extension of Canada’s military mission in Ukraine

The Russian Embassy in Ottawa has condemned the decision by the canadian authorities to extend the military mission in Ukraine. A statement posted on Twitter of the Russian Embassy. “The government’s decision to extend Canada’s military mission in Ukraine, is counterproductive and does not contribute to the domestic political process, including direct dialogue between Kiev and Donbas, as prescribed by the Minsk agreements,” — said in a statement. As stressed by Russian diplomats that Canada should exert pressure on the authorities in Kiev that they have fulfilled their obligations under the Minsk agreements and focused on the achievement of a peaceful solution instead of military action. Earlier, the Minister of national defence of Canada harjit Sajjan said that his country intends to extend the mission for the preparation of the Ukrainian military for another two years. In late January, the situation deteriorated in the conflict zone in the Donbass. This

The DPRK is banned from leaving the country, the staff of the Embassy of Malaysia

DPRK authorities have imposed a ban on leaving the country the staff of the Embassy of Malaysia. It is reported TASS with reference to the message widespread by the official North Korean news Agency KCNA. It is clarified that the ban would apply to “arrive at a just decision in the case of the death of a citizen of the DPRK in Malaysia”. As explained in Pyongyang, the North Korean foreign Ministry demands from the Malaysian authorities to ensure the safety of the employees of the Embassy of the DPRK in Kuala Lumpur. In turn, the Malaysian police said that two North Koreans, who wanted to question in connection with the murder of a citizen of the DPRK in Malaysia, hiding in the Embassy of North Korea. According to the chief of police how long they want to hide in the Embassy is a matter of time, reports Reuters. He