In Zimbabwe, the 14 members of one family died on the way to the funeral

In Zimbabwe, 14 people died on the way to the funeral in the collision of a truck with a van. On Thursday, March 9, according to local newspaper the Chronicle. According to the publication, all crashed, presumably, were members of the same family — they were heading to a funeral in the town of Masvingo. The accident occurred March 8 at about 22:00 local time (23:00 GMT). The cause of the accident was not determined, but, according to eyewitnesses, the truck drove in the ditch, then crashed into a van. According to the representative of the emergency services and 13 people died on the spot, five survivors were hospitalized. One of them later died in hospital. In January of this year, lightning killed six people came to the funeral in Zimbabwe. The incident occurred in the province of Matabeleland North West of the country. The villagers gathered to bury the

Near Palmyra discovered a place of mass executions

About liberated from the terrorists of the banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” in the Syrian city of Palmyra found a place of mass executions. It is reported by RT. TV team found the bodies of the soldiers of Syrian government forces killed in the attack on the city of terrorists and executed after his fall. From one of the bodies were separated head. Representatives of the armed forces said that he had received clear evidence of war crimes committed by radical Islamists, but can’t continue further exploration of the findings: the whole area is mined, and available forces to conduct demining operations have no army. To help the Syrian side in the city was sent to the Russian engineers. 2 March 2017 it became known that the Syrian Armed forces with the support of the aerospace defence forces of Russia completed the operation to take Palmyra. The town was

The US government reported on the success of the policy of trump against illegal migrants

The U.S. government reported a sharp decline in the number of Mexican illegal immigrants crossing the border. This was announced by the Minister of internal security of the United States John Kelly, his words reports BBC News. “The administration’s decision on the strengthening of migration controls beginning to be implemented, and the number of wrongful acts and detention is approaching its lowest level in five years,” the Minister explained. According to him, in February the border illegally tried to pass slightly less than 19 thousand people, while in January this indicator has exceeded 31.5 thousand. 25 Jan trump has signed the decree about the protection of state borders, involving the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico. According to the President, the construction will begin soon and will initially be financed from the budget of the United States, however Mexico reimburses 100 percent of costs.

The fire in the orphanage of Guatemala killed 19 people

At least 19 people were killed, 38 suffered burns and injuries from a fire at the orphanage, located 25 kilometers from the capital of Guatemala. It is noted that 14 people are in critical condition. Video from the scene publishes Ruptly. The orphanage is home to children aged under 18 years who were left unattended, became victims of trafficking or had been subjected to abuse in the family. It is designed for 500 children, but in the time of the fire there were about 800 people. As marks “bi-Bi-si”, the causes of the incident are still unknown. The police, however, said that was set on fire mattresses.

In Dusseldorf evacuated more than 8 thousand people from US bomb during the war

In Dusseldorf, Germany eight thousand people were evacuated after construction workers in the pit found a bomb during the Second world war. It is reported by the Rheinische Post. American explosive device weighing half a ton was found on the street Theodore, says Report-D. Night of March 8th their rooms left 250 guests of the hotels located near the site of bomb detection, and in the morning were closed the offices of companies located in the evacuation zone. Employees will be able to go to work after the bomb will be defused. The police said that the explosive device “very dangerous”. The plan to bomb defused on Thursday evening, March 9. During the works, in particular, will be difficult to travel to the airport, while the air harbour will operate in normal mode. At the end of December last year 54 thousand inhabitants of the German city of Augsburg were

Sociologists predicted the victory of the Macron in two rounds of presidential elections in France

Emmanuel Macron Former economy Minister of France, head of the movement “Forward!” Emmanuel macron, for the first time surpassed the leader of “National front” marine Le Pen the chance to win in the first round of presidential elections in France. About it reports on Thursday, March 9, RIA Novosti with reference to data of the polling company Harris Interactive. According to sociologists, the Makron will score in the first round, 26 percent of the vote, Le Pen — 25 percent, the candidate from the party “the Republicans” Francois Fillon earlier in the lead in the election race, is in third place with 20 percent of the vote. In the second round of the macron ahead of Le Pen by the number of votes by almost two times and will win a landslide victory (65% vs 35). A similar situation would be if, instead of Le Pen in the second round

Reuters has called the possible source of the leak of CIA documents

Secret CIA documents about hacking electronic gadgets could pass into the hands of WikiLeaks civil servants working under the contract. Their personalities are established. About it reports Reuters referring to a source in the intelligence service. It is noted that a possible leak of sensitive data by the CIA and law enforcement authorities suspected at the end of last year. In early March, when WikiLeaks published over 8.7 million documents, these fears were confirmed. In the materials, in particular, stated that the security services had a global program hacking gadgets including iPhone and devices operating systems Android and Windows. WikiLeaks claim that the CIA has lost control over the archive, and it is now available working for the government hackers and employees of contract organizations. Itself the Central intelligence Agency of the USA has not confirmed the authenticity of the published documents. Intelligence agencies are forced to hire people from

Congress banned the Pentagon to enter into contracts with Rosoboronexport

The house of representatives of the United States Congress approved the draft of the Pentagon’s budget for the 2017 fiscal year, which, in particular, provides for a ban on the cooperation of the military Department with Rosoboronexport. It is reported by RIA Novosti. For the document validity period to the end of September 2017, which provides for the allocation to the military 578 billion dollars, voted 371 Congressman, against 48. The bill prohibits the Pentagon to use funds allocated for contracts with Rosoboronexport. The ban should remain in place as long as the Corporation does not refuse to supply lethal weapons to Syria, and while “the Russian armed forces would not leave Crimea.” Exceptions may be made if, after consultation with the Secretary of state and Director of national intelligence will become clear that cooperation with the “Rosoboronexport” meets the interest of the United States. The head of the Pentagon

Danish student found on the farm the wreckage of German fighter aircraft and the remains of the pilot

Daniel Christensen amid the wreckage of a fighter A teenager from Denmark, doing a school assignment, found with his father on the farm the wreckage of German aircraft during the Second world war with the remains of the pilot in the cockpit. It is reported by CNN. 14-year-old Daniel Christiansen from Birkelse and his father Klaus stumbled upon the Messerschmidt fighter, when using a metal detector trying to find in the box of old utensils. “We went to the field with a metal detector. I was hoping that we will be able to find some old plates or anything else that Daniel could show you in school,” said Claus Christiansen. Instead of utensils, father and son found the wreckage of the plane. After that, they borrowed the neighbor’s backhoe, dug a pit. “First we dug out metal debris mixed with mud, and then suddenly came upon bones and pieces of

The White house estimated the chances of cooperation with Russia

The white house The white house believes that the chances of cooperation between the U.S. and Russia still exist. It is reported TASS with reference to Deputy assistant to the President for national security Michael Anton. “I think if there is a modality of cooperation that meets the interests, and our administration will be able to orderly work and consensus building of all stakeholders, I don’t think the window [of opportunity] will be closed,” said the official. Anton acknowledged that the information campaign in the media is not conducive to building relations with Russia, but “not predetermine its [process] outcomes”. To complete the process of harmonization of policy approaches that will take months, said the representative of the White house. However, he did not rule out that in the end, the attempt to negotiate with Moscow would be fruitless. “It is not excluded that we will have an interagency process