The German foreign Minister said about the fear of beginning a new arms race

Sigmar Gabriel Foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, said he feared the start of a new arms race in Europe. He said this at a press conference in Moscow after talks with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, reports “Interfax”. According to Gabriel, it is unclear how it is possible to reverse this trend, “we have reached a critical point”. “You can continue the escalation, referring only to his opinion, or again and again to try to understand what is happening on the other side, to understand and accept other interests,” he added. The foreign Minister also said that the attempt to find common ground is the only chance for the normalization of relations between Russia and the West. 5 February in an interview with German TV channel ARD Gabriel said that the possible rapprochement between the US and Russia could contribute to resolving international crises. “If between these two world

USA announced plans to release the RACC together with Turkey and the allies

The U.S. intends to carry out an operation to liberate the Syrian from Raqqa militants of the “Islamic state”, together with Turkey and coalition partners. About it RIA Novosti said the state Department. The representative of the Ministry recalled that “the Syrian democratic forces” (SDF) with the support of the US-led coalition since November 4, is already liberated from the terrorists about 6 thousand square kilometers of territory and more than 100 villages. SDF consists of armed groups of Kurds and Arabs, their approximate size — 50 thousand people. In November they started the operation to liberate Raqqa. Before the press Secretary of the SDF Talal Village said that the Association which he represents will not allow any involvement of Turkey in the liberation of Raqqa. He also called Turkey an “occupier of Northern Syria”. For his part, Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu announced that the operation to liberate Raqqa

Merkel condemned the Turkish authorities for the comparison of Germany with Nazi Germany

Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel again criticized the Turkish government for the comparison of the policy of the authorities of Germany with the Nazis. On Thursday, March 9, according to Spiegel. “They [those comparisons] are so inappropriate that they cannot comment seriously,” — said the head of the German government, noting that such statements “can never be justified, including a campaign in support of presidential system in Turkey.” Merkel, speaking in the Bundestag, noted that there are “deep differences” between Berlin and Ankara, and between Turkey and the European Union. German authorities have banned a presentation on the country of the two Turkish politicians who had to campaign living in Germany of Turkish citizens for the amendments to the Constitution envisaging strengthening the rule of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Turkish leader compared these restrictions with Nazi policies. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in turn, noted that such statements understate

The States of new York and Washington promised to challenge the new decree trump

Eric Schneiderman The States of new York and Washington has expressed its intention to challenge the new immigration decree of the President of the United States Donald trump. This follows from the statements of attorney General of new York Eric Schneiderman in his Twitter. “We will join the suit of the attorney General of the state of Washington against the second decree of the President of trump on “the ban on entry of Muslims”,” — said in a tweet. Earlier about intention to appeal against the decree of the tramp through the court expressed the state of Hawaii. A lawsuit was filed on Tuesday 7 March. The President signed a new Executive order to toughen immigration policy March 6. The document will come into force on 16 March. The decree banned for 90 days to enter the United States to citizens of Iran, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan.

At the train station Dusseldorf man with a hatchet attacking people

At the main station of düsseldorf armed with ax man attacked the people who were there, reports Deutsche Welle. The incident occurred on Thursday evening, March 9. Affected about five people. Police evacuated people from the building station. Two suspects arrested, the special operation is still ongoing. The movement of trains in the train station of düsseldorf is temporarily suspended. Before the attack man at people in a public place occurred in Heidelberg on 25 February. The driver of the car made arrival on group of pedestrians injured three people. The man tried to escape but was stopped 150 meters from the place of collision. He was armed with a knife. The police used weapons against the attacker, he was hospitalized.

Israel for the first time there will arrive the representative of the British Royal family

Theresa May A member of the British Royal family for the first time will pay an official visit to Israel in 2017. It is reported by The Independent, citing sources in the ruling circles of the United Kingdom. The trip will coincide with the centenary anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, which has testified the promise of London to contribute to the creation of a Jewish state in the middle East. British Prime Minister Theresa may said that the government will celebrate the centenary of the document. “It demonstrates the key role of Britain in the creation of the state of the Jewish people. We will celebrate this anniversary with pride,” she explained. Who is going to pay a visit, not reported, but Queen Elizabeth II is unlikely to be able to do it due to health problems the monarch refused most foreign trips. A likely candidate is Charles, Prince of

Donald Tusk elected European Council President

Donald Tusk The current President of the European Council pole Donald Tusk re-elected to this position. It is reported by the Express. The reassignment took place despite the opposition of Warsaw. As specifies the edition, the leader of the ruling Polish party “law and justice” (Pis) Jaroslaw Kaczynski believes that Tusk is the moral responsibility for the deaths in 2010 in the Smolensk plane crash of his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski. In this respect, Warsaw has advanced to the presidency of the European Council another candidate — the Deputy of Polish Parliament, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski. Tusk was born in Gdansk in 1980 he graduated from the historical faculty of the University of Gdansk. In 2001 he became one of the founders of the party “Civic platform”, which is headed as Chairman in 2003. From November 2007 till September 2014 he held the post of Prime Minister of Poland. August 30,

US thinking about the supply of ballistic missiles to allies in the Persian Gulf

Joseph Votel The United States is considering the possibility of supplying ballistic missiles to its allies in the Persian Gulf region. This was stated at hearings in senatorial Committee on armed forces the head of Central command of US Armed forces (CENTCOM), General Joseph Votel, reports TASS. On February 22 it became known that in Yemen, as a result of an attack with ballistic missiles killed the Deputy chief of the General staff of the country. “Major-General Ahmed Saif al-Yafei was killed along with several soldiers, when a rocket hit a military camp near the town of Moss in the predawn hour,” said one of the relatives of the deceased soldier. On 8 December last year, former US President Barack Obama has lifted restrictions on arms, ammunition and military equipment to the allies to combat terrorism in Syria. “To establish that the operations relating to the provision of military equipment

The Australian police went surfing in assault boat

Australian police seized an assault boat with the cost of 650 thousand dollars to get to the popular surfing Cape Corsair Rock, Victoria, after he was finished with the anti-terrorist exercises. On Thursday, March 9, reports the Australian newspaper the Age. According to the publication, the incident occurred last Thursday. Policemen who participated in anti-terrorist exercises in the Bay of Port Phillip, used inflatable boat with rigid hull, to get to the Cape, considered one of the most remote places in Victoria and is popular with surfers. The Sergeant and senior constable, who used the ship for personal reasons, was fined. It is noted that they are officers of the marine police. The publication adds that to Cape Le Corsaire-Rock can be reached exclusively by water. It is close to the National Park point Nepean and, according to BBC News, is one of the best places for surfing in the

In Belgium arrested a suspect in aiding terrorists woman

The Belgian Federal Prosecutor’s office announced the arrest of 24-year-old resident of the city of Wevelgem (West-Flanders), suspected of aiding terrorists. It is reported by When they searched her apartment, found no explosives or weapons. However, she was taken into custody. “Intelligence data indicates that this woman was ready to provide assistance to people who were planning to commit a terrorist attack in a European country”, — declared in Prosecutor’s office of the Kingdom. On 25 January in Brussels were likely detained several militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). Raids and searches were conducted at eight locations in various districts of the Kingdom — Molenbeek, Saerbeck, Anderlecht and Laeken. According to intelligence agencies, the detainees could return from Syria, where he participated in the fighting on the side of the IG. Five days earlier, a Belgian court sentenced to various terms of imprisonment