Refused to leave the Manhattan Prosecutor dismissed

Prit Bharara The Prosecutor of Manhattan (new York) prit Bharara who refused to voluntarily resign, dismissed by order of the US Department of justice. About Bharara reported on Saturday, March 11, in Twitter. “I have not resigned. Just fired me,” wrote Bharara, noting that it was “a great honor” to hold this position. — Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) March 11, 2017, 19:29 Earlier on Saturday, CNN reported, citing its sources, that Bharara refused to write a resignation at the request of the U.S. Department of justice. According to the channel, the Prosecutor went to such a step, because in November, Donald trump, the former at that time elected President of the United States, during the meeting with him, assured that he will remain in his position. According to TASS, Bharara acted for the prosecution in the trial of cases of Russians Viktor bout and Konstantin Yaroshenko, who are serving long prison

In the Netherlands stopped the car of the Turkish Minister

The Dutch police stopped near the Turkish Consulate in Rotterdam, a column of cars with the Minister for family Affairs and social policies of Turkey Fatma Betul saya Kaya. About it reports on Saturday, March 11, CNN Turk. The Minister, who was on a visit to Germany and decided to go to the Netherlands after the Dutch authorities were not allowed into the country, the Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, offered to go back to Germany. Information about the detention of Kaya near the Consulate confirms Dutch broadcaster NOS, which leads some video and pictures from the scene of the incident. The very Embassy is surrounded by police. Kaya was going to visit Rotterdam, despite the fact that in the Netherlands the planned events with her participation cancelled. Meanwhile, Turkish foreign Minister said about the undesirability of returning to the country “for some time” the Dutch Ambassador, who is on

Dutch Prime Minister responded to Erdogan’s words about the Nazis in Amsterdam

Mark Rutte The statement of the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the Netherlands is a relic of Nazism, passes all bounds, says Dutch Prime Minister mark Rutte. His words leads Reuters. “It’s a crazy statement, of course. I understand that they’re angry, but this is beyond,” — said Rutte. 11 Mar Erdogan, speaking at a rally in Istanbul, has criticized the Dutch government for the decision not to let Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. The head of state called the Netherlands as a relic of Nazism and fascism, and threatened retaliation. Amsterdam withdrew permission for the landing of the aircraft Cavusoglu in Rotterdam, where the officer was going on a visit. A few hours before Turkish foreign Minister threatened to impose against the Netherlands serious sanctions. In light of such statements, the government considered that the arrival of the Minister carries a danger to the public. Turkish officials

Man with backpack was arrested at the entrance to the White house

United States secret service detained a man with a backpack trying to sneak into the White house. How he came to the residence of the head of state unnoticed, unknown. On Saturday, March 11, CNN reports. The incident occurred at midnight, when the President, Donald trump was in the building. The White house was declared one of the highest levels of danger — the “orange”. In November of 2015 in Washington have arrested a man who fired a slingshot at the residence of the American President. As noted by the United States Secret service, the man was arrested after “used a slingshot to launch small objects through the Northern part of the fence of the White house”. In April of the same year, Secret service agents detained the inhabitant of new Jersey, who twice tried to enter the territory of the residence of Barack Obama.

Stopped 15-year-old on a hunger strike for election activist received 90 votes

Il Sharmila The Indian civil activist Il Sharmila, whose hunger strike lasted for more than 15 years, was defeated in the elections to the legislative Assembly of Manipur state, scoring just 90 votes. It is even less than that in the column “against all”, reports Hindustan Times. Sharmila told the newspaper that she was not ashamed of his defeat, but in the future it will no longer participate in elections. “I want my party to survive,” said the activist, representing his own party “the Alliance of the folk revival, and justice.” In one district with Sharmila stood by the incumbent chief Minister of the state, the representative of the Indian national Congress, Ibobi Okram Singh, he became the first, having to 18.6 thousand votes. Located next to the candidate of the “Bharatiya Janata party”, voted almost 8.2 thousand people. In the column “against all” mark of 143. Sharmila stopped his

The Syrian President said it was impossible to cooperate with trump

Bashar Al-Assad Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says Russia is the only real force fighting against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), and does not see opportunities for practical cooperation in this area with a new US administration. He stated this in an interview with Phoenix TV. Full text of the interview published on the website of news Agency Sana on Saturday, March 11. “The only serious party in this respect is Russia, which is effectively fighting with ISIS in cooperation with us,” — said the head of state. At the same time, according to him, Damascus, in theory, sees opportunities for cooperation with U.S. President Donald trump in the fight against terrorism, but in practice this is not happening. “Because between Syria and the United States there is no communication on the official level,” — said Assad. The President noted that the raids against ISIS “took place

The Russians shot and killed after assaulting a police officer in Canada

Police in the canadian city of Edmonton shot and killed 55-year-old Russian Vitaly Savin, attacked with a knife on the officer. About it reports CBC News with reference to sources. According to TV channel, in the afternoon of March 9, police received a call about a driver who violated traffic rules. The police explained that as soon as they approached the suspect’s car and a man came out of the salon, between them there was a fight. Witnesses told CBC News that the Russians attacked officers with a knife, after which he was shot and died at the scene from his wounds. Currently there is an investigation of the incident and the actions of the police against the suspect. Savin worked in Edmonton for a construction company under the subcontract. Before moving to Canada the man worked in Russia a mining engineer.

The media learned in Brussels about the plan of terrorists to attack the Russians and Americans

The terrorist attack at the airport of Zaventem Police in Belgium have found a new recording of the conversation between the terrorists and suicide bombers by Ashrawi Najim and Ibrahim Bachraoui, bombed the airport of Brussels in 2016. Their goal was the passengers flying to Russia, USA and Israel. About it reports on Saturday, March 11, the Belgian newspaper Nieuwsblad. According to him, the recovered audio files on the laptop found in a dumpster in the area Saerbeck. During the 10-minute conversation, the men discussed the date of the attack. “We can no longer be postponed. We must act as quickly as possible. We decided to take action tomorrow, March 22,” said Ashrawi. He also explained Bachraoui selection of weapons and the scene of the attack. According to him, “one of the brothers gave us the information that tomorrow morning will fly the American, Russian and Israeli flights,” so their

Erdogan has called the Netherlands a relic of Nazism

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized the Dutch government for the decision not to let Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. About it reports on Saturday, March 11, Reuters. At the meeting in Istanbul, the head of state called the Netherlands as a relic of Nazism and fascism. In addition, Erdogan has threatened the Amsterdam retaliatory measures, which will be mirrored in nature. “Look, Holland, then your planes will fly to Turkey. And I’m talking about diplomats, not ordinary citizens”, — quotes the President TASS. Earlier, on 11 March, the Dutch authorities withdrew permission for the landing of the aircraft Cavusoglu in Rotterdam, where he was supposed to visit. A few hours before Turkish foreign Minister threatened to impose against the Netherlands serious sanctions. In light of such statements, the government considered that the arrival of the Minister carries a danger to the public. Turkish officials had planned

Maoists in India killed 12 police

In the Indian state of Chhattisgarh Naxalites (militants-Maoist) attacked a police patrol, as a result, 12 of the guards were killed and four were injured. It is reported by Times of India on Saturday, March 11. The publication notes that militants detonated an explosive device and opened fire on the detachment of police which provided security for the road construction in the area Sukma. Prime Minister Narendra modi and Minister of internal Affairs Rajnath Singh condemned the attack. The interior Minister will travel to region to participate in the investigation of the incident. Combat Maoist groups operate in the territory of India from the 60-ies of the last century. His purpose, the rebels see the creation of the territory of India a self-governing “free zones”. The rebels operate in 20 of 28 Indian States. The Naxalites are suspected of committing a number of high-profile terrorist attacks and attacks. In particular,