“Russian aviation engineer” the ISIS were killed in the strike on Mosul

In the air strikes inflicted on the positions of the “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in the Western part of the Iraqi Mosul, killing several foreign technicians, who collaborated with the terrorists. This was reported in the Iraqi Ministry of defense, reports Iraqi News. One of the victims was an aeronautical engineer, known as Abu Mohamed al-Rusi (Abu Mohamed al-Rusi). According to the Iraqi military, he is of Russian origin. Also in the bombardment killed a Tunisian-French specialist in automation Abu Omar al-Faransi (Abu Omar al-Faransi), a former employee of German auto giant Mercedes. The third victim — a certain Abu Aesha (Aesha Abu), engaged in the modernisation of the weapons of the militants. Attack on Western Mosul began on 19 February. A month earlier, the Iraqi military completely liberated the Eastern part of the city, which is the unofficial capital of ISIS in Iraq. In October 2014, the

The media learned about the plans of great Britain to demand from the EU of 11 billion dollars

Theresa May Prime Minister Theresa may after running the procedure will require a Brexit from the EU back nine billion pounds (almost $ 11 billion) of British assets held in the European investment Bank (EIB). About it reports on Sunday, March 12, The Sunday Times, citing senior sources in the British government. According to the newspaper, London will say this after the entry into force of article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which reglamentary the rejection of EU membership. In the British Cabinet, based on the legal opinion of lawyer Martin Howe, confident that Brussels was obliged to pay a share of the United Kingdom in the funds, the EIB, which is 16 percent of the total assets. On 4 March it was reported that the lawyers of the government of great Britain considered optional payment established before the amount of 60 billion pounds for the Kingdom’s exit from the

The Democrats have made withdrawal from participation in the investigation of the influence of Russia on the elections

The Congress of the United States A number of Democrats from among the members of the special Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress is ready to refuse participation in the investigation of the “influence” of Russia in the presidential elections, if they deem it insufficiently rigorous and too biased. It is reported by The New York Times (NYT). Democrats, according to the newspaper, are going to make a call to the hearing of witnesses and submission of the required documents, including tax returns of U.S. President Donald trump. The Republicans, according to the NYT, prevent independent inquiry of the fact that “intelligence officials believe the unprecedented invasion of a foreign power in American elections.” “I’m not going to participate in ostentatious event that is not an attempt at serious investigation, because this is really serious,” said Congresswoman Jackie Speyer, noting that without a “legal,

The Netherlands has recognized the Turkish Minister of an undesirable alien

A police cordon around the Consulate of Turkey in Retardataire: Police disperse Pro-Turkish rally in Rotterdam Dutch authorities announced the detainee’s Minister for family Affairs and social policies of Turkey Fatma Betul saya Kaya “undesirable alien” and decided to deport her from the country. About it reports on Sunday, March 12, Reuters citing local media. The police will escort Turkish Minister back to the border with Germany, where she came from. On the evening of 11 March, law enforcement authorities of the Netherlands stopped near the Turkish Consulate in Rotterdam, a convoy of cars with Kaya. The Minister, who decided to go to the Netherlands from Germany after Dutch authorities were not allowed into the country, the Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, offered to go back to Germany. Sama Kaya accused the Dutch authorities in violation of international law and disregard for the rights and freedoms of the individual. Earlier

Police dispersed Pro-Turkish rally in Rotterdam

The Dutch police dispersed the demonstrators at the Turkish Consulate in Rotterdam gathered in support of the Minister for family and social policy of Turkey Fatma Betul saya Kaya . About it reports on Sunday, March 12, TASS reported. Special forces first pushed the protesters from the Embassy, and when they learned of deportation Kaya, again tried to break through to the Consulate and started pelting the police with various objects, police used force, detaining several protesters. Now in the centre of Rotterdam is easy enough, but the streets are the police, security outfits. Previously, the government of the Netherlands has announced Kaya “undesirable alien” and decided to deport her from the country. Accompanied by the police, the Turkish Minister went back to the border with Germany. Dutch Prime Minister mark Rutte said that the decision Kaya to come to the Netherlands was irresponsible. On the evening of 11 March,

The U.S. attorney’s office refused to prevent the retrial of the booth

Viktor Bout The Prosecutor’s office refused to file objections to the Supreme court of the United States against the petition of protection on reconsideration of the case of Russian citizen Viktor bout, who is serving a 25-year prison sentence in an American prison. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to his lawyer Alexey Tarasov. “Yesterday I received a document which stated that the prosecution would not appeal to the Supreme court any of his arguments as objections filed our petition,” — said the lawyer. According to him, this means that in case of acceptance of petition to review the U.S. Supreme court will examine only the arguments of the defense bout. On appeal, the court may take several months, suggested Tarasov. However, he did not rule out that the position of the Prosecutor associated with the dismissal of the Prosecutor of Manhattan Prit Bharara, speaking at the trial in

The white house gave two days to present evidence of wiretapping trump

Donald Trump The special Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress demanded that the White house provide until Monday, March 13, evidence of wiretapping of the President of Donald trump, which was allegedly organized by his predecessor Barack Obama. About it reports on Saturday, March 11, Associated Press with reference to its sources. The request, according to the news Agency, directed by the Chairman of the Committee, Democrat Devin Nunez and his fellow Schiff. On March 5 it became known that to call on the justice Department to refute or explain trump’s words on the wire asked FBI Director James Comey. On the same day Devin Nunes announced the investigation on the possible surveillance of the government for members of the presidential campaign. Previously with a call about it in Congress asked the White house. March 4, official representative of the Obama Kevin Lewis denied

The Turkish Minister has accused the Netherlands of violating international law

The protesters are natives of Turkey’s Consulate in Retardataire: the Netherlands has recognized the Turkish Minister of an undesirable alien The Minister for family and social policy of Turkey Fatma Betul saya Kaya, the Dutch police detained near the Turkish Consulate in Rotterdam, accused the Dutch authorities in violation of international law. About it she wrote on Twitter. “The Netherlands is in violation of all international laws, conventions and human rights, not letting me go to the Turkish Consulate in Rotterdam… Democracy, basic rights, the rights and freedoms of the individual… All forgotten today in Rotterdam. Ordinary tyranny and oppression,” — said the Minister. On the evening of 11 March, the Dutch police stopped near the Turkish Consulate in Rotterdam, a column of cars with Kaya. The Minister, who decided to go to the Netherlands from Germany after Dutch authorities were not allowed into the country, the Turkish foreign Minister

The media learned about the ban to the British Ministers to go abroad

The conservative party of great Britain has forbidden members of the government to leave the country in connection with the launch of the procedure out of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit). About it reports The Daily Telegraph. According to the newspaper, cancel foreign trips had at least two Ministers, whose names were not disclosed. “It is impossible to go at the moment. If the trend continues, will have an incentive to organize early elections”, — said one of them. Restrictions on travel abroad, according to the Daily Telegraph, due to the fact that conservatives have only a slight advantage in the British Parliament. The ruling party fears that the departure of the Ministers before voting on the bill, triggering Brexit, will upset the balance of power, some conservatives will join the camp of supporters of the EU and will support the amendments to the document proposed by

The medical examiner of new York refused to disclose the cause of death Churkin

The medical examiner of new York will publish the cause of death and permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin, who died 20 Feb. This is stated in the statement of the medical examiner’s office, which leads on Twitter journalist ABC News Dan Linden. Corresponding instruction is given to the legal Department in new York. “As stated in the formal requests of the state Department, diplomatic immunity Churkin continues after his death,” reads the statement. Churkin, for 11 years held the post of Russia’s Ambassador to the UN, died 20 Feb. According to the newspaper The New York Post, the morning of the day he felt ill because of “heart problems” in a serious condition he was taken to a hospital, but doctors were unable to save his life. 24 Feb diplomat was buried at the troyekurovskoye cemetery. Cause of death Churkin was not formally called. It was