The British Parliament approved the bill of Brexit

The British Parliament approved a bill on the country’s withdrawal from the European Union and gave Prime Minister Theresa may the power to run this procedure. On Tuesday, March 14, reports TASS. The evening of March 13 (the night of 14 March, GMT) the house of lords decided again not to bring in a government bill earlier proposed amendments on the status of living in the United Kingdom, citizens of the EU and the harmonization of the final terms Brexit and the Parliament. In the first case it was done by 274 votes to 135, the second with 274 votes to 118. The decision was taken because the likelihood that the Cabinet of Ministers or deputies will change the opinion and agree with the proposals of lords, is negligible. Now approved by both houses of Parliament, the bill received the signature of Queen Elizabeth II, after which acquire the status

The number of dead under the rubble at a garbage dump in Ethiopia, over 60

The death toll in the collapse of a garbage dump in the suburbs of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, more than 60 people, reports on Monday, March 13, CNN. Earlier it was reported 46 victims. It was noted that the majority of them women and children. The collapse occurred on March 12. Debris covered several time and concrete houses. At that moment on a scene there were about 150 people, 37 were rescued. What was the cause of the collapse is still unknown. Noted, to a landfill more than 50 years took the garbage from the capital. In recent years it was discontinued, however, according to local residents, recently, the dumping began again.

Media have reported the transfer of Brexit for the end of March

The formal process of a British exit from the European Union will be launched in last week of March. On Monday, March 13, Bloomberg reported, citing a source in the office of the British Prime Minister Theresa may. According to the Agency, the process will be initiated after the completion of the EU celebrations on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. Earlier in mass media appeared information that the head of the British government will start the procedure Brexit this week — 14 March, after the evening of March 13 both houses of Parliament will approve the relevant bill. A referendum on leaving the United Kingdom from the European Union was held on 23 June 2016. For Brexit made more than half who took part in the vote of the British. The Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned, his place was taken by Theresa may.

The house of Commons of the Parliament rejected amendments to the bill of Brexit

The house of Commons (lower chamber) of Parliament of the United Kingdom dismissed made by the house of lords (upper house) amendments to the bill to start the process of withdrawal from the European Union. On Monday, March 13, reports TASS. The first amendment was proposed to oblige the government to guarantee living in the UK to EU citizens maintaining this status. Voted 287 deputies, against — 335. According to the second amendment, the government would be after agreeing on the terms Brexit and Brussels to submit them for parliamentary approval. Voted 286 deputies, against -331. The document returned to the house of lords, where it will consider today. Previously approved the bill in its original form the house of Commons rejected the amendments complied with the request of the government, insisted on the immutability of the bill and claimed that the amendments could hurt negotiations on a Brexit. Also

The media reported on plans to send Japan’s largest warship of the country in the South China sea

Tokyo is planning in may to send the largest warship the Japanese Navy in the South China sea (SCS). On Monday, March 13, Reuters reported citing several sources. Voyage of the ship-helicopter carrier Izumo will last for three months and will be a powerful demonstration of the forces of the Navy of Japan in the region since the Second world war. “The purpose of this event is to test the capabilities of the Izumo, sending him into an extended mission,” — said the Agency interlocutor. It is planned that the Izumo will carry out your stay in Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka, and will then take part in the India-us Malabar exercises, scheduled for July of this year. The official representative Military-naval forces Japan declined to comment on this information. According to the Agency, the buildup of naval forces of China’s presence in disputed waters of the South

Scotland demanded a new referendum on independence

The Prime Minister of Scotland Nicola Stargen stated his desire to hold a new referendum on independence for the region. About it reports Reuters. According to the politician, the vote should pass to Brexit — British exit from the EU. “If we’re talking about the real opportunities for Scotland to make a choice, the vote should take place in the period between autumn 2018 and spring 2019 when the clear terms of Brexit, but still have a chance to go their own way,” she explained. On 11 March it became known that the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa may is likely to start the process of exit from the EU is already March 14. On voting for Brexit in June 2016 England and Wales were in favour of leaving the EU, while Scotland and Northern Ireland are against it. However, supporters of secession have gained 51.9% of the

In Italy put up is written by Hitler painting

In the Italian town of Salo opened the exhibition “Museum of madness”, which, in particular, presents a picture of the Fuhrer of the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler. On Monday, March 13, The Local reports. “It’s just rubbish, the picture of the insignificant man (…). You see not the grandeur and wretchedness. This is not the work of a dictator, a villain,” said organizer Vittorio Sgarbi (Vittorio Sgarbi). According to the publication, the exhibition, which presents about 200 paintings, photographs, sculptures and multimedia installations that will last until 16 November this year. — arteit (@ARTEit) March 10, 2017, 14:01 Hitler tried twice to enter the Vienna art Academy and both times have failed. Despite the fact that a professional artist he did not, some work written decades after the death of the leader of Nazi Germany was sold for big money.

The mayor of Paris proposed a program for combating pollution of the city

Anne Hidalgo The mayor of the French capital, Anne Hidalgo has proposed to the city Council a program of pollution control of the city. It is reported by Le Journal du Dimanche. As writes the edition, the current plan of the city Chapter is a continuation of announced a year ago, campaign for cleaning the streets of trash. According to Hidalgo, these measures have yielded some results, but work in this direction should be expanded. We are talking about allocation of additional means for cleaning debris from city streets, increasing the number of people employed in this field, as well as the program of rodent control — mice and rats. In rodents, the city authorities intend to allocate half a million euros. On 17 February this year it was reported that the city authorities abolished the penalty for a young Parisian woman, which was accused of dumping rubbish in a

UNICEF reported the deaths of more than 650 children in Syria last year

The UN children’s Fund (UNICEF) published a report according to which in 2016 the victims of the Syrian conflict were 652 of the child. As stated in the document, 255 children were killed at the time when they were in school or near school. A large number of boys and girls died because of lack of access to medical care. The researchers also cite data showing that in 2016, more than 850 children were attracted by the various factions involved in the Syrian conflict to participate in combat on the front lines as jailers, torturers and bombers. “The depth of their suffering is unprecedented. Millions of children in Syria are under daily attack, their life is completely upside down,” — said the Director of UNICEF for Middle East and North Africa Gert Kappeler (Geert Cappelaere). Earlier, on February 21, the Fund warned of the possible death by starvation of 1.4

Syrian opposition refused to participate in the negotiations in Astana

The delegation of the Syrian rebels refused to participate in the new round of negotiations in Astana to resolve the situation in the middle Eastern state. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement by Colonel Ahmad Othman, who heads the Turkey-backed group, “Sultan Murad”. Othman said that he is waiting for Moscow’s response on the sent email which offers Russia to act as guarantor of the truce and to stop violations of the ceasefire. According to him, Russian forces continue to attack civilians, which is controlled by the rebels territories. In addition, the Syrian armed forces did not cease offensive operations. The third round of talks on Syria scheduled in Astana on March 14-15. On 11 March the representatives of the Syrian armed opposition has put forward a number of conditions for negotiations. In a statement, the military delegation of the revolutionary forces of Syria in the number