Media reported about the plans of the authorities of Malaysia to expel 50 citizens of the DPRK

Malaysian authorities deported about 50 North Korean workers. On Tuesday, March 14, reports The Star. According to Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the citizens of the DPRK expired visa, currently they are in the state of Sarawak on the island of Kalimantan. “Those who have a valid visa, you can stay,” he concluded. Hamidi added that currently in Malaysia there are 315 North Koreans. As the newspaper notes, the relations between the DPRK and Malaysia had worsened after the 13th of February at the airport of Kuala Lumpur, was killed by a citizen of North Korea with passport in the name of Kim Chol. According to the Malaysian police, it was Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Than the UN. The leather men had traces of the nerve agent VX, prohibited by the international chemical weapons Convention. South Korea have argued from the outset that the victim

The media learned about the White house plans to halve funding for UN programmes

The white house is going to halve the financing of UN programmes. On Monday, March 13, the newspaper writes Foreign Policy, citing its own sources. According to him, the state Department was ordered to cut the appropriations for peacekeeping operations, Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the programme for the development of the organization. Also, budget cuts can touch the world food programme and the programme for the refugees. The UN fear that Washington will cease to allocate funds to the Fund for population and United Nations framework Convention on climate change. The publication explains that the steps caused by the White house plans to increase defence spending by 54 billion, other budget spending needs to be reduced by this amount. It is also noted that in case of refusal to Finance programs of the United Nations, States risk losing the right to vote at the General Assembly of the world organization.

Media reported about giving the CIA the right to kill terrorists-drones

The US President Donald trump has given the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) the authority to attack the positions of terrorists with unmanned aerial vehicles. About this newspaper The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, January 13, citing informed sources. According to the publication, this policy says about changing the course followed by predecessor trump Barack Obama. While he led the country, drones and other equipment used in the exploration of the United States only to determine the location of the militants, airstrikes struck the military. Now the CIA has the right to conduct operations to eliminate terrorists, and, unlike the Pentagon, is not required to report the number destroyed by extremists. As writes the edition, for the first time the CIA used this right at the end of February for the elimination of Syria one of the leaders of the banned terrorist group al-Qaeda Abu al-Kheir al-Masri. That operation was

Experts have suggested poisoning Kim Jong-Nam connection harmless substances

Killer Kim Jong-Nam could use for his poisoning two actually harmless chemical, a connection which is formed hands on the nerve agent VX, prohibited by the international chemical weapons Convention. On Monday, March 13, reports the New Straits Times. According to him, the conclusion tend engaged in the investigation of his death experts after found one of the alleged elements on the body of the deceased. They believe that two attackers could use диизопропиламиноэтилметилфосфонат and sulfur. When the mix turns a deadly poison, 10 ml which you can easily carry through the security scanner. As suggested by experts, poisoners were going to give out murder for a heart attack, evidenced by their use of substances. The publication, citing a source reported that the person killed Kim Jong-Nam has established fingerprint, the details of which were kept by the authorities of the administrative region of Macau, where he lived the brother

In Astana has begun the third round of talks on Syria

Alexander Lavrentiev (center) at a meeting on the Syrian settlement in Astana (archive photo) In Astana on Tuesday, March 14th, started the third round of talks on Syria. It is reported by RIA Novosti. It is expected a series of bilateral and trilateral consultations. Currently there is a meeting of the Russian delegation, headed by the special representative of the President Alexander Lavrentyev, with representatives of the UN headed by Milos Strugar. From the Russian delegation in the meeting are Director of the Department of Middle East and North Africa, Sergey Vershinin, Deputy head of Main operational Department Stanislav Gadzhimagomedov. Turkey and Iran are represented at the level of Deputy Ministers. As told journalists the head of Ministry of foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Kairat Abdrakhmanov, on Tuesday it is expected the arrival of the delegation from the armed opposition groups of Syria “southern front”. At the meeting in Astana, according

Meeting trump and Merkel postponed due to snow storm

Meeting of the US President Donald trump and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel had to be postponed to another date due to adverse weather conditions. On Monday, March 13, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the official White house spokesman Sean Spicer. The negotiations were scheduled for March 14. However, later it became known that Washington expected snow storm. “The President had a conversation with the Chancellor of Germany, and because of the weather situation, agreed to postpone the meeting, it was moved to next Friday, March 17 schedule of events will be the same”, — quotes Agency the press-Secretary of the American leader. Spicer added that trump informed about the weather and ordered his administration to be in touch with governors. Approaching the East coast late snow storm brings cold. In January and February in the northeast USA the temperature repeatedly rises above 20 degrees Celsius, however, it is

Trump asked the journalists to help him to donate to the presidential salary

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump asked the journalists to help him to decide on what charity to donate the presidential salary. As reported on Monday, March 13, RIA Novosti, this was stated at a media briefing White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “The President intends to donate his salary to charity at the end of the year. He asked you to determine for what purpose it will go. This will avoid claims press corps about where the money went to the”, — quotes its words Agency. During the election campaign trump promised in case of victory, to send to charity the earnings received as head of state. January 21, the day after the inauguration of Republican, it became known that on the White house website has a section, which will be published data on the salaries of its employees. The annual salary of the President of

Erdogan has accused Merkel of supporting terrorism

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel in support of terrorists. On Monday, March 13, he said in an interview with Haber Turk TV. According to the Turkish leader, Berlin still has not responded to Ankara provided by 4.5 thousand cases of extremists, in the territory of Germany. “Ms. Merkel, you support terrorists,”— said Erdogan. According to the representative of German Chancellor Steffen Seibert, Erdogan’s accusations absurd. “The Chancellor does not intend to participate in the game of provocation. These accusations, of course, absurd,” — quoted his statement to Aljazeera. Earlier German authorities have banned two rallies of the local Turkish community after the arrest in Istanbul of a journalist Denise Ujala, a German citizen of Turkish origin. Erdogan called it a “German agent”. On 5 March the Turkish President compared the ban on campaign in Germany in support of it with the

Kurdish journalists caught ISIS in the asphyxiating gas in Mosul

Grouping “Islamic state” in Iraq’s Mosul applies in the battles against government forces poison gas. As reported by RIA Novosti, told the Kurdish TV channel RUDAW. Monday, March 13, terrorists in the Mosul district of Bab at-Tub fired on the positions of the Iraqi army shells with poison gas blue. The shooting is depicted as a moment later, after the fall of the projectile from positions of military, the soldiers and the correspondents of the channel, you are suffocating cough. Prior to that, in the course of fighting with Iraqi forces in Mosul, the militants used a mustard gas attack victims were civilians. In this regard, the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov expressed surprise at the “cool” attitude of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) to this tragedy. The General explained that on her part was not only trying to send

Turkey has banned the entry of the Ambassador of the Netherlands

Numan Kurtulmus The Ambassador of the Netherlands denied entry to Turkey. As reported on Monday, March 13, Reuters, reported by Vice Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus. As the channel CNN Turk, in addition Kurtulmus told about the cancellation of all state meetings at the Ministerial level and above in the Netherlands. He also recommended that the Turkish Parliament to cancel a friendly agreement between Ankara and Amsterdam. Earlier, the authorities of the Netherlands are not allowed into the country the plane with the foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu on Board. He gathered March 11 to attend the meeting in Rotterdam and tell located in Netherlands citizens of Turkey on amendments to the Constitution submitted to referendum on April 16. In addition, the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Netherlands declared an “undesirable alien” Minister of family Affairs of Turkey Fatma Betul saillant Kaya and escorted her out of the country.