The media reported the reluctance of Brussels to intervene in the conflict Turkey and the Netherlands

Brussels will not be involved in resolving the diplomatic conflict between Turkey and the Netherlands. This was stated by TASS on Wednesday, March 15, a source in diplomatic circles of the European Union. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, the European Union regret the disagreements between the two States. “However, we believe that this conflict is part of the bilateral relations of these democratic countries and they will be self-resolved,” — said the source. The crisis in relations between the two countries erupted on March 11. The Netherlands refused to accept the aircraft on Board of which was the Minister of foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu, who was going to speak at a meeting of the Turkish community in Rotterdam. They also expelled the Turkish Minister for family and social policy Fatma Betul saillant Kaya. This sparked riots in Rotterdam, the suppression of which were thrown special forces.

The Russian foreign Ministry has called the conditions of cooperation with the US administration

Sergei Lavrov Moscow is ready to cooperate with the American administration on the understanding that an equal and honest cooperation is possible only on the basis of the rejection of attempts at “containment” of Russia, non-interference in internal Affairs and respect of interests each other. This is stated in the statement of the Russian foreign Ministry, posted on the Agency’s website. “Standing in front of the international community’s common challenges, including the threat of international terrorism, clearly indicate the vital necessity of remedying the present abnormal situation, her return to the path of constructive cooperation,” the document says. On February 18 the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, analyzing the results of the Munich security conference, expressed the view that the cold war is still not over. That is the conclusion he came to, after reviewing the speeches of a number of Western politicians at the Munich security

A new group of Russian sappers arrived to detonate the Palmyra

Yet another unit of free squad of International anti-mine centre of the Russian Armed forces arrived in Syria to participate in the clearing of the city of Palmyra. On Thursday, March 16, reported the Agency “Interfax” in the Ministry of defence. According to authorities, the operation will be attended by over 150 specialists, 17 units of special equipment and the canine unit with mine and search dogs. The Ministry noted that in the first place the engineers will be to clear roads leading to the objects of social infrastructure: hospitals, water and electricity, as well as the historical part of the Palmyra. As the Agency notes, in this Syrian city for the first time will be tested in practice, “long-term patterns of search and detection of explosive substances, as well as the protection of sappers”. Palmyra was under the control of is militants since may 2015. The city was liberated

Family of Kim Jong-Nam gave Malaysia the right to dispose of his body

Kim Jong-Nam Family of Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong UN, left to the discretion of the Malaysian authorities the decision on what to do with his body. This was announced by Deputy head of police Noor Rashid Ibrahim, reports TASS with reference to the news Agency Kyodo Thursday, March 16. According to him, relatives did not wish to take away the corpse. On 15 March the Vice-Prime Minister of Malaysia Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the authorities are considering the possibility to pass the Korea the body Kim Jong-Nam in exchange for permission from Pyongyang to leave North Korea nine Malaysians, said RIA Novosti. Earlier in the day it was reported that the personality of Kim Jong-Nam was confirmed by the DNA of his child. On 14 March it became known that the body of the deceased was embalmed. As stated by the head of the Ministry

Prosecutors in France opened a preliminary investigation against Macron

Emmanuel Macron French prosecutors have opened a preliminary investigation against the candidate in presidents of France from the movement “Forward!” Emmanuel Makron. It is reported BFMTV. The politician is suspected of spending budget funds without carrying out the necessary procedures. 6 January 2016 in Las Vegas (USA) under the auspices of the Ministry of economy of France was a large-scale presentation of the French high-tech companies, which took part macron, at that time head of the Department. In this event from the state Treasury spent more than 380 thousand euros. These funds are Ministry of economy without the necessary tender procedures listed famous French PR Agency Havas. According to the TV station, in connection with the opacity of the procedure of allocation of funds from the state budget against the Makron can be charged with malpractice. March 14, French authorities have opened a formal investigation in respect of another candidate

US Ambassador to the UN called on not to trust Russia

Nikki Haley US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley believes that one should not treat lightly the Russian threat. She stated to NBC News on Wednesday, March 15. “Take this seriously. We can’t trust Russia. We should never trust Russia,” said Haley. In this connection, it expressed a point of view not specified. The TV station notes that its view is at odds with the position of President of the United States Donald trump, who advocated the establishment of relations with Moscow. In addition, it is reported that the words of Hayley sounded a few hours after the U.S. justice Department brought charges against four Russians suspected of hacking into accounts of Yahoo. We are talking about the FBI’s most wanted hackers Alexei Belane and Karim Baratova, as well as the FSB Dmitry Dokuchaev and Yegor Sushchyn. American politicians have repeatedly called Russia a threat to the United States. February

Hawaii has suspended new immigration Ordinance trump

Donald Trump A US Federal court in Hawaii on Wednesday, March 15, imposed a temporary ban on the implementation of the new decree of the President of Donald trump on the limitation of immigration. About it reports Reuters. Thus, as noted, the court’s decision suspends the decree, which was to take effect March 16. Trump called the decision of judge derrick Watson “unprecedented abuse of power of the judiciary.” He promised to abolish it by any means. “We get as far as need be, including to the Supreme court,” said the President. March 15, a Federal judge in Seattle, who was forbidden to sing toughening immigration first decree trump said that he will not take immediate decision about whether his previous decision to the new decree. He said that must be filed with the petition or complaint to a review of the ban. Previously in addition to Hawaii’s intention to

Schoolchildren beaten to death American flamingos in Czech zoo

Archive photo In the Czech town of Jihlava three student stoned two flamingos, then scored one of the birds. About it reports on Wednesday, March 15, the newspaper The Independent. Children of five, six and eight years old climbed over the fence at the city zoo and attacked the American Flamingo. The bullies noticed a local electrician. He chased them away, but one of the birds was dead and the other was seriously injured. The zoo staff tried to detain juvenile criminals, but they ran away. The police managed to catch two suspects. They refused to communicate with the investigation, but stated that remorse is not experienced. Parents of schoolchildren had to pay the zoo the damage. As reports the edition, the cost of dead birds exceeded two thousand dollars. 2 March, visitors to the Tunis zoo to death stoned alligator.

In the parliamentary elections in the Netherlands were won by the party of Prime Minister Rutte

Mark Rutte The ruling people’s party for freedom and democracy, which is headed by the Prime Minister of the Netherlands mark Rutte won the parliamentary elections. On Thursday, March 16, reports Reuters, citing data from exit polls. As noted, the party won 31 of the 150 seats in Parliament. Second place is shared by three parties: the far-right freedom Party of Geert Wilders, “the Christian democratic appeal and Democrats 66”. These political organizations scored 19 votes. Rutte commented on the victory of his party. “It seems that our party became the largest in the country for the third time in a row. This means that the Dutch said “no” to the wrong populism,” he said. Parliamentary elections in the Netherlands held on March 15. The turnout was 81 percent, this indicator became record for the last 30 years. In pre-election polls conducted in the fall of 2016, right wing held

Media reported the capture of the Syrian army under the control of the height to the East of Palmyra

The Syrian army took control of the strategic heights of Jabal al-Muktadir located to the North-East of Palmyra. On Wednesday, March 15, informs the Lebanese TV channel “al-Manar”. It is quoted by RIA Novosti. The remains of the gangs of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) was knocked from its position and nearby areas. It is noted that nearby gas field Mustadio, which will be the next target of government forces. Palmyra was under the control of is militants since may 2015. The city was liberated from the militants in the spring of 2016, but in December, the extremists managed to bring it under its control. March 2, 2017, the Syrian army has repelled again Palmyra. Currently, government forces are still attacking rebel positions to the East of the city.