In Turkey, the police detained two preparing attacks in Istanbul is militants

Turkish police detained two people suspected of attempting to organize terrorist attacks in Istanbul. On Friday, March 17, according to Hürriyet Daily News. It is noted that they belonged to the same cell of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), and Abdulkadir Masharipov, who was accused of committing a terrorist act in Istanbul nightclub Reina. He shot visitors from the machine gun Kalashnikov. According to the newspaper, the suspects were also found two Kalashnikov assault rifle and nearly 500 rounds of ammunition. The attack on the night club Reina in Istanbul’s Ortakoy district was committed on Christmas night. The result is that 39 people died, 69 were injured. The assailant managed to escape. He was detained on January 16 in the course of the antiterrorist operation in the district of Esenyurt in Istanbul. In court Masharipov confessed to belonging to ISIS and declared his desire to

Syria has reported the destruction of an Israeli plane

Four Israeli aircraft violated the air border of Syria, one of these machines was shot down by air defense forces. This is stated in the statement of the Syrian army, which leads Reuters. According to the military, another aircraft was damaged. The incident occurred on Friday morning, March 17. Clarifies that the aim of the Israeli aircraft were the objects of the Syrian security forces in the area of Palmyra. RIA Novosti with reference to the Tenth Israeli channel reported that the military fired anti-aircraft missile system of Soviet production, With 200. It was noted that the aircraft returned to base without loss, and at least one from the Syrian missiles were shot down by the Israeli missile. “Not at one stage the security of Israeli citizens or the aircraft was not under threat”, — stated in the Israel defense forces. In September of last year in Damascus also reported

In French school shooting occurred

Continued: Police detained the shooter from the French school In high school, located in the French city of Grasse (Grasse), the shooting occurred. On Thursday, March 16, Reuters reported, citing a police source. At least two people were injured. In particular, suffered the principal of the school. According to the detention order, we are not talking about the attack. Open fire could students. Presumably, between the two of them had a conflict. According to the Agency, one suspect was arrested, the second wanted by the police. Local residents are asked to stay home. All schools in the city are closed. In early February, California police arrested two 16-year-old teenagers who planned a massacre at the school.

Police detained the shooter from the French school

At the scene The teenager who opened fire on classmates at a school in the French city of Grasse, was detained by the police. About it reports BBC News. He seized three firearms and two hand grenades. The head teacher said that the attacker managed to injure two people, five people need psychological help. In place of the departed elite counter-terrorist squad, but their assistance was not required — investigators had no evidence that the assailant had something to do with terror. All the circumstances of the case are still unclear. In particular, it is unknown whether the assailant was single or acted together with an accomplice. “We are still engaged in a rescue operation, looking for a possible second offender,” — said the press Secretary of the Ministry of interior, Pierre-Henri Brande. Shooting at a high school Gras occurred on Thursday, March 16. In early February, California police arrested

French investigators interested in gorgeous costumes visit

Francois Fillon Prosecutors in France have addressed in court with the petition for extension of the investigation of the case against the candidate for the President of the country Francois Fillon. It is reported BFMTV. It clarifies the channel, investigators interested in the origin of several magnificent costumes, the purchase of which was paid for by an anonymous friend of the politician. Starting in 2012 the gift giver spent on clothing policy purchased in a luxury boutique Arnys in Paris, 48,5 thousand euros. Law enforcement officials suggest that the suits could be a kind of payment for some services provided by Fillon. It can be accused of “influence peddling”. Earlier, on 14 March, against the policy was opened a formal investigation in connection with the bogus employment of his wife and children. January 25 in the newspaper Le Canard enchaîné had published material in which it was alleged that for

The Congress was denied the surveillance of the Obama administration for trump

The administration of the 44th President Barack Obama carried out surveillance of his successor Donald trump. On Thursday, March 16, reports TASS with reference to the statement by the leadership of the special Committee on intelligence of the Senate of the us Congress. The Committee held a hearing in connection with the statement of trump, accusing the previous government in tapping phones of his election headquarters in new York’s Trump Tower skyscraper. “We, based on the information we have, we do not see indications that the Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance any government before or after voting day in 2016,” — an excerpt from a document of the Agency. The white house last week sent Congress a request for investigation of alleged exceeding the previous leadership of their powers. This was done once in early March, trump in his Twitter wrote that the Obama administration at the end

The US state Department warned of the serious consequences of the transport blockade of Donbass

Transport blockade of Donbass is fraught with serious consequences for the Minsk agreements. As transfers RIA Novosti, on Thursday, March 16, said the acting officials of the US state Department mark Toner He, in particular, noted that “the current situation potentially has serious consequences,” and stressed that Washington is interested in peaceful settlement of the situation. “We are constantly monitoring the situation with the blockade in the East of Ukraine. I want to emphasize the importance of resolving this issue in the spirit of peace and respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders”, — quotes the diplomat of the Agency. On 15 March the Council of national security and defense of Ukraine on the initiative of the President of Petro Poroshenko has established a complete cessation of freight traffic with uncontrolled Kiev territories of Donbass until then, until you cease fire and given heavy weapons,

In Japan for the first time held exercises in case of a missile attack of the DPRK

In Japan on Friday, March 17, for the first time in the history of the country trainings of civil defense in the event of a missile attack from North Korea, reports TASS with reference to the official report of the administration of the Akita Prefecture. The purpose of the event is to practice the evacuation of the population in conditions of critical time constraints. According to the scenario, Japan’s armed forces signalled the start of ballistic missiles, conventional enemy in the direction of Cape OGA in Akita Prefecture, located in the North of the main island of the country of Honshu. Information about this was passed by an emergency government communications, and prefectural authorities quickly evacuated people from the area, which is more than other could be in danger. Reports about the evacuation during the exercise was transmitted via loudspeakers and were sent to the smartphones of residents. Participated in

Attorney announced the arrest of business partner’s son-in-law Berezovsky

Russian businessman Mikhail Nekrich, the home of accused of complicity in the murder of the founder of a network of shops “Party” Alexander Mineeva, arrested in Rome. On Thursday, March 16, reports TASS with reference to the lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky. “According to my information, today in Rome, was arrested Mikhail Nekrich, who was wanted in the murder of Mr Mineev. This is just a sensational case. Michael, a citizen of Switzerland, the USA, Israel and Russia, was convinced that “the problem” is removed and he did not threaten” — he said. According to him, alleged accomplice Nekrich, son-in-law Boris Berezovsky George Shuppe, now “lives in London, and Nekrich took a chance and flew to Italy.” Official confirmation of the information about the arrest Nekrich the Agency yet Shuppe and nekrich in absentia accused in the murder of Mineeva and the attempt of raider seizure of his commercial real estate worth

Bulgaria withdrew from Turkey of its Ambassador

Bulgaria accused Turkey of meddling in the course of the early parliamentary elections and withdrew its Ambassador from the country for consultation. On Thursday, March 16, reports The Sofia Globe. In particular, the Bulgarian side stated that Ankara supports one of the local parties which claim to represent the interests of ethnic Turks. In this regard, reference was made to the statement of the Minister of labor and social Affairs of Turkey Mehmet Muezzinoglu, called living on Turkish territory Bulgarians to vote for the party of DOST (“Democrats for responsibility, freedom and tolerance”). Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria for internal order and security, the Minister of defence Stefan Yanev said that ahead of elections likely “intensification of migration flows”, that is, living in Turkey, citizens of Bulgaria can come home and vote. He also assured that the country’s leadership intends to stop the mass crossing the Bulgarian-Turkish border buses with