The White house explained the incident with the not compressed trump hand Merkel

Angela Merkel and Donald trump The White house has tried to explain why the US President, Donald trump does not shake hands with German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the official shooting. The spokesman of the American administration Sean Spicer cites Der Spiegel. He suggested that the American leader just did not hear the question of the Chairman of the government of Germany. An awkward moment occurred on Friday, March 17, in the oval office. On this day, trump and Merkel shook hands when she came to the White house. But went again when they were asked by journalists. The Chancellor turned to the President and said, “you Want to shake hands?” But he did not respond. According to TASS, the episode in question, was perhaps the most memorable and talked-about at the summit, despite the fact that trump has met Merkel admired (he personally greeted her at the entrance to

Israel has promised to destroy the Syrian air defense installations

Avigdor Lieberman The Israeli defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has threatened to destroy Syrian air defenses if they will again be applied against the country’s air force. On Sunday, March 19, according to the radio station Reshet Bet, the ether was quoted by TASS. “If the next time the Syrian air defense system is attacking Israeli planes, it will be destroyed in this matter there will be no compromise,” said Lieberman, speaking to new recruits of the armored troops on a military base. The Minister added that the possible arms shipments from Syria to Lebanon — one of the main problems of Israel. Therefore, the country does not intend to intervene in the Syrian civil war, however, should be to stop the transfer of arms. March 17, the Israeli air force during the attack on targets in Syria were fired on by antiaircraft missiles. The Prime Minister of the Jewish state

Turkey has accused Germany in an attempt to put pressure on Ankara with the help of gulenists

Fethullah Gulen Ankara accused Berlin in support of the organizers of the failed coup in Turkey. The corresponding statement on Sunday, March 19, was made by a spokesman for Turkish President Ibrahim Kalin, Reuters reports. According to the Agency, Kalin commented on the refusal of Germany to recognize the true Turkish version of the events of the summer of 2016. “This is an attempt to devalue all of the information that we gave them at FETO (Turkish socio-political movement based on the ideas of Turkish preacher and writer Fethullah Gulen — approx. “Of the”). This means that they support FETO” he said. According to a spokesperson, the FRG supports the gülen movement, which Turkey accuses of organizing a coup d’etat, as it considers that the FETO useful tool to put pressure on Ankara. On the eve of the German newspaper Der Spiegel published an interview with the acting President

The head of the British foreign Ministry was going to convince Washington to be tougher with Russia

Boris Johnson The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain Boris Johnson next week will visit the United States. One of the topics of conversation with the American authorities will seek his upcoming visit to Russia. On Sunday, March 19, reports The Sunday Times. Excerpts from the article quoted by RIA Novosti. It is noted that the trip to Washington, which will begin on Tuesday, March 21, Johnson intends to convince USA to take a tougher stance in dealing with Moscow. Johnson also will try to establish relations with us politicians following the recent accusations against the British secret service GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters, GCHQ) specializes in electronic intelligence, in espionage. It is reported that the foreign Minister of the United Kingdom on March 21 is going to meet with the nearest colleagues of the President of the United States Donald trump and congressional Republicans. The visit of the British

In Berlin reacted to trump’s words about the “huge debt” of Germany to NATO

Ursula von der Leyen The Minister of defence of Germany Ursula von der Leyen has denied the statement of President of the United States Donald trump that Berlin “owes huge sums of money, NATO and the United States.” Her words on Sunday, March 19, TASS with reference to the Agency DNA. “NATO has no delinquent accounts,” said von der Leyen. In an informal setting, defense expenditures of member countries of the NATO shall not be less than two percent of GDP, but in 2016 have complied with this requirement, only the US and UK. In this respect, Washington believes that NATO members do not fully fulfill the obligations of the financing of the Alliance. Currently, States cover about 70 percent of the cost of operating the organization. However, as noted by von der Leyen, the defence budget of two percent of GDP includes not only spending on NATO. According to

The heaviest woman in the world lost 140 pounds

Egyptian eman Ahmed AB El ATI, is considered the heaviest woman in the world, has lost 140 pounds in five weeks in the Indian hospital. About it writes the blog #SaveEman. Now a resident of Alexandria, which is 11 February 2017 was taken to hospital Saifee Hospital in Mumbai (India), weighs 358 pounds. The Hindustan Times reports that on 7 March, the woman underwent surgery to reduce stomach size by 85 percent. This has significantly reduced the amount of food that she is able to take. Before admission to the hospital weight eman Ahmed was about 500 pounds. She suffered a stroke and was bedridden. Doctors diagnosed her with a glandular disorder and elefantes — a disease caused by parasitic worms, for which there is a stagnation of lymph and grow skin tissue. Now the Egyptian is on a steady diet of consuming a day by about 1.8 thousand calories.

The player of real Madrid has admitted to giving bribes for getting a driver’s license

Fábio Coentrão Defender of Madrid “real” fábio coentrão in the court of the Portuguese city of Braga admitted that in 2012 gave a bribe in the amount of four thousand euros to pass the theoretical exam for the driving license. It is reported by O Jogo. The player said that he knew the answers only half the questions, but the examiner prompted him with gestures. Promoted from Lisbon Benfica to real Madrid, the defender did not want to take the exam in Madrid, and because of the tight training schedule frequent trips to Portugal was impossible, therefore, pique decided to accelerate the process and to pay. The court ordered the athlete to pay three thousand euros to the Fund to combat hunger. The Portuguese moved to real Madrid in July 2011. The amount of transfer was 30 million euros. Together with the Spanish team defender became the champion of Spain

Rogozin said Klimkin brake

Dmitry Rogozin Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin in Twitter has responded to the words of foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, who promised to return freedom to the inhabitants of the Crimea. “Well, brake! They are both free,” — said the Deputy Chairman of the government. In turn, the Federation Council member Alexei Pushkov in his microblog wrote: “Klimkin promises to “bring freedom” to the residents of the Crimea. But they have chosen freedom from blockades, attacks, torture and persecution. The train left, Klimkin”. On 18 March, the third anniversary of joining the Peninsula to Russia, the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of foreign Affairs published in the social network post in which you said that three years ago the Crimean people chose freedom. “Together we will get her back”, he said.

Boxer Golovkin defeated American Jacobs

Kazakhstani boxer Gennady Golovkin defeated U.S. representative Daniel Jacobs and defended the world titles in the Middleweight division by the world Boxing Council (WBC), world Boxing Association (WBA) and International Boxing Federation (IBF). About it the correspondent “”. The battle took place in the night of Sunday, March 19, in the arena, “Madison Square garden” in new York. Golovkin won via unanimous decision (115:112, 115:112, 114:113). For this fight the Kazakh boxer has received $ 2.5 million, U.S. — 1.75 million. Now in the asset Golovkin 37 wins in 37 fights on a professional ring (33 KOs). 30-year-old American won 32 wins (29 by knockout) and suffered one defeat in 2010 from Russian Dmitry Cake.

The IMF postponed the discussion on billion tranche for Ukraine

The Board of Directors of the International monetary Fund postponed the discussion of anti-crisis program in Ukraine, scheduled for March 20. About TASS reported, citing a source in the IMF. The meeting was planned to decide whether to allocate Ukraine tranche in the amount of $ 1 billion. In the notice, sent Tuesday, March 18, States that “a short delay is necessary to assess the developments and policy measures affecting the financial sector and wider economic prospects.” Date of the next meeting has not yet been determined. The source described the postponement of the discussion unprecedented. On 15 March the Ukrainian edition of “Vesti” reported that the citizens of the country will lose tens of thousands of hryvnia on subsidies and pensions, if Kiev agrees with IMF conditions. For tranche, according to the newspaper, authorities will need to freeze the indexation of social benefits, reduce public subsidies and pension reform.