In Poland, the lawyer was given a term for espionage in favor of Russia

The district court in Warsaw sentenced the lawyer with Polish and Russian citizenship, to four years of imprisonment for espionage in favor of Russia. On Tuesday, March 20, according to Sputnik with reference to the Agency PAP. The man was arrested in October 2014. Hearings passed in the closed mode. According to his parents, charges are based solely on the testimony of a Polish intelligence agent. In their opinion, during the investigation the fault of their son has not been proven. The prosecution demanded to sentence him to six years in prison, the defense insisted on acquittal. The material Sputnik is the name of the convict — Stanislav surname prohibits to disclose the laws of Poland. In may 2016, when it became aware of the presentation of a lawyer charges, the Associated Press referring to the Polish media broadcast that he is the son of the former goalkeeper of the

In Paris because of a bomb threat evacuated staff at the Procurator fiscal

In the main building of the Procurator fiscal of France in Paris evacuated employees because of the threat of explosion. It is reported by Le Figaro. 10:12 local time (12:12 MSK) in the police Department called unknown, who reported about the bomb in the building Supervisory authority bomb. Arrived at the scene the police, bomb experts and dog handlers. Check premises for the presence of explosives. Financial news — a division of the Supervisory authority of the country involved in the investigation of crimes in the economic sphere. Currently, the employees of this office conduct a formal investigation in respect of the candidate in presidents of France from the right-wing “Republicans” françois Fillon, as well as preliminary check against the other contender for the presidency of Emmanuel Macron.

Germany refused to increase defense spending to NATO’s desired minimum

Martin Schaefer Medium-term financial plans of Germany not include raising the defense spending to two percent of GDP. This is the representative of the German foreign Ministry Martin Schaefer said during his briefing, his words RIA Novosti reported. It is also called “being realistic” in the issue of increasing military budgets. On March 19 the Minister of defence of Germany Ursula von der Leyen responded to the words of the President of the United States Donald trump: he said that Berlin owes NATO a huge amount of money. “NATO has no delinquent accounts,” said von der Leyen. According to her, the financial contribution to peacekeeping missions, the fight against “Islamic state” (banned in the Russian organization), which is not part of the mandate of the Alliance, and a variety of humanitarian programs is also available on this expenditure. March 18, trump commented on the talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel,

Grushko predicted consequences of increasing the activity of NATO near Russia’s borders

Alexander Grushko Increased activity of NATO along Russia’s borders creates a new reality. This was stated by RIA Novosti Russia’s envoy to NATO Alexander Grushko. “We know from the history of the cold war that such a mixture of military planning and policy, it, in General, leads to a spiral of arms race to spiral confrontational, which would leave the very difficult”, — quotes Agency of his word. The diplomat also noted the continuing “the approach of NATO military infrastructure”. “Work is underway to improve the airfield network, ports, is working on certification of the supply routes, the elimination of various bureaucratic barriers that prevent free movement of forces,” — said the permanent representative. According to Grushko, on the Eastern flank has seen the deployment of four battalions, “it’s an American programme of calming of allies, so-called, within which a rotation of an American armoured brigade”. “It is the creation

Russia and Japan exchanged proposals on joint activity in the Kuril Islands

Sergei Lavrov Russia gave Japan the proposals for specific joint venture projects in the Southern Kuriles. On Monday, March 20, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after talks on security issues in the format of “2+2” in Tokyo, the correspondent “”. “In response, we received ideas. Agreed, that will be organized by the professional elaboration of these issues,” — said the Minister. The head of the Japanese foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said that Tokyo gave Moscow its proposals on joint economic activities on the Islands during the consultations at the level of Deputy foreign Ministers, held on 18 March. “And we have confirmed that we will deepen the discussion on drawing up a list of priority projects, and consideration of the legal framework [for this activity],” explained a Japanese diplomat. 8 Jan Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe said that the joint activities of Tokyo and in the South Kuril

Media reported about the plans of China to reduce the size of the army by 200 thousand people

China in the reform of the people’s liberation army (PLA) can reduce the number of land forces more than a quarter, which is about 200 thousand troops. About it reports The South China Morning Post, citing a source in military circles. Five of the 18 combined arms army groups will be disbanded, the newspaper notes. The soldiers of these compounds will be discharged or transferred to other types of troops. In particular, we are talking about air force, Navy and missile forces, generated by recent reforms. It is noted that the retired will receive a one-time monetary compensation. Thus, according to interlocutors of the newspaper, the payment may be delayed for five years. The authorities are afraid of protests from the soldiers, because the reduction of the army meets with serious discontent within the armed forces. In the fall of 2015, Chinese President XI Jinping announced that the PLA will

Russia likened the passports of DNR and LNR Ukrainian documents

For holders of passports of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk national republics (DND and LNR) in Russia are subject to the same migration rules for Ukrainian citizens. On Monday, March 20, according to “Novye Izvestia”. As the newspaper notes, this information to the Russian media, was confirmed by sources in the state Duma, employee of the migration office of the Ministry of interior, member of the Council for human rights at the President (SPCH) and LC representative. “We were surprised to learn that the residents of the DNI and the LC needs every 90 days to leave. People didn’t know about it” — quoted by “Novye Izvestia” member of the lower house of Parliament. Another MP said that after the signing of the decree was not developed appropriate regulations. The head of the Commission on migration policy at the Council for human rights Yevgeny Bobrov also confirmed that residents of

In Ghana as a result of falling tree killed 20 schoolchildren

In the fall of a tree in Ghana killed 20 people, reports BBC News. The incident occurred on Sunday, March 19, in the popular tourist destination Kintampo. Secondary school students came on a tour to admire the waterfall, and decided to swim. The storm began with rain and a large tree had fallen directly into the water where people swam. As a result, 18 students were killed on the spot, another two died in hospital. Are treated, according to various estimates, from 11 to 20 persons, among them one of the school administrators responsible for the trip. To rescue the victims, rescuers had to saw branches with a chainsaw.

The indignant German parliamentarian compared the tramp with the Chinese Emperor

Donald Trump MPs from the major parties in the German Bundestag expressed outrage at the statement of the American President Donald trump on the debt of Germany to the United States and NATO for security and defense of Germany. On Sunday, March 19, the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “Germany owes US. The only thing we don’t have is money. Errors in judgment of the President about the historical role of the United States is unprecedented and extremely upset,” said the Chairman of the Committee of the Federal Assembly of Germany on foreign Affairs, member of the Christian democratic Union Norbert Rettgen. The speaker of the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD), an expert on foreign policy Niels Annen expressed the opinion that the American leader expressed criticism would split NATO and would cast doubt on joint operations, including in the Baltic States. “Trump is behaving like the Chinese Emperor with

The rating of trump fell to a record low

Donald Trump The rating of the President of the United States Donald trump has fallen to its lowest level since his inauguration. This was reported in the daily Gallup poll, conducted March 18 and published on its website. The activity of the political leader support of 37 percent of those surveyed, 58 percent do not support it. On January 22, when was held the first such data collection, the number of positively and negatively responded about the trump Americans was equal to 45 percent. The trend of the low rating was maintained over the first months of his presidency. In late February it became clear that the results conducted by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal poll activity trump for President kindly appreciated 44 percent of respondents, 38 percent were dissatisfied. About one-third of Americans felt that a Republican can not cope with the duties of the President. Presidential