The President of Iraq announced the suspension of operations in West Mosul

Fuad Masum Operation in Western Mosul has been suspended, to find it “more acceptable ways”. In an interview with the RIA Novosti news Agency said Iraqi President Fuad Masum. The head of state also noted that it is necessary to investigate the mistakes the US committed in the course of attacks in Iraq, including in Mosul. Masum added that the incident will not affect the interaction between Baghdad and Washington. “Relations between the two countries is strategic, and that they attacked this building, doesn’t mean they caused it for the purpose of aggression,” — said the Iraqi leader. Operation in the Western part of Mosul has been ongoing since February, with the participation of aviation of the international coalition led by the United States. However, due to the increased number of victims among the civilian population, the Iraqi security forces decided to suspend the offensive. It is reported that Iraqi

Media reported about the transfer to the middle East 200 American military

Steven Townsend Soon the middle East will be deployed an additional 200 U.S. troops from the 82nd airborne division. It is reported by Fox News, citing a source in the Pentagon. The decision about where it will be deployed units in Iraq or in Syria, must take the commander of us forces in the region General Stephen Townsend. According to the TV channel, thousands of American soldiers will be directed to Kuwait. These forces will be in the operational reserve command and used as necessary during conduct ground operations against militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). 9 March it was reported about the transfer to Syria of several hundred Marines to participate in the operation to liberate the city of raqqa. As written by The Washington Post, the soldiers of the 11th expeditionary force of the marine corps, according to the newspaper, went to

Trump proposed to investigate Clinton ties with Russia

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump proposed to the house Committee on intelligence to investigate relations with Russia former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton and several members of the Democratic party. He wrote about this in his microblog on Twitter. “Why the Committee wants to examine the deal bill and Hillary, which allowed a considerable proportion of uranium go to Russia, organized by the Hillary “reset” and its praise of Russia, and also Russian company John Podestà (head of the election headquarters of Hillary Clinton — approx. “Of the”), “—wrote the American leader. He added that “the story of trump’s ties with Russia is a lie.” On 20 March, the Director of the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI), James Comey said US intelligence agencies will investigate the information on the relationship of trump and alleged Russian intervention in the American elections. Republican any political or

The state Department put on the Obama administration’s decision on new sanctions against Russia

Sanctions against Russian defense companies was developed by the administration of former President Barack Obama. On Monday, March 27, reported TASS the representative of us state Department. According to him, the decision to impose restrictive measures against “the current group of individuals and legal entities was adopted by the state Department January 17”, three days before the inauguration of Donald trump. The representative of the foreign Ministry noted that the document “was subsequently studied zastupaly administration”, after which he was transferred to the Congress. On March 25, the United States imposed two-year sanctions against eight Russian organizations because of the violation of American law on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction regarding Syria, Iran and North Korea. Restrictive measures, in particular, touched upon four of the company from the state Corporation “rostec”: “Rosoboronexport”, the 150th aircraft repair plant of Corporation “Helicopters of Russia” scientific production Association “Bazalt” and the

Ivanka trump accepted the invitation of Merkel at the G20 summit of women in Berlin

Ivanka Trump The eldest daughter of the American President Ivanka trump accepted the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to attend the summit of the “Women’s summit” which will be held in Berlin from 25 to 26 April of this year. About it reports on Monday, March 27, The Independent. The German leader personally invited the daughter of the owner of the White house during his visit to Washington. As notes the edition, Ivanka trump will fly to the German capital a few days before the publication of his book, “Working women: changing the rules of success” (Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success). With her to the us delegation will include four more people, the newspaper notes. “Looking forward to when we next month we will begin to work together to ensure the role of women in the economy and labor market around the world has increased,” Ivanka

Iraqi Prime Minister promised to liberate the country from ISIS a few weeks

Haider Jawad Al-Abadi Iraq will be free from militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) for several weeks. This was stated by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in an interview with Fox News channel. “At the moment we see that ISIS is retreating. We killed them, expelled from our land. In Iraq, victory is inevitable, it is inevitable”, — said the head of the Iraqi Cabinet. According to him, “we’ll finish your job in a very short time — within a few weeks.” “We have a military victory, but others need to act to expel them from Syria and other places,” — said al-Abadi. The Iraqi army is fighting with extremists in the Iraqi city of Mosul. Ground operation for the liberation of this town began in October 2016. In January-February of 2017, Iraqi troops, with the support of the International coalition forces led by the United

Trump’s son-in-law will be the head of innovation at White house

Jared Kushner The President of the United States Donald trump established the office of innovation at the White house, headed by Jared Kushner, senior Advisor and son-in-law of the President. On Monday, March 27, reported the press Secretary of the us administration Sean Spicer. The main activities of the division will be “the modernization of technologies of each Federal Agency” and the definition of “qualitatively new projects in the field of infrastructure.” Special attention, as noted, will be paid to technologies. “In addition, the office will implement the President’s plans for the implementation of government operations and services faster than planned and cheaper than the set budget,” added Spicer. About creation of the Department for innovations, The Washington Post reported March 27. According to the newspaper, the office will place in the West wing of the White house. Employees of the unit that will report directly to the President of

The head of the British foreign Ministry canceled a visit to Moscow

Boris Conceptului: Zakharova called the cancellation of the visit of Johnson “know-how in diplomacy” The visit of the British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in Moscow cancelled due to changes in the schedule of meetings of foreign Ministers of the NATO countries. On Monday, March 27, the RIA Novosti news Agency have informed in Embassy of great Britain in Russia. The Embassy said that Johnson will wait to make a visit to the Russian capital. The foreign office in early March, announced the visit of the British foreign office to Moscow, noting that it should take place “in the coming weeks.” Main topics of the talks was to be the situation in Syria and Ukraine, as well as the development of bilateral relations. In London said that although Johnson has accepted the invitation of the Russian foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, agreed to the visit “does not mean reset relations”. British media

The senators will question trump’s son-in-law about relations with Russia

Jared Kushner Us senators plan to question Jared Kushner, son-in-law of the President of the United States Donald trump, about his alleged ties with Russia. It is reported by The New York Times. In the center of the consideration of the Senate Committee on intelligence will be meeting with Kouchner, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak. Earlier, the White house acknowledged only one conversation in December: then Kouchner, Kislyak and future Advisor of the American leader on national security, Michael Flynn was going in a skyscraper trump tower. However, recently it became known that after this meeting there was another: at the request of the dubious businessman talked with Sergey Gorkov, the head of the Russian Vnesheconombank, which in 2014 is in the American sanctions list. In early March, 2017 and CNN, the Washington Post reported that before the US attorney General Jeff sessions was appointed, he also came

Lavrov discussed with the foreign Minister of Britain, his visit to Russia

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov during a telephone conversation discussed with his British counterpart Boris Johnson preparing his visit to Moscow. This was reported on the website of the foreign Ministry. As said the Russian foreign Ministry, the conversation was initiated by the British side. Other details of the conversation are given. Earlier on 27 March it became known about the postponement of the visit of Johnson to the Russian capital in connection with changes in the schedule of meetings of foreign Ministers of the NATO countries. At the British Embassy in Russia at the same time noted that the head of the foreign office looks forward to the opportunity to come to Moscow. At the same time the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova expressed surprise at the statement of the British side. “What are they interesting: about the visit to