US Ambassador to the UN discussed the assessment with the trump of Russia’s problems

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump sees Russia as a problem. This was stated by permanent representative of this country at the UN, Nikki Haley, her words resource transfers News24. “I hammered it Russia so many times that I can’t remember the exact number: if they do something bad, we will not be silent. What they did to Crimea and Ukraine… And they covered Assad — that in all these things we give them to descent will not give,” explained Haley. According to her, she spoke with trump and he is inclined to consider Russia as a problem. Hayley explained that all are waiting for the President tough words against Moscow, but that we should look at his actions. On 16 March she said that the US should never trust Russia, but then it was noted that her words contradict the view of trump.

Thousands of new Zealanders were evacuated due to flooding

Archive photo Thousands of New Zealand residents evacuated due to floods caused by the effects of tropical cyclone “Debbie”, which hit Australia in late March. About it reports Reuters. “The threat is still real. Under any circumstances, yet there can be no question of returning,” said Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett. Impact of elements occurred on the Northern island of the country. Many roads are blocked by landslides. Meteorologists said that natural disasters of this scale happen once in 500 years. Data on victims did not arrive, however rescuers looking for a man who was taken by the water released from the banks of the river. In Australia, “Debbie” has claimed the lives of six people at the end of March, however, the effects of the storm are still being felt today.

Columnist for the Wall Street Journal said about the “new globalization”

Ludger Schuknecht The rejection of globalization — error, and the world needs a clear, transparent and strictly adhere to the rules. The chief economist of the German Ministry of finances Ludger Schuknecht wrote in his column in The Wall Street Journal. “To more effectively manage globalization, we need increased political activity, and the development of rules and the recognition of their importance,” said Schuknecht. According to him, contemporary globalization has had some negative effects: low interest rates have inflated stock prices, which led to the enrichment of the already wealthy. Illegal immigrants got the opportunity to legalize their status, which aroused the anger of law-abiding citizens, and the global rule of law has weakened in terms of fiscal rules, and security and trafficking issues. Repayment arose the discontent of the people increased social benefits Schuknecht also considers erroneous: according to him, people need opportunities, not handouts from the budget. From

Senior adviser to trump kicked out of the national security Council

Stephen Bannon Senior adviser to the President of the United States Donald trump — Stephen Bannon — was fired from the national security Council. It is reported by Politico. As the newspaper notes, ‘bannon was also criticized by Republicans and by Democrats. They were unhappy that a political appointee is engaged in work intended for career professionals. The administration of the trump initially defended’bannon, citing his service in the U.S. Navy, however, decided to give up. ‘bannon — former owner of the far-right publication Breitbart. A graduate of Harvard University, Bannon has worked at Goldman Sachs and then started shooting documentaries. In his films argues that the modern Judeo-Christian civilization is under attack: her attack “rogue capitalism” of China and Russia, “predatory libertarian capitalism” and “radical Islamic fascism.” In his opinion, the answer to these challenges is the rise of the extreme right-wing movements: the party “national front” in France,

Trump refused to share with Russian military plans on Syria

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that he did not intend to discuss their military plans in Syria with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin. He said this in an interview with The New York Times that was published on Wednesday, April 5. “I never talk about what you do in the military. I argued against this approach for many years,” said trump. Earlier, the us leader has commented on the chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib, which killed at least 58 people, injured about 200. He blamed the incident on the head of the Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad and stated that this situation has changed his attitude towards the Syrian President. Trump also noted that the “heinous acts” Assad — the result of weak policy of the administration of his predecessor Barack Obama. The confrontation between the Syrian President and rebels seeking his overthrow, has been

The state Department outlined plans to cut financial assistance to Ukraine

Bridget Brink The budget of the United States to help Ukraine would be reduced. On Wednesday, April 5, Deputy assistant Secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia Bridget brink, reports RIA Novosti. “Our President’s budget will not be as bloated. Of course, the last word of the Congress, but I assume that the budget will decrease on all counts”, — leads her words . The same information confirmed by former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst, the Agency said. However, he explained that the reduction in funding is connected not with Ukraine, and with internal Affairs in the United States. What is the volume of the budget will eventually be allocated to Kiev, is not specified. On Tuesday, April 4, the European Union has transferred Ukraine the second tranche of macro-financial assistance of 600 million Euro. This was announced by the President Petro Poroshenko in his microblog on Twitter. Money,

The German authorities decided to fine the social network for fake news

The German government supported the bill to impose penalties for social media for fake news and inciting hatred. About it reports on Wednesday, April 5, Reuters. The amount of the fine can reach € 50 million. To punish can and top managers of social networks, they provided for fines of up to five million euros. It is noted that the draft law will also apply to messages that are considered child pornography or incitement to terrorism. Removal violates the law of information and social networks, will be provided 24 hours. According to the Agency, if the bill is passed in its current form, the conditions of work for social networks in Germany will be the toughest in the world. In December 2015, the company signed with the German authorities the agreement on the distribution of xenophobia and fake news. It was assumed that the content will be removed within 24

The guard of the Vice-President of the USA caught with a prostitute

Employee of the U.S. Secret service, which is responsible for the protection of the Vice President of the United States Michael Pence, was detained in a hotel in Maryland, where he saw a prostitute. It is reported by CNN, citing a source in law enforcement bodies. The man was suspended from performing their duties. The incident occurred at the end of last week. The hotel receptionist called the police and reported “suspicious activity” in one of the rooms. The arrived law enforcement officers detained the man when he stepped out of the room, which left a prostitute. According to the source, the agent that day was not in the line of duty. The man personally reported the incident to his superiors. The Secret service was charged with harassment. He was placed on administrative leave, he also suspended the access to classified information. Employees of the U.S. Secret service has been

Russia introduced to the UN security Council a draft resolution on the incident with chemical weapons in Syria

Russia has submitted to the UN Security Council its draft resolution on the incident with chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib. On Wednesday, April 5, reported the press Secretary of the permanent representative to the UN Feodor Strzygowski, reports TASS. “We offered his business made a short project aimed for a real investigation, and not on purpose guilty before the facts,” said Strzyzewski. He added that members of the security Council have started consultations to develop a “compromise” resolution. 5 APR UK, USA and France introduced a security Council draft resolution, which condemns the use of chemical weapons in Idlib. The document also contains a series of demands to Syrian authorities, in particular, to provide the experts of the UN and the OPCW access to military bases, according to RIA Novosti. The Russian side criticized the draft resolution. Deputy permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov said that

South Korea tested a ballistic missile

South Korea conducted a successful test of ballistic missiles such as Hyunmoo a range of up to 800 kilometers. On Thursday, April 6, said the Agency “Yonhap”, citing sources in the Ministry of defence of the country. The launch took place at the test site in Engine at the Institute for defence studies Ministry of defence. Launch date not specified. The test was attended by the defense Minister Han Min GU. As noted, the range of this ballistic missiles cover the entire territory of North Korea. On 5 April it was reported that North Korea launched in the sea of Japan “unidentified missile” from the area of the port city of Shinpo on the East coast of the country. She flew about 60 kilometers. Pacific command of the US Armed forces (USPACOM) classified the object as a medium-range missile KN-15. The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and