Russian citizen Seleznev in the United States was sentenced to 27 years in the case of fraud

In the US, the Russian Roman Seleznev sentenced to 27 years imprisonment in the case of fraud. On Friday, April 21, reports RIA Novosti. According to the Agency, such a ruling made by a Federal court in Seattle (Washington state). Judge Jones said that the accused had a number of opportunities to abandon the criminal life, but he “devoted his life” crimes and “chose the way of the cheater.” “We need to protect society from further crimes,” said Jones. Although it is called a mitigating circumstance Selezneva difficult childhood, but noted an aggravating circumstance — the fact that Seleznev, according to him, obstructed justice “at every turn”. Injuries the judge called “extreme”. Lawyer is trying Seleznev Igor Litvak told the news Agency that the defense has not yet made a decision on the appeal. According to him, the notice of possible appeal will be filed within a 14-day period. “He

The Russian Embassy in Washington commented on the verdict Seleznev

The Russian Embassy in Washington, the arrest of a Russian Novel Seleznyov consider illegal. On Friday, April 21, reported RIA Novosti in the Embassy, adding that the court verdict will be appealed. “We believe that the arrest of a Russian illegal, he was in fact kidnapped from the territory of a third country. According to available information, the lawyers will appeal the court decision”, — stated in the Russian Embassy. Earlier on April 21 the court of Seattle (USA) has sentenced a Russian citizen Novel Seleznev to 27 years of imprisonment on charges of fraud. “The sentence is totally disproportionate and unjustified. On Monday, April 24, will be filed with the notice of intention to appeal,” said TASS, the lawyer of Igor Litvak. The father of the Russian state Duma Deputy Vladimir Seleznev, called the verdict a foregone conclusion and cannibalistic. August 25, 2016, the 32-year-old Russian was found guilty

In the USA the Russian programmer Levashov has brought new charges against

In the USA the Russian programmer Peter Levashov filed new charges. On Friday, April 21, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the acting Deputy assistant attorney General Trevor McFadden. “Only yesterday, a court in Connecticut has put forward charges against him on eight counts in that he was the head of Kelihos botnet” — he said. According to the Agency, informed the Federal court of the state of Alaska the Russians had charged to two counts of Internet fraud and illegal interception of electronic communications. Previously, the Ministry of justice stated that many years ago against Levashova cases were opened in Michigan and Washington (DC). On 9 April it was reported about the detention of Peter Levashov in Barcelona, at the request of the United States. In Spain, the programmer vacationing with his wife. According to her, the police broke into their apartment in the night, showed some documents without

Media reported about the nomination of the new Ambassador of Russia to the UN

Vassily Nebenzia The new permanent representative of Russia to the UN will be Deputy foreign Minister Vasily Nebenzia. About it the newspaper “Izvestia” said a source in the Russian foreign Ministry. “The issue with the representative solved (…) All the documents have been sent to the United Nations”, — leads edition of the words of the interlocutor. March 17, “Kommersant”, citing four sources at the Russian state agencies reported that Vasily Nebenzia considered as the main candidate for the post of permanent representative of Russia to the UN. Interlocutors of the edition explained that the important role in this matter was the fact that before he came in June 2013 to his current position, nebesa held high posts in the Russian missions to the UN in new York and Geneva. In the foreign Ministry he started in 1983. Vassily Nebenzia was born in 1962, in 1983 graduated from MGIMO. In

The media reported on US plans to appoint a new envoy for the talks on Ukraine

Victoria Nuland The administration of U.S. President Donald trump will appoint a new special envoy to discuss the situation in Ukraine with Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov. It is reported portal BuzzFeed with reference to two European officials, whose names are not called. The name of the alleged candidate was not announced. It is only known that the choice of the applicant will be overseen by the current head of the state Department’s Rex Tillerson. The white house has not commented on this information. Informed the American side in these negotiations was represented by former assistant Secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia Victoria Nuland. Her recent talks with Surkov took place in October last year — a month before the election, trump the President. As BuzzFeed notes, the resumption of negotiations actively supports Chancellor Angela Merkel. She discussed this issue with trump at negotiations in Washington. The German leader

In result of Taliban attack on a military base in Afghanistan killed more than 50 people

More than 50 people were killed in an attack by militants movement “Taliban” on a military base located near the city of Mazar-I-Sharif in Northern Afghanistan. This was stated at a briefing on Friday, April 21, representative of the Central command of the USA John Thomas, RIA Novosti reported. According to him, according to preliminary data, the purpose of the attack was the mosque and dining room, where Afghan soldiers and probably civilians working on the base. Thomas noted that several of the attackers were killed by return fire. However, he explained that fighting around the base is still ongoing. Previously on April 21, disguised as Afghan soldiers, the militants broke into the military base. First, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device at the gate, then the extremists have entered the territory of the two pickups. One of attacking managed to be detained. He had a belt stuffed with

Alleged member of the terrorist attack on the Champs Elysees appeared in the police of Antwerp

Suspected of involvement in the terrorist attack on the Champs Elysees in Paris, came to the police station Belgian city Antwerp. On Friday, April 21, reports RIA Novosti. It is noted that earlier the police had issued a warrant for the arrest of the second party of a terrorist attack. According to Reuters, he arrived in France by train from Belgium. On Thursday evening, April 20, in the centre of the French capital there was a shootout in which a policeman was killed, two guards were injured. One of the attackers were eliminated by return fire. Second, presumably, disappeared. The responsibility for what happened took on banned terrorist group “Islamic state”.

The campaign headquarters of Le Pen called for a review of the role of France in NATO

Marine Le Pen France must re-evaluate its role in NATO and to consider the possibility of cooperation in the defense sector with countries that share the interests of Paris in strengthening security in Europe. This was stated in an interview with RIA Novosti David Rachlin, Director of the election headquarters of the head of the “National front” marine Le Pen. “Historically, NATO was created to protect against the USSR. The Soviet Union is no more, and this has led to the transformation of the Alliance (…). We want France regained full sovereignty in the military sphere and had the opportunity to protect their own interests, not the interests of the United States within NATO,” he said. According to Rachlin, the Armed forces of France should be used only if it is in the interests of the country. He added that this does not exclude bilateral cooperation with the countries, primarily

In South Africa in a car accident killed 17 students

At least 17 students were killed in road accidents in the South African province of Mpumalanga. About it reports Reuters. In turn, the local edition of Eyewitness News writes about 20 victims. At the scene arrived rescuers and medics. According to News 24, a minibus carrying students overturned and caught fire. About the causes of accidents are not reported. March 20, in Romania on one of the trails overturned bus in which there were students. In the accident, 13 children were injured. The alcohol content in the blood of 61-year-old driver amounted to 0.34 ppm. The man told police that from fatigue fell asleep at the wheel.

Assad accused Turkey of supplying weapons to terrorists in Syria

Bashar Al-Assad Damascus a hundred percent sure that the supply of chemical weapons to the rebels, Ankara is. The President of Syria Bashar al-Assad said in an interview with RIA Novosti. “From Turkey. Directly from Turkey, and there is evidence that some of them were presented on the Internet a few years ago,” — said Assad, answering a question of where terrorists could get chemical weapons. According to him, “the only route for terrorists to get money, weapons, any material support, recruits and similar materials goes through Turkey, not the other way North, they have not.” On 20 April it was reported that the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) by a majority of votes rejected the proposal of Russia and Iran to investigate the incident in the Syrian town of Khan shaykhun, Idlib province. Earlier in the day Moscow had submitted to the OPCW a range of