The Consulate General has called the possible cause of the murder of the Russians in Oregon

The Russian Consulate in San Francisco confirmed the death of Russian Anna Repkina in the U.S. state of Oregon. On Tuesday, April 25, RIA Novosti said the representative of the Embassy. According to the diplomat, the probable cause of the incident could be a domestic quarrel. “We have notified the relatives of the deceased, are in constant contact with law enforcement (…). The suspect is detained”, — told the Agency interlocutor. April 24, Associated Press citing a senior Deputy district attorney Amy Matuska reported that in the County of Benton was found the body of a murdered woman. According to the Agency, it was 27-year-old Russian Anna Repkina. Local authorities believe that the citizen of Russia arrived in Los Angeles (California) on March 1, and then lived in Corvallis. The cause of death was a gunshot wound in the head. On suspicion in murder was detained a local resident William

Media reported about the return of Erdogan to the presidency of the ruling party

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may again become Chairman of the ruling justice and development. It is reported by Haber Turk. Presumably, on may 20-21, can be held an extraordinary party Congress, which will vote on the issue of change of leadership of the AKP. At present the party is headed by the Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim. The prospect of the return of the President in the ranks of the Party of justice and development became possible after the referendum on introducing the 18th amendment to the Constitution of the country. According to innovations, the leader of the state has the right to retain party affiliation. As noted by RIA Novosti, unlike other amendments, this amendment shall take effect immediately and not after the elections of 2019. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is one of the founders of the party of justice and development. He left the

In the Turkish kindergarten staged a coup attempt

The students of one of the Turkish kindergartens set the scene, which depicted the failed attempt of a coup. It is reported by CNN Türk. — CNN Türk (@cnnturk) 24 April 2017, 02:45 Children with toy guns in the hands of the recited poems, performed a military band. One of the pupils of kindergarten depicted as a Martyr killed in the fighting with the rebels. His “lifeless body” according to tradition, was covered with the national flag. On 15 July last year in Turkey was an attempt of a coup, which killed more than 230 people. Even more than 2.1 thousand were injured. After the suppression of the coup, the country began mass purges in government, public administration, courts, education, the army and the security services. Was closed more than 130 media, over 81 thousand people were suspended from work or dismissed. 32 thousands of defendants in the case about

The mayor voted for Le Pen city preparing to resign

Marine Le Pen The mayor of the small town of Anzin in Northern France, preparing to resign after the presidential elections the majority of residents voted for the candidate from the party “national front” marine Le Pen. It is reported by the newspaper L’avenir de l’artois. “This is a disaster. Maybe I will retire because I don’t want to devote his life to fools”, — said the socialist, Daniel Delome. 38 percent of inhabitants of: voted for far-right politician, socialist Jean-Luc Mélenchon took second place and was 19.25 percent of the vote. The first round of presidential elections in France took place on 23 April. In the second round, in addition to Le Pen, an independent centrist Emmanuel macron. He is considered the favourite in the race to become the host of the Elysee Palace.

In the case of the terrorist attack in Stockholm arrested another suspect

Another suspect of involvement in the terrorist attack in Stockholm arrested in Sweden. It is reported Göteborgs Posten, citing law enforcement authorities of the Kingdom. In a press release, police noted that the investigation “was processed a large amount of materials”. The suspect, whose name was not reported, was arrested on April 23. Within three days the decision on punishment. April 7 at Drottninggatan, the main pedestrian street of Stockholm — truck crashed into the crowd. The car stopped after he entered the window of one of the stores. As a result, four were killed and 15 people were injured. In the case of the attack into custody signed 39-year-old Rahmat Akilov from Uzbekistan. Presumably, he was sitting behind the wheel of the vehicle. To 11 may he will be charged.

The Senate approved Sonny Perdue to the post of Minister of agriculture of the USA

Sonny Perdue The Senate of the U.S. Congress approved Sonny Perdue to the post of Minister of agriculture of the United States. On Monday, April 24, according to RIA Novosti. During his candidacy, voted for the majority of the 100 members of the upper house. Now in the new administration vacant, only the location of the U.S. trade representative, was nominated by Robert Leithiser. When it is approved, the team of President Donald trump is a cavity formed. Sonny Perdue was born on 20 Dec 1946. In 2003-2011 was Governor of Georgia. After retiring, he created a firm to advise companies involved in exports. Before the nomination for the post of Minister of agriculture worked in the campaign headquarters of Donald in the group of advisers on agronomic matters.

AP reported the killing of Russians in the United States

The state of Oregon, USA found that the murder victim in the County of Benton became a Russian citizen. On Monday, April 24, the Associated Press reports, citing senior Deputy district attorney Amy Matuska. According to the Agency, her name is Anna Repkina, she was 27 years old. On request TASS on the confirmation or refutation of this information in the Russian General Consulate in San Francisco (California) has not yet responded. Power Benton believed that she arrived in Los Angeles (California) on March 1, and then lived in Corvallis. Last week she was found dead in a remote area of 177 kilometers from the city of Portland. The cause of death was a gunshot wound in the head. “A woman was found shot to death in the head from behind, as happens at the execution”, — quotes the words Matuska Russian news Agency. On suspicion in murder was detained

The UN has allowed Saudi Arabia to protect women’s rights

The United Nations elected Saudi Arabia to the Commission on the rights of women. About it reports The Independent. Now the representative of the Kingdom among his colleagues from 45 States to engage in “promotion of women’s rights, a fixation of objective facts about their lives around the world and defining the global standards of gender equality and expansion of women’s opportunities.” On 14 March it became known that in the Kingdom started a private Board for women’s rights — while at the ceremony marking the beginning of operation of the Association, the women themselves were not — they had contact with the men via a video link. Saudi Arabia has a program to increase the number of women in the labour market — are now working only 22% of them, while in 2030 it is planned to employ a third of the total.

Fifty bandits committed the biggest robbery in the history of Paraguay

In Ciudad del este greatest robbery in the history of Paraguay. On Monday, April 24, according to Bloomberg. According to him, the criminal group, consisting of about 50 people, on April 24 attacked the collection service. The bandits were well armed. They killed one guard and wounded another, but to get into the facility, blew up the walls of buildings. Leaving the scene of a robbery, they set fire to the lot parked near his car to block the path of police officers. Local media reported that the extraction of robbers became money bags, which contained a total of about $ 40 million. Official confirmation of this information. The attackers fled to neighboring Brazil. Currently, the operation of search and detention involved in it and the Brazilian police.

Obama spoke publicly for the first time after leaving from a post of the President of the United States

Barack Obama Barack Obama Monday, April 24, first performed in public after leaving the post of President of the United States. On Tuesday, April 25, RIA Novosti reported. In his speech to the youth at the University of Chicago, he said that he was going to work with the younger generation. “The main and most important thing I can do is to help prepare a new generation of leaders, so they can take over in this changing world”, — quotes Agency the words of Obama. He stressed that he plans to work in the areas of judicial reform and the funding policy. “That’s what prevents us to face the challenges and to make progress in politics and public life,” he said. It is also noted that in his speech the 44th U.S. President never referred to the current occupant of the White house of Donald trump. In late March it