The white house expressed concern about the arrest of an American in Korea

The United States expressed concern about the detention of an American citizen by the authorities of North Korea. As reported Reuters, said on Monday, may 8, White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “This causes us concern and we are going to work through the Swedish Embassy, our state Department, and secure the release of detained persons,” said Spicer told reporters. Direct diplomatic relations between the U.S. and North Korea no, the interests of Washington in Pyongyang, the Swedish Embassy represents. Kim HAK Sleep, working at the Pyongyang University of science and technology, was detained on Saturday, may 6, on suspicion of involvement in “hostile acts” against the state. Currently, he is the fourth American detained in North Korea. Before that, in late April, was detained Kim sang Dok, which were related to the same school. The Pyongyang University of science and technology was founded by Christian evangelists, and opened in 2010.

The former head of the N. I. United States confused the Russian intelligence with the Soviet

James Clapper Former DCS, USA James Clapper (James Clapper), the proviso during testimony in the Senate about the alleged influence of Russia on the elections of the us President, has called the Russian Soviet intelligence. Video of the incident posted by the newspaper the Washington Post on 8 may. “Returning to 2015. There had been evidence of the activity of Soviet, Russian, sorry, that was a Freudian slip, the Russian intelligence service. They mainly collected information on registration of votes. They have done this before. And we tracked their actions. In 2016, they have intensified,” said Clapper. Clapper also told the senators that he himself knows nothing about any evidence of collusion between the environment of Republican Donald trump, who was elected at the end of the campaign President of the United States, and representatives of Russia. The ex-head of N. I. stressed that retains its confidence that Russia influenced

In South Korea began voting in the presidential election

In South Korea the morning of Tuesday, may 9 began voting in the early presidential elections, reports Reuters. Polling stations opened at 06:00 (00:00 GMT) and will close at 20:00 (14:00 GMT). According to the National election Commission, voter turnout by 08:00 (02:00 MSK) amounted to 5.6 percent. Early voting was about a quarter of voters. A Gallup Korea survey, the results of which were published on may 3, showed that out of 13 candidates with the most chances to win have moon Jae In of the Democratic party, who was supported by 38 percent of respondents, and Ahn Chul-soo from the centrist people’s party with support at the level of 20 percent. Moon Jae-In, with a small gap in the previous elections lost earlier removed from the post of President Park Geun-Hye in 2012, criticized the previous administration for what they are unable to stop the development of the

Surrounded by Obama talked about the warning trump of working with Flynn

Michael Flynn 44th US President Barack Obama warned his successor Donald trump from the appointment of Michael Flynn’s adviser on national security. This was announced on 8 may, Reuters and the Associated Press with links to several former employees of the Obama administration, who requested anonymity. CNN said that Obama met with trump at the White house November 10, two days after the election. In that conversation the President expressed concerns about working with Flynn due to the fact that his name figured in the investigation of the alleged Russian interference in U.S. elections. This fact, and not the dismissal of Flynn in 2014 from the post of chief of military intelligence in the Pentagon called Obama a doubt, according to sources. The American media reacted to the publications in the post trump on Twitter, in which the President commented on Flynn’s dismissal from the post of national security Advisor

Trump called a lie the allegations of his ties with Russia

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump once again denied alleged in his ties with Russia. Reports of this he named his Twitter “absolute lie”, which is distributed with taxpayers ‘ money. Thus, the White house responded to the Senate hearings of the Congress, which addressed the issue of the influence of Russia on elections of the President of the United States. Before the senators addressed the former acting Minister of justice Sally Yates and former Director of national intelligence James Clapper. “Director Clapper has repeated something that you already know everything including the fake media: “no evidence” of collusion of Russia and the tramp,” he said. Also, according to trump, Yates “has done the fake media is very unhappy — she didn’t say anything, except old news.” Earlier it was reported that Yates during the hearing refused to confirm the alleged communication campaign headquarters trump with Russia. Clapper, in

Condoleezza rice called the trump card of trump at negotiations with Putin

Condoleezza Rice Former U.S. Secretary of state Condoleezza rice, who headed the state Department under President George W. Bush, believes that trump the White house of Donald trump in talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin should become the power of the us armed forces. She stated this in an interview with Fox News channel. “The restoration of the former role of the US Armed forces as a tool of deterrence,” rice said on the question of presenter. In her opinion, trump is not afraid to say “no”. Trump should make clear to Putin that “the cold war is gone, our allies in Eastern Europe have to rely on us” (USA — approx. and that “if necessary the President of the United States will protect them,” said rice. “Increasing the military budget is an important signal that the United States will not tolerate certain things,” she added. On 7 may,

Named the date of the sixth round of inter-Syrian talks in Geneva

Staffan de Mistura UN special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura will resume negotiations with the participation of the Syrian government and the Syrian opposition in Geneva on 16 may. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the common on Monday, may 8, the office of the special envoy. At the sixth round of inter-Syrian talks, de Mistura, as noted, expects to strengthen the work with the delegations on the agenda, agreed at the end of Geneva 4. In addition, de Mistura hopes that agreement on de-escalation in Syria reached in Astana on 4 may, will be fully implemented. The fifth round of inter-Syrian talks was held in Geneva from 23 to 31 March and has not brought visible progress in the political settlement process. The Memorandum on the establishment of security zones in Syria was signed in Astana on may 4, the guarantor countries Russia, Turkey and Iran.

The state Department considers the low likelihood of conflict between the US and Russia in the Arctic

The likelihood of conflict between the United States and Russia in the Arctic remains low, according to the state Department. Such opinion as transfers RIA Novosti, expressed at a briefing by the Deputy assistant Secretary for oceans and international Affairs in the field of environment and science David Balton. According to him, the threat of armed conflict in the region “remains low compared to other regions.” In General, he noted that the Arctic remains a “stable and peaceful region.” Balton stated that the United States successfully cooperate with Russia in the Arctic Council, despite disagreements in other areas. “We have a mechanism, which provides for a very good international cooperation between all eight countries, including Russia. Whatever disagreements existed between the US and Russia, they relate to other areas not reflected in the Arctic Council. This is a very consistently active body,” he said. The Arctic Council consists of eight

The former head of the US justice Department refused to confirm “conspiracy” trump with Russia

Sally Yates Former acting Minister of justice and the U.S. attorney General Sally Yates at the hearings in the Senate on may 8 refused to confirm the alleged communication of the election headquarters of Donald trump with Russia, said on Monday RIA Novosti. Senator Lindsey Graham asked Yates whether there was “collusion” between trump and Russia. Yates said he can’t answer because it would require the disclosure of sensitive information. “But that doesn’t mean that my answer is in the affirmative”, — quotes its TASS. The Agency notes that Yates many representatives of the US Democratic party and close to it the media was expecting new information about the “who knew” about contacts with Russia trump the environment. Former Director of national intelligence James Clapper at a hearing stated that he was not aware of any evidence of collusion between the environment trump and representatives of Russia. At the same

Syria spoke out against UN observers to areas of de-escalation

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Syria Walid Muallem spoke out against the sending of UN observers in the zone of de-escalation that were identified during the talks in Astana in early may. On Monday, may 8, he told reporters in Damascus, reports “Interfax”. “We do not agree with the role of observers of the United Nations or foreign forces, which will monitor compliance with the agreement,” he said. Earlier on may 8, Russia submitted to the UN security Council a draft resolution on the support zones of de-escalation in Syria. Three days before that, the UN Secretary-General antónio Guterres endorsed adopted in Astana agreement. On 4 may, the special representative of the President of Russia Alexander Lavrentiev noted that Russian observers could go to the Syrian security zone, in addition, possible participation of other countries. The Memorandum on the establishment of security zones in Syria was signed in Astana