American in Orlando discovered more bodies with gunshot wounds

Continued: Police in Orlando said the death toll in the shooting In the U.S. city of Orlando (Florida) police found several corpses with gunshot wounds. It is reported by CNN. The body was discovered in an office environment. According to the chief of the local police at the scene, investigators are working. According to eyewitnesses, cited by the Orlando Sentinel, the police arrived employees of fire protection. Other details not reported. Soon, law enforcement officials must act with the special statement. In the night of 12 June last year, ethnic Afghan Omar Matin attacked the night gay club Pulse in Orlando, Florida. A criminal armed with a rifle and a pistol, closed the club together with a few hostages and started to shoot them. After a few hours the suspect was eliminated, the surviving hostages are released. Killing 50 people, including the perpetrator, 53 injured. This attack is considered the

The police have established the identity of three of the London terrorists

Investigators working on the case of terrorist attack in London, have identified the three attackers. About it reports BBC News. According to law enforcement officials, their names will be announced soon as will allow the operational environment. Currently, police are trying to find out was whether the perpetrators of the attack members of the larger and more complex terrorist network. The evening of June 3, three men of the “southern appearance” as described by their witnesses, the van ran over pedestrians near London bridge, then got to the borough market, where he got out of the car and with knives attacked passers-by. The victims of this attack were seven people, 48 were injured. Three men who attacked the Londoners, was shot dead by law enforcement officers.

Seventh, the government severed diplomatic relations with Qatar

Continued: Lavrov said on Russian non-interference in the relations of Arab countries with Qatar The Republic of Maldives announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar. On Monday, June 5, reports TV channel Al-Arabiya in his Twitter. — Al Arabiya English (@AlArabiya_Eng) 05 June 2017, 09:01 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of supporting terrorist organizations and actions to destabilize the internal political situation in these Arab States. To their solution later joined by Yemen and Libya. The foreign Ministry of Qatar said they considered such a decision unnecessary, and accusations of aiding terrorism unfounded.

Iran called the attacks in London Wake-up call for the world community

Bahram Ghasemi The attacks in the British capital have become a worrying signal to the world community. This was stated by foreign Ministry spokesman of Iran Bahram ghasemi, reports The Independent. “To eradicate terror, it is necessary that Western States drew attention to the underlying causes [of terrorism], as well as the main financial and ideological sources of extremism and violence, which are understood by all,” — said the diplomat. As notes the edition, Tehran accuses Saudi Arabia in ideological and financial support for militants behind recent attacks in Europe. On the evening of 3 April the terrorists in the van ran into a crowd of people near the London bridge and then got to the borough market, where he got out of the car and rushed with knives on pedestrians. According to the latest data, seven people were killed, 48 were injured. The attackers shot and killed law enforcement

The Prime Minister has canceled a meeting with German foreign Minister

Binali Yildirim The Prime Minister of Turkey, Binali Yildirim has canceled a meeting with the foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel. This publication reports Cumhuriyet. As explained in the office of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, the decision was made due to the tight schedule of Yildirim. Gabriel is located in Turkey on an official visit. He held talks with his counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu. As pointed out by Deutsche Welle., in the centre of the negotiations was an attempt to resolve the conflict between Berlin and Ankara over the rights of German parliamentarians to visit the soldiers of the Bundeswehr, located on the Turkish Incirlik air base. But diplomatic efforts have failed. 15 may it was reported that Turkish authorities once again refused the group of German MPs visiting the airbase. One of the reasons that failed the visit of the parliamentarians was the fact that Germany has

The former head of the Library of Ukrainian literature received four years probation

Natalia Sharina The former head of the Moscow Library of Ukrainian literature Natalia Sharina found guilty on charges of extremism and embezzlement. On Monday, June 5, RIA Novosti reported. Petty-bourgeois court of capital has sentenced Sharin to four years of probation. The prosecution has asked to give her five years probation, and insisted on satisfaction of the civil claim of the library in the amount of 2.1 million rubles. The defense argued that neither the composition nor of a crime in the actions of women no (lawyer Ivan Pavlov insisted that neither the formation of the library Fund, nor the arrangement of books on shelves not included in the duties Sharina) and asked for acquittal.

Qatar called unjustified the decision of Arab countries to break diplomatic relations

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Qatar Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani Qatar considers unjustified the decision of four Arab States to sever diplomatic relations with it. On Monday, June 5, the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Emirate, reports Reuters referring to television channel “al Jazeera”. The Agency noted that the Qatari authorities regret the fact that Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt and Bahrain have made such a decision. The Ministry stressed that the allegations that Doha is an accomplice of terrorism is unfounded. The foreign Ministry assured that the decision of Arab countries to break off relations with Qatar “will not affect the lives of ordinary people and residents of the Emirate”. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of supporting terrorist organizations and actions to destabilize the internal political situation in these

Media reported about the break-up of Yemen diplomatic relations with Qatar

Yemen, archival photoditazine: Six airlines suspended flights to Qatar Yemen announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar. On Monday, June 5, according to Reuters. Thus, Sana joined Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain, which 5 Jun accused Qatar of supporting terrorism and destabilization of the situation in the region, announcing the rupture of diplomatic relations with the Emirate. It is noted that Yemen has called Qatar guilty of supporting extremist groups in Yemen. A leading analyst of the national energy security Fund Igor Yushkov in an interview with National news service (NSN) expressed the opinion that the rupture of diplomatic relations between the Arab countries in the long term may lead to higher oil prices. “Will make the inside of the opponent, the situation was destabilized. If they do succeed, then the conclusion is at least part of the fields in Saudi Arabia, of course, will

Caused a stampede in Turin teenagers admitted his inappropriate joke about a terrorist attack

Crush in Turin in Piazza San Carlo, where it was organized fan-zone for fans of “Juventus”, was, according to law enforcement caused by illegal actions of two teenagers, writes portal Football Italia. According to the newspaper, boys, deciding to “fool around”, pretended to be suicide bombers. Teens revealed during questioning they expressed regret in connection with the incident. Police reviewed the video and identified troublemakers. One of them, which was just pants and a backpack, raised his hands to the sides and began to shout something, giving others the impression that he intends now to commit a terrorist act. All who were near, in fear ran off from him. Then the bully tried to pull him away, perhaps realizing that the situation is rapidly getting out of control. During interrogation, the teenagers confessed that this “joke” was extremely inappropriate. According to the latest data, as a result of a stampede

Arab countries accused Qatar of supporting “al-Qaeda” and ISIS

The king of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud (left) and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi The coalition led by Saudi Arabia, formed to fight the rebels in Yemen, accused Qatar of supporting terrorist organizations “al-Qaeda”” and “Islamic state”, reports Al Arabiya. On the basis of this accusation the coalition has suspended the participation of Qatar in operations in Yemen. Informed about the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar have declared Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE. With Doha suspended air and sea links. Arab countries accused Qatar of supporting terrorism and destabilization in the region. Egypt, in particular, said that Doha supports “the Muslim brotherhood”. “Al-Qaeda” and “Islamic state” in Russia included in the list of terrorist organizations, for participation in activities which provide for criminal liability. The conflict between Qatar and its neighbours occurred a week after the summit, the Gulf countries and the United States in