Lavrov refused to “respond to everyone” about the anti-Russian sanctions

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov refused to comment on the statements of American politicians about the possible strengthening of sanctions against Moscow. The diplomat’s words leads TASS. “What will it take for everyone to react?” — Lavrov said, noting that he is not a medical expert. About the plans of us lawmakers to toughen anti-Russian sanctions on June 11 told a member of the U.S. Senate Lindsey Graham. According to him, the document will be adopted by the upper house this week. The US impose on Russia responsible for a series of cyber attacks perpetrated during the election campaign against American political organizations. January 6 was published declassified version of the report prepared by the CIA, FBI and NSA, in which he argued that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered to organize a campaign in order to influence U.S. elections and to achieve victory

Qatar has hired the former US attorney General to protect against accusations of terrorism

John Ashcroft The Qatari government has paid $ 2.5 million to a law firm owned by former US attorney General John Ashcroft, who headed the Supervisory authority during the presidency of George W. Bush. About it reports NBC News. American lawyers must assess and document the efforts of the Qatari authorities in the fight against international terrorism. According to the TV channel, Ashcroft will participate in this work. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. Representatives of the countries accused Doha of destabilizing the political situation in the Arab States, as well as in support of terrorist organizations, including Islamic state and “al-Qaeda” (both group banned in Russia). Later also joined the boycott Yemen, Libya, Maldives, Mauritius, Mauritania, Union of Comoros.

Kim Jong-Nam was suspected of working for U.S. intelligence

Kim Jong-Nam Killed the brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Us could cooperate with us intelligence. The Asahi reported, citing Malaysian sources. According to the newspaper, at survey of things of the deceased was found a large sum of money: four packs of 30 thousand dollars each. Thus, the investigators, the victim didn’t currency in any of the local banks. In this regard, the Malaysian experts have suggested that the money was received from some Americans, which is allegedly linked with US intelligence. This version is also corroborated by the fact that this citizen of the United States, Kim Jong, We met several times previously. Thus to commit the murder of the brother of North Korean leader could the special services of the DPRK to shut him up. On 13 February at the airport of Kuala Lumpur, was killed by a citizen of North Korea with passport in the

Ukraine offered an alternative to the visa regime with Russia

Pavlo Klimkin The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin has suggested to create a system by which the Russians have advance notice of the intention to visit the country. He told about it on Monday, June 12, in an interview with national TV channel “1+1”. According to him, the visa regime is no longer regular and rooted in the past, but the order of entry into a state for biometric passports in the world will only be strengthened. “Here you go many countries and then you go online and say, I’m five days food — so really, Russian citizens have to go to Ukraine, you must create an appropriate platform and to control the entry, so it was not completely uncontrolled,” said the head of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry. He added that the creation of such a system will take several months, and then it will need to

Duda asked trump to increase the number of American troops in Poland

Andrzej Duda at the NATO summit on may 25, 2017 The President of Poland Andrzej Duda going to ask to increase the number of us troops in the country American leader Donald trump. It is reported “We’re going to talk mostly about economic issues and security issues. In addition, the presence of American troops in Poland. It would be nice if we had more,” said Duda, in an interview. Visit Donald trump in Poland is scheduled for July 6, 2017. 24 may it was reported that the Pentagon has not abandoned the intention to place in the Polish village of redzikowo missile defense system (NMD). As told the Director of operations of the Agency ABOUT the U.S. Department of defense Gary Pennett, the transfer of the system to the location that is on schedule “for delivery in 2018”. As part of operation Atlantic Resolve to strengthen the Eastern flank

Prosecutors in two States in court will find out the legality of the income of the trump

The attorneys General of Maryland Karl Racine (Racine, Karl) and the district of Columbia Brian Frosch (Brian Frosh) plan on Monday to file a lawsuit on President Donald trump. According to The Washington Post, they suspect him of violating anti-corruption article of the Constitution, and that he after his inauguration, “received millions from foreign governments”. The first of its kind lawsuit against state officials based on the fact that trump has decided to retain ownership of his company, when he became President. Even before taking office, the billionaire said that he passes his business to the management of the sons, to resolve a conflict of interest, but prosecutors allege that trump continues to receive reports about their assets. If a Federal judge will move the case, the attorneys General will first require to uncover from trump to disclose tax reporting in order to assess the degree of foreign trade transactions.

The number of victims of the accident with the pilgrims in Transbaikalia reached 12 people

The number of victims of the accident with the pilgrims on the route Irkutsk — Chita in Transbaikalia has grown to 12 people. It is reported TASS with reference to regional Ministry of health. It was said that the woman died during transport in Buryatia. Earlier it was reported about 11 victims — nine women and two men. After the accident in the hospital were delivered to 34 people in heavy and extremely a grave condition. KIA Granbird bus overturned in the district on the night of June 11 in Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky district, seven kilometers West of the village of Hohoto on 702-m kilometer of the highway “Baikal”. Presumably, the driver lost control. 10 people died on the spot, another man died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. The police opened a criminal case on violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles. Earlier, the interior Ministry of

The party of the President of France has taken the lead on elections in Parliament

Continued: the party of the Makron defeated in the first round of the French Parliament The movement of “go Republic!” President of France Emmanuel Makron gaining the highest number of votes in the first round of elections to the National Assembly (lower house of Parliament — approx. “Of the”). About it reports Reuters with reference to the MIA of the Republic after the partial vote count. The Pro-presidential movement “Go Republic!” Rules on elections to the National Assembly after counting 75 percent of votes, gaining 26.9 percent. The centre-right party “the Republicans” — 15,8 per cent, “national front” marine Le Pen 14.4%, “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon — 10.6 percent, the center-left socialist party — 7.5%. The results shown by party Rules say that the citizens support the policy of Emmanuel Macron, both domestically and internationally. This statement was made by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. “France is back. Next Sunday,

Senator Graham spoke about the plans of Congress to “punish russsky”

Lindsey Graham Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told about the plans of the Congress to pass another bill to toughen anti-Russian sanctions. He stated on CBS News. According to him, the document will be considered on Capitol hill this week. It refers to “the punishment of Russian interference in the political process in the United States and around the world.” “There is compelling evidence that Russia is trying to destroy democracy here and abroad,” said Graham, adding that if the President trump will refuse to sign the paper, he “betray democracy. We will not restore relations with Russia before it will punish her for the attempted destruction of democracy. And it starts with new sanctions”, — said the politician. The Senator said that he sees no evidence claiming trump’s ties with Moscow during the election campaign of 2016. “He can’t secretly agree with their government. Why do you think that he

The party of Makron defeated in the first round of the French Parliament

Emmanuel macron, with his wife Bridget The party of the President of France Emmanuel Makron “Go Republic!” won in the first round of elections to the National Assembly (lower house of Parliament — approx. “Of the”). Final data are published on the website of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the country. The Pro-presidential movement has gained 28.21% of the vote, center-right “Republicans” took 15.77 percent, “national front” marine Le Pen of 13.20 percent, “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon — of 11.02 percent, the center-left socialist party — 7,44% of the votes. Came to areas less than half of the French — of 48.71 percent, which is the lowest figure in the history of elections to the national Assembly. Even before the announcement of the final results, Prime Minister édouard Philippe stated, as demonstrated by the party of the Makron, the results indicate that citizens support the President’s policies both