US Treasury imposed sanctions against Nord Stream 2

US Treasury imposed sanctions against Transadria and the Marlin vessel associated with SP-2 US Treasury imposed sanctions against Transadria and Marlin vessels associated with Nord Stream 2, follows from the message on the agency's website. The publication states that the decision was made on the basis of the Protecting European Energy Security Act, PEESA) from 2019.

Benefits of coffee to fight terminal dementia revealed

Australian scientists have discovered the effect of coffee on the prevention of Alzheimer's disease … This is the conclusion reached by scientists at Edith Cowan University, who conducted a long-term study involving several hundred Australian residents. The experts presented their findings in an article published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. The effect of coffee on the prevention of cognitive decline was revealed in 227 elderly patients who did not show signs of dementia. The participants' health was monitored for 126 months. In a subgroup of volunteers, the association between drink consumption and the accumulation of amyloid beta in the brain tissue or brain size was analyzed. Beta-amyloids are considered a major contributor to the development of Alzheimer's disease. Patients who did not suffer from memory impairments and who drank very often coffee at the beginning of the study had a lower risk of developing mild cognitive disorders, which

Russian family forced to pay tax on sold apartment for 14 years

A resident of Dzerzhinsk for 14 years has been paying tax on housing sold in 2006 A family in Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region) has been forced into 14 years pay tax on a sold apartment – employees of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) have not yet re-registered the property to new owners. This is reported by the Telegram channel Ni Mash. The former owner got rid of the apartment back in 2006, having officially sold it. The deal was fully completed, the property passed into the ownership of another person. Nevertheless, for all these years, a woman has been receiving payments from the tax authorities – they demand to pay taxes for housing, to which the Russian woman has nothing to do. Receipts from the Federal Tax Service are sent every fall. A resident of Dzerzhinsk has repeatedly written complaints to the department, but all claims are allegedly transferred to

Ukraine announced its readiness to mobilize 200 thousand reservists

Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov: more than 200 thousand Ukrainians are in reserve, they are liable for military service more than 200 thousand reservists, “” reports. According to Reznikov, on January 1, the law on national resistance and comprehensive defense will come into force in the country. “Therefore, we have understanding of territorial defense, we have more than 200 thousand already in the reserve of Ukrainians and Ukrainian women. Those who have passed through this front have relevant experience. They voluntarily agreed to be in this reserve, they are, in fact, liable for military service, “- said the head of the Ministry of Defense. Earlier, Bloomberg reported that, according to US intelligence, Russia will attack Ukraine from three directions in 2022: from Crimea, Belarus and from the side of the Russian-Ukrainian border. Washington believes that Russia is preparing 100,000 troops for an attack. Reznikov said that in the event

In Belarus, the performance was banned because of the phrase “Long live Flanders!”

The Belarusian authorities have removed the medieval play from the repertoire because of the replica “Long live Flanders!” In Belarus, the play “Til” was removed from the repertoire of the Vitebsk theater. According to anonymous sources among the theater staff, the performance was banned by the Belarusian authorities because of the phrase “Long live Flanders!”. The case is reported by Zerkalo. On November 21, in Vitebsk, at the Yakub Kolas National Theater, the premiere of the play “Till” took place, which tells about the adventures of the Dutch medieval hero Til Ulenspiegel. The play was staged based on the novel of the same name by the Belgian writer Charles de Coster, in the center of the plot of which is the struggle of the Flemings (one of the two main peoples of Belgium and a significant minority in the Netherlands – approx. “” ) against the rule of Spain. Related

The winner of the competition in honor of the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky has been announced

An artist from Chuvashia won the competition in honor of the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky heavenly patron saint of St. Petersburg “, organized in honor of the 800th anniversary of the prince. This is reported by “Vesti Chuvashia.” > It is noted that Yemelyanov is the chief artist of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery. He mainly works in the genre of historical painting, depicting the exploits of defenders of the patronymic. Yemelyanov also actively participates in creative projects and exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Earlier in November, the painting “Forbidden” by Novosibirsk artist Artyom Loskutov was sold at auction for 3.6 thousand euros (297 thousand rubles). The canvas depicts a stylized can of condensed milk with a label adorned with the word “forbidden”. The size of the painting is 200 by 150 centimeters.

Morgenstern's lawyer responded to Bastrykin's drug trafficking accusations

Morgenstern's lawyer Zhorin fears pressure from law enforcement officers after Bastrykin's statement , as the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR), Alexander Bastrykin, accused him of drug trafficking. In a conversation with, the human rights activist added that Bastrykin's subordinates may perceive his words as a call to action. The head of the ICR said that Morgenstern was selling drugs on social networks. Zhorin denies this accusation. “What we think, how we will react, is of secondary importance here – it is more important how Bastrykin's subordinates will react to it. No matter how they take it as a call to action. Obviously, Morgenstern does not sell drugs – this is not his field of activity. But what Bastrykin said is puzzling. Maybe he was misinformed, “the human rights activist replied. Earlier, Bastrykin said that the Unified State Exam should be canceled, as it is torture for

Bastrykin accused Morgenstern of drug dealing

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Bastrykin said that Morgenstern sells drugs on the Internet drug trafficking on the Internet. This is reported by RBC in its Telegram channel. “Blogger Morgenstern is essentially selling drugs on social networks. And we are sitting here, discussing abstractly what the highest value means, and human rights cannot be violated, “Bastrykin said. According to the Telegram channel, the musician's lawyer Sergei Zhorin admitted that the words of the chairman of the Investigative Committee puzzled him. “What we think about it and how we will react is of secondary importance. More important is how the subordinates of Alexander Ivanovich will react to this, “he said. On November 19 it became known that Morgenstern's work would again be examined for the presence of drug propaganda in it. The hip-hop artist will be checked in accordance with part 3 of article 230 of the Criminal

They wanted to challenge the cancellation of the indexation of pensions in the Constitutional Court

State Duma deputies will challenge in the Constitutional Court the abolition of the indexation of pensions for working pensioners The Just Russia For Truth faction intends to clarify the Constitutional Court's position on this issue. This was announced by the leader of the association Sergei Mironov. The indexation of pensions for working pensioners was canceled in 2016. The MP recalled that on July 4, 2020, amendments to Article 75 of the Constitution entered into force, providing for the indexation of pensions at least once a year. Mironov suggested sending a request to the Constitutional Court to check the provisions of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, which contains a provision on the abolition of indexation of pensions for working pensioners, for compliance with the Constitution. To request the Constitutional Court, it is necessary to collect 90 signatures of deputies State Duma. The Just Russia For Truth faction received 27 mandates