Putin instructed to work on vaccines against COVID-19 for children from two years old

President Putin instructed the government on COVID-19 vaccines for children from 2 years of age Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to pay attention to the work over COVID-19 vaccines for children from two years of age. This is reported by TASS. On November 23, the creator of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine, director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg, spoke about the COVID-19 vaccine for children. He stated that the vaccine is safe even for minors with low immunity. When asked about the parents' concern about the insufficient knowledge of the drug, Gunzburg replied that the vaccine had been studied quite well by the adult population.

Putin supported the extension of the validity of certificates of COVID-19 patients

Putin supported Golikova's idea to extend the certificate after COVID-19 to a year Russian President Vladimir Putin supported Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova's proposal up to a year the validity of the certificate after the transferred COVID-19. This is reported by TASS. “We will do so,” the head of state said after listening to the report of the deputy chairman of the government. Earlier, Golikova noted that the share of re-ill with coronavirus in Russia was 0, 74 percent of their total. According to Golikova, in this regard, there was a proposal to extend the validity of such certificates from six months to one year. “In the near future, the relevant amendments will be made to the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health, and the corresponding changes will be taken into account by the Ministry of Digital Science on the Unified Portal of Public Services in the certificates of

The head of the Belarusian church compared migrants stuck at the border with aliens

Patriarchal Exarch in Belarus: Migrants should be treated like aliens migrants with aliens, Interfax-Zapad reports. “They should be treated like” aliens “. This is how the Old Testament calls to treat all pilgrims in our lives. The Bible says that we are aliens on this earth, like many of our fathers, “- said the head of the Belarusian church during a press conference in Minsk. According to him, one should show mercy to strangers and aliens. compassion, support them and “nourish them with bread” in difficult times. Earlier, the State Border Committee of Belarus said that the Polish security forces tried to stop refugees trying to break through the border using automatic bursts. В In early November, several thousand migrants from the Middle East gathered on the border of Belarus with Poland and Lithuania, who are trying to break into the EU. The West claims that the migration crisis was

The issuance of loans to Russians will begin to restrict

The State Duma allowed the Central Bank to introduce limits on the issuance of consumer loans and loans, adopted in the third, final reading, follows from the information on the website of the State Duma. Now the regulator will be able to impose restrictions, setting the maximum allowable share of certain types of products for credit institutions: in particular, unsecured consumer loans and loans. An exception will be made for loans for education and loans to people with disabilities for the purchase of rehabilitation and treatment. The provisions of the law will take effect on January 1. The decision to set the limits will be made taking into account the risk factors for an increase in the debt burden of borrowers determined by the Central Bank. Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin believes that the measures are justified against the background of the current situation on the lending market,

Golikova unveiled the level of herd immunity in Russia

Golikova: the level of herd immunity in Russia to COVID-19 is 50.4% In Russia, the level of herd immunity to COVID-19 is equal to 50.4 percent. Such figures were published by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova, her words are quoted by TASS. Earlier, Golikova said that in Russia the incidence of coronavirus decreased by 6.1 percent in a week. According to her, the incidence rate of COVID-19 is declining most of all in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. At the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister named the regions in which there is a high incidence of COVID-19. These are Amur, Novgorod, Tomsk regions, Khabarovsk Territory and Crimea.