Weather anomalies were predicted for a number of Russian regions

Forecaster Vilfand: anomalous heat will come to the south and center of European Russia at the end of November part of European Russia at the end of November expects a temperature of five degrees above normal, RIA Novosti reports. According to the forecaster, heat will come to the center of European Russia on November 25: the temperature on that day will be three degrees above normal, and by the weekend – by five degrees. On Sunday, Vilfand predicted up to plus four degrees and a warm southwest wind. “According to calculations, the temperature will even be up to plus five degrees,” he concluded. Vilfand also predicted weather anomalies in a number of other Russian regions. In particular, in the north of European Russia, abnormal cold and “severe frosts” are expected: on November 25 at night it is predicted up to minus ten degrees, and by the end of the week

The place of Russia in the policy of the new German government has been named

Political scientist Kamkin: the new Cabinet of Ministers of Germany will choose a pragmatic approach towards Russia The new government of Germany will choose a pragmatic approach towards Russia is not foreseen, but the main place in his German foreign policy will be given to relations with the United States. Alexander Kamkin, a leading researcher at the Center for German Studies at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said this in an interview with Related materials00: 02 – September 28 Deficit of democracy. Power is changing in Germany. Who will lead the country into the future and what will it be like? 00:01 – September 26 “Merkel leaves bedlam behind” Pro-Russian nationalists are joining the Bundestag. How will Germany change after the elections? According to the expert, the future German Chancellor and the head of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) Olaf Scholz is a supporter

Russian wine preferences revealed

AKORT: the majority of Russians prefer semi-dry or dry wines, the most popular are red wines Russians' preferences in wine. According to him, the majority of consumers prefer semi-dry or dry wines, red ones are especially popular, RIA Novosti reports. “On average, 40 percent of buyers prefer semi-dry wines, 35 percent prefer dry ones. At the same time, it is precisely the sweetness that remains one of the key criteria when choosing a wine in a store. Over the past two years, the consumption of sweet wines has decreased by an average of 12 percent, “the expert noted. According to Karavaev, the demand for white wines has begun to grow. Two years ago, the ratio of consumption of red and white wines was 70 to 30 percent, today 65 percent prefer red wine, 35 – white and 5 percent sparkling wine. The chairman of the AKORT Presidium predicted growth in

Russian scammers intensify ahead of Black Friday

Marketer Podgorny: the share of phishing emails during the Black Friday period grows sharply The share of phishing emails during the Black Friday sales period “Grows sharply from an average 3-5 percent to 20-30 percent. Kirill Podgorny, Director of Marketing at ESET in Russia and the CIS, told RIA Novosti. According to him, in the week before and a week after the sales, scammers and fake websites are sharply activated all over the world, and the share of phishing e- letters take off. The specialist advised Russian users to check the router settings before making online purchases, download the latest updates for the browser, Android Pay and Apple Pay payment instruments and set a limit on spending on a bank card. “Better get a separate card for online shopping, such as virtual “, – said the marketer, noting that its activation takes only a few minutes. Earlier, an analyst on

Ukraine predicted the coming to power of a politician with a “beautiful signboard”

Composer Bystryakov: Zelensky will be replaced as president by a “decisive person” ru ”told who could become the next president after the departure of Volodymyr Zelensky. He believes that politicians who are really capable of changing something will not be allowed to power in the country and predicted the coming to power of a person who will also not decide anything, but will only change the “sign” to a beautiful one. According to him According to the former speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Dmitry Razumkov, for example, he has a beautiful surname, which indicates that he is “reasonable”, which can have a certain impact on voters. He also lamented that almost every possible candidate who is ready to fight for the presidency has an almost identical program to the others, with which he is going to go to the elections. Bystryakov noted that only co-chairman of the OPLZ party Viktor

Product named to increase the level of “bad” cholesterol

Doctor and TV presenter Myasnikov: palm oil increases the level of “bad” cholesterol Foods containing palm oil increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood person, said the doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov, reports the TV channel “Russia-1”. Despite the harm, this ingredient is added to many products. For example, palm oil is used in bakery and confectionery products. Myasnikov recalled that it is not pure palm oil that is used, but specifically for baking in the food industry. “This ends with the formation of so-called trans fats, which increase the level of“ bad ”cholesterol,” he stressed. The doctor advised caution to eat products containing palm oil. Earlier, endocrinologist Oksana Mikhaleva warned Russians about the risks of developing heart disease from palm oil. According to the doctor, natural palm oil contains a lot of antioxidants, but this oil is not used in mass production. Bleached palm oil is

Doctor reveals unexpected properties of garlic

Dr. Ginsburg: garlic stimulates digestion and reduces gas formation On the air of the program “On the most important” on the TV channel “Russia 1”, he spoke about its benefits for digestion. Available on YouTube. Garlic has a dual effect, Ginzburg said: it stimulates digestion and is antibacterial and therefore reduces gas production. “Food, on the one hand, reaches the stomach devoid of sugars and fatty acids, to which bacteria react especially violently with their growth, and on the other hand, their quantity becomes normal,” the specialist explained. His co-head physician Sergey Agapkin also told how to enhance the positive effect of garlic on digestion. He recommended to use it in its pure form: divide the clove into 4 parts and swallow it like a pill. “If you take and swallow a piece of garlic, it passes almost undigested through the small intestine, enters the large intestine, and there essential

The nutritionist named the product for cleansing the body of toxins

Nutritional trainer Terekhov: dill replenishes vitamin deficiencies and removes bile from the body … He called this plant a source of vitamins and minerals, RIA Novosti reports. Terekhov noted that dill is widely used in cooking. It contains many vitamins, beta-carotene, folic acid and other beneficial compounds. “Not a single table is complete without this product: soups, mashed potatoes, salads, marinades – the list is endless,” the specialist emphasized. According to the nutritionist, dill not only replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. In addition, it has a vasodilating effect and strengthens the vascular wall. Terekhov also called dill a product for cleansing the body of toxins: the herb removes bile from the body and provides a weakening of the intestines. Previously, nutritionist Irina Stepnaya called a fruit ideal for losing weight. Pineapple also improves bowel function and alleviates flatulence

Loza responded to a letter from doctors with an invitation to the “red zone”

Singer Loza said that he would not be surprised by an invitation to visit the “red zone” Singer Yuri Loza responded to an open letter from 11 Russian doctors, in which anti-vaccinators were invited to visit the “red zone” of hospitals. He wrote on Facebook that in his life he “buried enough people”, so this excursion would not surprise him. “The question arises – then why call a healthy person to a place full of nosocomial infections? I could not find another answer to how to infect. Tell me, do I need it? Am I my own enemy? ” – added the musician. Loza also expressed distrust of the vaccine, recalling that epidemiologists require at least a five-year test cycle before being recognized. The singer also announced the inadmissibility of compulsory vaccinations. Earlier, the chief doctors of large covid hospitals in Russia were invited on an “excursion” to the red

The model spoke about the parties in the mansion of the founder of Playboy

Former Playboy model talks about living in the mansion of its founder Hugh Hefner Former model of the American erotic magazine Playboy Jenna Bentley Daily Mail about the times when she lived in the mansion of its founder Hugh Hefner. According to her, wild parties took place there, at which girls were forced to have sex with guests. The girl moved to live in Hefner's estate at the age of 18 and stayed there for a year. She signed a “very tough” nondisclosure agreement, and she was also forbidden to have a boyfriend. The girls had a curfew: models who did not return home by 21:00 stayed overnight on the street, says Bentley. However, according to her, such strictness of the rules was compensated by noisy parties at which it was possible to meet a large number of celebrities. She noted that during her stay in the mansion she did