Russian immunologist announced the possibility of confusing coronavirus with blood cancer

Immunologist Zhemchugov warned that COVID-19 can be confused with 30 diseases Coronavirus infection has many symptoms, so it can other diseases, including blood cancer. This opinion was expressed by a specialist in especially dangerous infections, an immunologist, doctor of medical sciences Vladislav Zhemchugov, his words are quoted by the Telegram channel Radiotochka NSN. “Coronavirus can be confused with anything where there is a temperature, therefore the diagnosis must be made on the first day. Now tests are available in pharmacies, you need to do them right away and call a doctor faster, “Zhemchugov said. He also listed the most common symptoms of COVID-19. These are a runny nose, sore throat, loss of taste, smell, often hearing impairment, muscle pain and symptoms of intestinal upset. Earlier, Zhemchugov said that at the first symptoms of malaise, there is no difference between coronavirus, flu and colds. The doctor said that COVID-19, influenza and

In Russia, 33 796 cases of coronavirus were detected

In Russia, 33 796 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day Over the past day, 33 796 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia. Thus, the total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9,468,189. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Thursday, November 25. A day earlier, 33,558 infections were recorded in the country.

Sobyanin explained the high level of housing prices in Moscow

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin: in recent years, Moscow has doubled the number of new residential buildings Muscovites, Mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin said in an interview with RIA Novosti. According to him, the demand for housing in the city is great. “She (the problem of rising housing prices – approx.” “) worries, of course, everyone, and Muscovites in the first place. Because someone has an apartment, someone does not. The younger generation is growing up, families are leaving. The demand for housing in Moscow is great. But the supply is also increasing. In recent years, we have doubled the number of new housing units, ”said the mayor. But the level of demand for apartments in the city remains high, Sobyanin explained. Recently, it has grown due to the launch of the preferential mortgage program and interregional migration. “We are not even talking about migrants from near or far

Disclosed the optimal cost of vouchers to Sri Lanka for the New Year

ATOR: the cost of staying in a hotel in Sri Lanka for the New Year will cost 90.8 thousand rubles Russian travelers were told the optimal cost of rest in Sri Lanka for the winter holidays. This is reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). Thus, a ticket to Hikkaduwa with accommodation in a three-star hotel on the first coastline and departure on December 29 will cost 90.8 thousand rubles for nine nights. Tours with accommodation in a four-star hotel will cost more – from 112.9 thousand rubles for two. At the same time, it is specified that the price includes flights, accommodation and meals on the “all-inclusive” system. You can relax in a five-star hotel in Galle for the New Year for 116 thousand rubles for two. The hotel has restaurants, swimming pools for children and adults, as well as a private beach.

Death toll due to explosion in Mogadishu revealed

Reuters: Explosion in Somali Capital Mogadishu Kills Five and Wounds 23 , 23 more were injured. This became known from a report by Reuters, which refers to medical workers. It is reported that there may be more victims, but their exact number is unknown. The bomb went off at the crossroads in the city center. The blast wave collapsed the walls of a nearby school and hospital, as well as mutilated cars standing nearby. Reuters reports from the scene that among the victims may be teachers, schoolchildren and medical workers. The agency found out that the security forces blamed the incident on the radical Islamist group Al-Shabab. These are terrorists who have been fighting the Somali government for a long time to establish strict religious laws in the country. Earlier it became known that immediately after the explosion, shooting began. The Somali authorities reported that the true target of the

Pole suspected of spying on Russia

PAP: Polish special services detained a citizen of the country on suspicion of spying on Russia The Internal Security Agency of Poland detained a 66-year-old citizen of the country on suspicion in spying on Russia. This was reported by Polska Agencja Prasowa (PAP). Press Secretary of the coordinating intelligence minister Stanislav Zharyn stressed that the Pole acted to the detriment of Warsaw's interests. “The collected evidence and procedural actions carried out during the investigation give grounds to suspect the 66-year-old Polish citizen of initiating espionage activities in favor of Russia,” he concluded. According to the agency, the suspect Radoslaw S. denied his guilt. If convicted, he faces up to ten years in prison. Intelligence officials believe that he assisted Marchin K., who had been arrested earlier for assisting foreign intelligence. The investigation confirmed that he also collaborated with the Russian special services. On November 12, it became known that in

Russia has increased purchases of palm oil

Rosstat: import of palm oil to Russia increased by 7.1% in 9 months Import of palm oil to Russia in 9 months amounted to 803 thousand tons. This is 7.1 percent more than in the same period last year, according to Rosstat data. However, purchases of goods fell in September: by September last year – by 17.3 percent, and by August 2021 – by 34.6 percent. Moreover, over the past few years, about one million tons of palm oil has been imported per year. It is mainly used in the confectionery industry. Earlier it was reported that Russia increased imports of palm oil and its fractions by 12 percent in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period last year (up to 529 thousand tons). In June, purchases increased by 75.2 percent compared to last year and by 69.6 percent compared to the previous month. Meanwhile, Russians began