Unknown kidnapped a Frenchman in Haiti

Rezo Nowdes: Frenchman Alain Sauval was kidnapped by unknown persons in the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince In the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince armed men kidnapped French citizen Alain Sauval, head of the capital's University of Quiscay. The local newspaper Rezo Nowdes writes about this. The Frenchman was kidnapped when he was returning home in his car, accompanied by a student from the University of Quisquia. They were redirected to an unknown location. The kidnappers' claims are not yet known: they have not contacted the Soval family. The university has asked the police to ensure safety in the city. Earlier, the Haitian gang 400 Mawozo kidnapped 17 Christian missionaries from Canada and the United States. They were taken hostage as they boarded a bus outside a shelter in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. Later, the head of the gang threatened to kill the kidnapped missionaries if he was not paid the required

In Germany, they started talking about the possibility of launching Nord Stream 2 without certification

Handelsblatt: Nord Stream 2 may start operating before official certification Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline under certain circumstances can start working without waiting for the completion of the certification process. This conclusion was reached by the authors of an article published in the German newspaper Handelsblatt. They recalled that in the past, similar situations, when pipelines were put into operation before they were certified, had already happened. In particular, we are talking about the German projects NEL and EGL 401. The authors admit that in this case they will have to pay a fine, however, according to the estimates of the German Federal Network Agency (BNA), its amount is no more than one million euros. This amount looks reasonable. Investments in the construction of Nord Stream 2 are no less than ten billion euros Handelsblatt The authors of the article believe that this scenario may seem “tempting” to the operator

Rostekhnadzor denies gas problems at Listvyazhnaya mine

Rostekhnadzor inspector on the explosion at the Listvyazhnaya mine: there have been no violations with gas for a long time about problems with gas and violations in the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass, where 51 people died as a result of a gas explosion. He told REN TV about this. According to him, there have been no violations related to gas in the mine for a very long time. “Nobody was there for a day. On the 18th, the inspectors were there and on the 11th, the last time they were in this face, where the explosion took place. 139 violations – this was revealed within a year, and not eliminated in a day. On that day, there were only 11 or 12 violations, they immediately eliminated them. They had nothing to do with the accident at all, there were transport violations. And this is gas, “Trockman explained. He added that

Russians were given tips on driving in winter

Izvestia: the peak of road accidents in winter falls on the interval from 18:00 to 21:00 winter time falls between 18:00 and 21:00 due to high workload and poor visibility. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to experts. “You can't think of anything worse for the correct perception of the road and road users than white snow and twilight,” said master of sports in rally and automobile expert Yegor Vasiliev. According to him, in order to maintain control over the situation and see as much as possible, glasses with yellow filters should be used. He noted that they significantly increase the contrast of the perception of the picture. The USSR champion in auto racing and the author of numerous books on driving, Mikhail Gorbachev, in turn, advised to check the grip under the wheels. “While driving in a straight line, lightly press the brake pedal, of course, making sure

Cherchesov announced his readiness to return to the Russian national team

Stanislav Cherchesov announced that he is ready to return to the Russian national football team Former head coach of the Russian national team Stanislav Cherchesov is ready to return to the national team. He stated this in an interview with Sport-Express. According to the expert, he would agree to such a proposal from the Russian Football Union (RFU). Cherchesov also stressed that he would also agree to lead the Polish national team. Earlier on Friday, November 26, the head coach of the Russian national team, Valery Karpin, admitted that he would turn to Cherchesov for advice before playing with Poland. The teams will play on March 24 in the semifinals of the play-off in the qualification for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Cherchesov led the Russian national team from 2016 to 2021. In July, he was replaced by Karpin.

Former Mayor Retired for a Day of Mourning Banquet Explained

The resigned mayor of Prokopyevsk Starchenko: there was no banquet on the day of mourning Listvyazhnaya ”the former mayor of Prokopyevsk Vyacheslav Starchenko explained after the incident. His words are reported by REN TV. According to the ex-mayor, there was no celebration in honor of his inauguration. He also said that the banquet was filmed by “a completely unknown person.” “There was no banquet. And I was not there, and there were no ceremonies for my inauguration. You saw this video. I am not there, anyone can be registered, but I was not there! “, – explained Starchenko. The ex-head of Prokopyevsk stressed that he intends to apply to law enforcement agencies for an objective examination of the incident. He also said that he was counting on a personal meeting with the governor of the region, Sergei Tsivilev. On the evening of November 26, the governor of the Kemerovo region,

Putin offered to extend the “Pushkinskaya karta” to Russian cinema

Russian President Putin proposed to extend the “Pushkin Map” to Russian cinema Pushkin Map “for going to the cinema for feature films and documentaries of domestic production. The head of state announced this at a meeting with the government, RIA Novosti reports. According to the president, this will become one of the forms of support for Russian cinema. “You know that the Union of Cinematographers is still applying to the Ministry of Culture to support them financially. This is one of the forms of support that does not require additional allocation of resources, bearing in mind that this money has already been provided for in the budget for next year, “Putin explained. Pushkin cards in Russia began to be issued on September 1 … The project to popularize cultural events for young people from 14 to 22 years old was developed at the initiative of the President of Russia. With

Russia and China rejected the idea of ​​a Summit for Democracy

National Interest: Ambassadors of Russia and China strongly reject the idea of ​​a Summit for Democracy Moscow and Beijing strongly reject the idea of ​​an international Summit for Democracy, which will be held in December at the initiative of the United States. This is stated in a joint article by the ambassadors of Russia and China, published in the National Interest. The material emphasizes that holding such an event will cause an ideological confrontation that runs counter to the development of the modern world.

A preliminary version of an explosion at a mine in Kuzbass named

A TASS source on the cause of the explosion at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass: a sudden release of methane The preliminary cause of the explosion at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo Region has been named. A law enforcement source told TASS that the cause could have been a methane release. “Previously, there was a sudden release of methane, then there was an explosion. But the specific reason for the release has not yet been established, the competent and investigative authorities are now looking into this, ”the interlocutor explained. Experts will study the operation of sensors at the mine, and also find out whether they showed correct data on methane concentration or not … “Now they are also dealing with this,” the source said. Previously, an anonymous employee of Listvyazhnaya, in a conversation with Lenta.ru, said that for years the management of the mine ignored the problem of increased

Unexpected methods to lower blood pressure without medication named

Mosley's doctor: singing, hot baths, weight loss and dark chocolate can help reduce blood pressure The Mail described unexpected ways to lower blood pressure without resorting to medication. According to the doctor, weight loss, reduced salt intake and physical activity can help in the long term. The doctor considers this method to be simple, but at the same time the most effective. The quicker results, Mosley promises, can be achieved by singing. It has been shown to successfully lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which affects blood pressure and blood sugar. Moreover, this method works almost instantly. The doctor cited as an example a case from practice, when one of his patients during an operation had a sharp rise in blood pressure – so much so that doctors feared an unfavorable outcome. Then, according to Mosley, the woman began to sing softly, and after 20 minutes her blood pressure