Opponent of vaccination spoke about visiting the red zone in Moscow

Opponent of vaccination about the state of patients in the red zone of the City Clinical Hospital # 15: everyone looks good zone in the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 15. URA.RU quotes her words after visiting the institution. She stated that all the patients looked good: the men were shaved, and the women had good hairstyles and normal manicure. According to her, none of the patients coughed, and they had bruises that appear from lying in one position for a long time. Opponents of vaccination felt that they were shown not real patients, but “hired extras” of professional actors. She also said that half of the wards in the hospital are empty, and most of the patients “do not suffer.” In addition, everyone in the hospital allegedly told her that they had not been vaccinated and regretted it very much. Earlier, the head physician of City Clinical Hospital No.

In Russia, 33,548 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day

Operations headquarters: in Russia, less than 40 thousand new cases of COVID-19 were again detected per day Over the past day, 33,548 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia. Thus, the total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9,570,373. The operational headquarters for combating the spread of infection reports in its Telegram channel. 33,548 cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia per day Most of all new cases of coronavirus were detected in Moscow (3086), St. Petersburg (2072) and the Moscow region (2046). Least of all – in the Republic of Kalmykia (27 cases), Nenets Autonomous Okrug (12), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (6). 1224 patients with COVID-19 died per day. In total, 272,755 people have died since the beginning of the pandemic. The daily rate of recovery was 30,646, the total – 8,268,111.

The rescuer who survived on “Listvyazhnaya” revealed the details of his rescue

Rescuer Zakovryashin, who survived at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass, will return to work work after the incident. His words are quoted by the Telegram channel SHOT. An Emergencies Ministry employee revealed the details of his rescue. Zakovryashin managed to get out of the mine thanks to a stream of fresh air from the surface. Because of it, there was no gas pollution in the room, in addition, he was able to navigate in the mine and know which side the surface is. Zakovryashin said that he felt much better, he was satisfied with the care and food in the hospital. The rescuer noted that he would return to work without any problems as soon as the doctors allowed. Earlier it became known that the number of victims of the explosion at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass had increased to 76. The authorities clarified that as of 12: 00 local

Rostropovich's daughter was hospitalized in Moscow

The daughter of cellist Rostropovich and singer Vishnevskaya was hospitalized in Moscow This was reported by the REN TV channel. It is noted that the woman unsuccessfully fell at home and injured her fingers, as a result of which she lost consciousness. She was admitted to the cardiology department – she was admitted to the hospital with high blood pressure. Olga Rostropovich is the president of the Foundation for Cultural and Humanitarian Programs, founded by her father, and the head of the Vishnevskaya Opera Singing Center. She actively participates in musical and cultural events: she was a jury member of the international Nutcracker competition, organized the XV International Tchaikovsky Music Competition.

The man defeated cancer, returned home and found his beloved with another

In the UK, a man recovered from cancer and on the same day caught his beloved for treason and caught his beloved cheating on the day he was discharged from the hospital. This is reported by the Daily Mirror. As told by a native of Wales, Tom Garrod, in 2004, doctors discovered he had aggressive stage IV cancer. Despite the fatal diagnosis, the man did not lose heart and immediately began treatment. He went through months of chemotherapy and steroid treatment, and the disease subsided. However, when exhausted by the treatment, the Briton returned home, where he was to be met by his beloved, he found her in bed with another. “I was just shocked. Frankly, when I was told the diagnosis, I did not feel so bad, “- said Garrod. The Briton said that after betraying his beloved he fell into depression, began to smoke and drink a lot,

Gas supplies from Russia offered to be exchanged for lifting of sanctions

Expert Line: energy security can be ensured by lifting the sanctions from Russia The energy security of European states can be ensured by lifting the sanctions from Russia. Such an exchange and a way out of the current crisis was suggested by an expert of the specialized portal offshore-technology.com Market Line. Line believes that the conclusion of new long-term contracts of European energy companies with Gazprom will help to withstand the energy crisis. He believes that the increase in prices was caused by the reduction in gas supplies to Asian markets, which could also have been prevented by long-term contracts. The analyst is confident that the growing EU dependence on renewable energy sources such as solar photovoltaic and wind energy only increases the need for natural gas, especially Russian gas, which covers 40 percent of European needs. Europe is facing an energy crisis on the back of lower-than-expected gas supplies

Omicron-strain of coronavirus infiltrated the Czech Republic

A case of infection with the omicron coronavirus strain has been confirmed in the Czech Republic A new omicron coronavirus strain has been officially confirmed in a patient in the city of Liberec in the Czech Republic. This is the first recorded case that entered the territory of the Czech state, writes Czech Radio, citing local television reports. The woman was allegedly infected in Africa: she traveled to Namibia through South Africa and the UAE. Now she is in isolation, like the eight people who flew with her from the African continent. In addition to fellow travelers, the relatives of the woman with whom she managed to meet are also checked. A new strain of coronavirus under the code B.1.1.529 was identified in South Africa on November 11. The first confirmed cases of infection date from November 24. The strain was named with the Greek letter “omicron” and has already

“Spartak” expressed condolences in connection with the death of Gradsky

“Spartak” about the death of Gradsky: he was a devoted fan of the red and white Russia, singer and composer Alexander Gradsky. The statement is posted on the official website of the red and white. The Moscow team expressed condolences to the family and friends of Gradsky in connection with his death. Spartak noted that the performer was a devoted fan of the red and white. They also named him one of the founders of Russian rock. The death of 72-year-old Gradsky became known earlier on Sunday, November 28. The cause was a cerebral infarction. Gradsky has more than four dozen recorded albums. In 1997 he received the title of Honored Art Worker, in 1998 he became a laureate of the State Prize, and in 1999 he was awarded the title of People's Artist.