Disclosed the optimal cost of vouchers to the favorite resort of the rich for the New Year

ATOR: the cost of a holiday in the Maldives for the New Year will cost 259 thousand rubles … This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). It is noted that from January 1 to November 17, the islands were visited by almost 1.1 million foreign tourists, of which 198.7 tourists came from Russia. “The ratio of organized and independent Russian tourist flow to the Maldives is now about 50 to 50 percent,” said the tourist office of the Maldives in Russia. Thus, a voucher to the favorite resort of the rich for the New Year with accommodation in a guesthouse and meals on the basis of breakfasts will cost 259 thousand rubles for seven days for two. A week-long tour with accommodation in a three-star hotel with breakfast included in the price will cost more – from 348 thousand rubles for two.

Dr. Myasnikov warned of the inevitability of the spread of the omicron strain

Doctor Myasnikov warned that the omicron strain would come to Russia in two to three months Doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov warned omicron-strain price Russia | In his Telegram channel, he suggested that the new strain would cause a new wave of coronavirus in two to three months. “Yes, because the omicron will come to us with an accuracy of 100 percent. And, most likely, it will become the dominant strain of the end of winter-spring. Even though we will close all the borders and cover ourselves with a glass jar. Will come! And we only have two or three months. Fortunately, now we are on the decline of the next wave, “Myasnikov said. According to the doctor, it is necessary to prepare for the next wave now. He noted that there is time to prepare, as the current wave of COVID-19 incidence has declined. The doctor urged the

The WHO assessed the likelihood of the spread of the omicron strain

WHO: the probability of spreading the omicron strain COVID-19 at the global level is high – the strain of coronavirus globally as high. This was reported in a document published on the organization's website. The WHO noted that at the moment there have been no deaths after infection with the Omircon strain COVID-19. At the same time, experts did not rule out the serious consequences of potential outbreaks of the disease, which will depend on the characteristics of the new variant of the virus.

Timati boasted a new car for 74 million rubles

Timati bought a vintage Mercedes-Benz 300SL for at least a million dollars showed the fans his new car. The corresponding publication appeared on his Instagram account. The 38-year-old musician bought a vintage Mercedes-Benz 300SL in silver with a red interior. He did not disclose the details of the configuration of the car. The cost of such a sports car starts at least one million dollars (74.9 million rubles). For example, in July, a similar Mercedes was sold for $ 1.3 million (98.3 million rubles). It is known that the Mercedes-Benz 300SL is the first sports car of the Mercedes-Benz trademark of the post-war period, the production of which began in 1955. In the story, Timati stressed that he plans to drive a car only in the summer. “A bit miscalculated with the season,” he wrote, boasting of a luxury purchase to fans. In May, Timati bought another sports car –

Ukrainians in Lviv staged erotic dances on Holodomor Remembrance Day

On the Day of Remembrance of the Holodomors, Ukrainian bloggers threw a party with eroticism A party with erotic dances was held in the Ukrainian city of Lvov on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holodomors. The Ukrainians organized the celebration in honor of the birthday of the millionaire blogger Alexander Zalisko. The Politics of the Country Telegram channel wrote about the incident. Zalisko celebrated his birthday on November 27. One of the halls of the architectural monument, the House of Scientists, where the Soviet television film “D'Artanyan and the Three Musketeers” was filmed, became a dance floor for the blogger's guests. The celebrants were entertained by a DJ dressed with angel wings and several girls in revealing outfits. Apparently, Ukrainian bloggers were aware of the unusual coincidence of dates. One of the guests captioned the photo with the treats at the party as “a hungry blogging

Putin instructed to control restrictive measures due to COVID-19

Putin instructed regional governors to monitor restrictions due to COVID-19 until November 30 Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed regional governors to monitor compliance restrictive measures related to COVID-19 until November 30. This is reported in a document published on the Kremlin's website. The head of state also instructed to report on vaccination and increasing its pace. compliance with restrictive measures, “the document says. Earlier, the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov responded to citizens dissatisfied with the introduced restrictive measures on COVID-19. According to him, there will always be dissatisfied, but vaccinations and restrictions remain the only way to balance the epidemic situation.

Russians have become less interested in land plots

Avito Real Estate: demand for land plots in Russia decreased by 4 percent Russia decreased by 4 percent compared to the same period in 2020. These are the conclusions reached by the experts of Avito Real Estate, Izvestia reports. Such dynamics were noticed for the first time in 2021. Analysts linked the decrease in interest in such properties with the end of the period of high demand, which began in 2020, when many Russians acquired land – they became interested in suburban areas during the coronavirus pandemic and bought properties thanks to preferential mortgage programs. Analysts noted that among Russians, interest in their own real estate will remain at a high level. The dynamics will be affected by the spread of preferential mortgages to individual housing construction (IZHS). In the first six months of 2021, individual housing construction accounted for 55 percent of the total volume of construction in the