Myasnikov dispelled popular myths about weight loss

Dr. Myasnikov: diuretic slimming teas can lead to kidney failure on the channel “Russia 1” dispelled popular myths about sweeteners and diuretic teas. He warned that the former are not effective means for losing weight, and the latter can be dangerous to the body. The release is available on YouTube. Myasnikov admitted that there are no calories in sweeteners, but the receptors perceive them as sugar, and insulin is released on them, which ultimately leads to weight gain. At the same time, if a sweet tooth who has eaten a kilogram of sugar suddenly switches to sugar substitutes, the first time, weight loss will occur. However, according to the doctor, the effect will be short-lived. In addition, Myasnikov warned those losing weight about the dangers of diuretic teas. “This is a dangerous and serious thing, especially if the tea is made in China. They may be called diuretics, but in

Keira Knightley and her family contract the coronavirus

Coronavirus-infected actress Keira Knightley said she felt “lousy” This is reported by The Telegraph. The artist said that she is currently in self-isolation. “I have covid and I feel pretty lousy,” she said. According to the actress, her daughters, six-year-old Eddie and two-year-old Delilah, were able to recover quickly. Knightley's husband, former Klaxons vocalist James Ryton, was asymptomatic. “He is very pleased with himself. He is convinced that it happened [he got sick without symptoms], because he is swimming in cold water, and I am not, “Knightley added. Earlier, Keira Knightley said about widespread harassment. “I don’t know a single woman who wouldn’t have experienced it to one degree or another, be it touching or meeting some guy who says he’s going to slit your throat or punch you in the face,” said the artist./p> Knightley noted that she was “devilishly depressed” by the current situation. She admitted that she

Putin spoke about red lines in relations with Ukraine

Russian President Putin hoped that the situation with Ukraine would not reach the red lines Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed hope that the situation with Ukraine will not come to the appearance of red lines. With such a statement he made at the investment forum VTB Capital “Russia is calling!” minutes], and in the case of placing a hypersonic weapon – 5 minutes. What are we to do? Then we will have to create something similar in relation to those who threaten us so. Can you imagine? And we can do it now, “the head of state said. He recalled that from the beginning of 2022, new sea-based hypersonic missiles with a speed of Mach 9 will enter service with the Russian army. “The flight time will also be 5 minutes for those who give orders. This, the creation of such threats for us, is the red lines. I hope

Russian immunologist spoke about a new route of transmission of COVID-19

Immunologist Kryuchkov: a new route of transmission of COVID-19 with a delta strain – air-dust A new route of transmission of COVID-19 with delta -the strain has become airborne (aerosol), said in a conversation with the general director of the contract research company “KEG”, immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov. He noted that particles of coronavirus are transported over long distances, in in particular, they can penetrate the ventilation system. For this reason, Kryuchkov recommended to ventilate the premises more often. He is confident that this will result in a sharp decrease in the concentration of the virus. Earlier, the virologist admitted that the meeting of two strains of COVID-19 in one organism could lead to the emergence of a new combined version. According to Kryuchkov, a hybrid option may not necessarily be dangerous. The likelihood of a meeting of two strains of coronavirus in the same organism depends on the path

The USA promised Russia the consequences for the aggression against Ukraine

US Secretary of State Blinken: Russia will face serious consequences for aggression against Ukraine Russia will face serious consequences for renewed aggression against Ukraine. This promise was made by the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at a joint press conference with Latvian Foreign Minister Edgar Rinkevich. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. “We are very concerned about movements near the borders of Ukraine. We know that Russia often combines this kind of action with efforts to destabilize the country internally, ”said the head of the US State Department. According to him, “any actions” by Russia to escalate in Ukraine will also cause concern in Lithuania. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Washington of escalating tensions on the Russian borders. According to him, the United States has deployed military bases around Russia and is constantly whipping up hysteria, reproaching the country for conducting exercises on its territory by

Putin instructed to insure the investments of Russians as deposits

President Putin: the securities of Russian companies should work for the Russians themselves He said this while speaking at the Russia Calling VTB Capital investment forum. His words are quoted by RBC. Putin stressed that the securities of Russian companies should not only be a reliable source of funding, but also work directly for the Russians themselves and consistently generate income for those who are ready to invest in the economy “for a long time.” “In fact, we are talking about a mechanism similar to the system of insurance of bank deposits. I ask you to work out this decision, ”the president specified. “In the stock market, fluctuations and recessions are inevitable, and it is necessary to protect the interests of citizens, to guarantee their savings,” he said. Earlier in November, the Central Bank named the main strategy of Russians trading on the stock exchange. The Financial Markets Risk Review

The authorities' unwillingness to extend the preferential mortgage was explained

A real estate expert explained the reluctance to extend the preferential mortgage by the debt burden major cities of the country. Real estate expert Dmitry Rakuta told about this to the TV channel “360”. According to the expert, the program has lost its relevance for large cities due to the maximum loan amount limited by the authorities to three million rubles – the amount will not be enough due to the high housing prices in megacities. “In fact, preferential mortgages have been retained specifically for regions where the cost per square meter is significantly lower, and thus potential clients and developers could be supported,” Rakuta explained. The expert also linked the situation with tightening monetary policy The Central Bank also predicted a rise in the price of mortgages in the regions. He suggested that the market has reached a ceiling – the owners have issued a sufficient number of loans.

Biden's bodyguard became famous on the net because of his attractive appearance

The bodyguard of the US President was caught on video and became famous on social networks view. The corresponding video, which made the man famous on social networks, appeared on TikTok. A user with the nickname magsmur was filmed by an agent of the US Secret Service. The footage posted online shows the man wearing a blue jumper, gray pants, a black trench coat and brown leather shoes. The image of the security guard was complemented by sunglasses. In the video, he greeted his colleague, who was captured in a khaki down jacket, beige trousers and a red cap. A team of bodyguards is known to accompany Biden and his family during a walk in downtown Nantucket, USA, on Sunday. November 28. Viewers appreciated the bodyguard and began to compliment his good looks in the comments below the post. “What do I need to do to get the Secret Service

The virologist spoke about the features of infection with the omicron strain

Virologist Altstein: weak symptoms of the omicron strain speaks of the degeneration of the virus symptoms accompanying infection with the omicron strain of coronavirus. In an interview with, he said that so far there is little information about this strain, but it can already be assumed that the new variation of COVID-19 will not lead to serious consequences for humanity, since weak symptoms indicate the degeneration of the virus. The ugliest variation The Omicron strain is characterized by a large number of mutations in the gene encoding the S-protein, the scientist said. “There are 32 mutations, that is, 32 amino acids, thus, have been replaced. The result is a significant difference from previous versions, “Altstein explained. He said that so far there is little information about the omicron strain, but from the data that is already available, it can be assumed that this is the most “fearless” variation of

Immunologist spoke about the category of patients with a new strain of COVID-19 omicron

Bolibok: in South Africa, young people are more likely to get sick, because there are few elderly people among the population who believe that young people are more likely to get sick with the new strain of COVID-19 omicron. His words are quoted by “Vechernyaya Moskva”. Such a feeling regarding this category of patients has developed due to the fact that few elderly citizens live in the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Botswana, he noted. In these countries, people do not live to old age, added Bolibok. “If you recall the first wave of the Wuhan pandemic, you can find out that the death rate there was low, since they do not have such a number of elderly citizens 65 plus, like we have. They simply do not live up to this age, “- said the immunologist. He added that there is a massive influx of patients