In the United States announced the attacks of American satellites

General David Thompson: Russia and China attack US satellites daily The Deputy Chief for Space Operations of the US Space Force, General David Thompson, told The Washington Post about this. According to Thompson, American satellites are regularly attacked. Russia and China use non-kinetic means that cause temporary damage. He added that lasers, electronic means and cyberattacks are used to influence satellites. A spokesman for the US Space Force noted that Russia and China are developing satellites that can attack other spacecraft. In turn, the PRC is developing an orbiter for capturing enemy satellites using a manipulator. Thompson added that in 2019 Russia tested an armed satellite near an American spacecraft. “He maneuvered at close range, he maneuvered dangerously, he maneuvered, creating a threat, and they approached each other close enough to create the danger of a collision,” the general said. Earlier, the head of the Roscosmos state corporation Dmitry Rogozin

A Russian spy was found surrounded by the president of Lithuania

The deputy of the Lithuanian parliament announced the presence of an agent of the Kremlin in the circle of President Nauseda Deputy Mindaugas Linge saw the Kremlin agent in the presidential adviser Jurat Shoven. The legislator's words are reported by Baltnews. Linge called Chauvene a “Russian spy” for his proposal to reduce the number of signatures required for a national referendum in Lithuania. According to the deputy, the implementation of such a relaxation will have a bad effect on the national security of the country and make it vulnerable to random initiatives. “The Russian Embassy has probably already happily reported to the services in the Kremlin about the president's support [at the initiative of his advisor].” , – suggested Linge. Earlier in Lithuania, the chairman of the Socialist Popular Front Algirdas Paleckis was sent to prison for six years on charges of espionage for Russia. According to investigators, he passed

More than 3 million people were vaccinated against influenza in the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, 940 thousand children were vaccinated against influenza pass in clinics, mobile complexes, shopping centers, MFC and at enterprises, according to the press service of the Ministry of Health of the region. “Since the beginning of September, a large-scale influenza vaccination campaign has been carried out in the Moscow region. Along with COVID-19, influenza can cause dangerous complications and even death. In the region, more than 3.2 million people have already been vaccinated against influenza, 940 thousand of them are children. I urge everyone who has not yet been vaccinated to get vaccinated and protect themselves and loved ones from a dangerous disease, ”said Svetlana Strigunkova, Minister of Health of the Moscow Region. Before vaccination, a therapist or pediatrician will examine and send for vaccination. The procedure will not take more than 15 minutes. Vaccinations in polyclinics are carried out by appointment.

Russian street will be named after the deceased head of the Emergencies Ministry

The Kaliningrad City Council decided to name one of the streets the name of the deceased head of the Ministry of Emergencies Zinichev Evgeniya Zinicheva. This is reported by TASS. Zinichev died during an exercise in Norilsk in September 2021. Earlier, the decision to rename Polskaya Street in honor of Zinichev was made by a toponymic commission. A representative of the City Council said that they plan to build a school and a kindergarten in the area. “Yevgeny Zinichev is a Hero of Russia who died quite recently. This is a person who acted as governor, who did a lot for the Kaliningrad region, “said the head of Kaliningrad, Yevgeny Lyubivy, and stressed that a street in the city has the right to be named after Zinichev. In 2015, Zinichev was the head of the department FSB for the Kaliningrad region, and in 2016 he was acting as the governor.

Defense spending increased in Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine increased defense spending in 2022 by UAH 3.7 billion This is evidenced by the draft law on the state budget of the republic for 2022, published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada. The explanatory note to the revised version of the bill notes that spending on national security and defense was increased by almost 3.7 billion hryvnia (over 10 billion rubles) – up to 323.14 billion hryvnia (more than 886 billion rubles) or 6 percent of GDP. Of the additionally allocated amount, about 3.5 billion hryvnia will be allocated for wages. In addition, support for the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) will be increased by 2.5 billion hryvnia. Earlier, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia, Maria Zakharova, announced that half of the Ukrainian army was being pulled into the conflict zone in Donbass …

The Russians explained the need to reduce the action of the PCR test

Virologist Vikulov: the reduction in the action of the PCR test may be associated with the epidemiological situation Reducing the duration of the PCR test for coronavirus from 72 to 48 hours may be associated with a worsening epidemiological situation. This was stated by the virologist Georgy Vikulov in an interview with the radio station “Moscow Talk”. “It is more correct to talk not about how long the test will last, but how relevant, adequate and correct the results of PCR tests will be, given that all is changing rapidly, “the specialist said. He said that there is a regulation according to which the average incubation period of a new coronavirus infection is two to three days. After this time, the virus may appear in a latent form, and the PCR test, which was negative, will become positive, the virologist explained. “Reduction to 48 hours may be associated with a

Russian oil has almost doubled in price over the year

The average price of Urals in November was $ 79.68 per barrel compared to $ 43.32 a year earlier Average price of Russian Urals oil in November it was $ 79.68 per barrel, over the year oil prices almost doubled, compared to $ 43.32 a year earlier, the Ministry of Finance reported. In January-November, the average price was 68, $ 66 per barrel, while in the same period a year earlier it was about $ 41.04. The low base last year is associated with the coronavirus crisis and the collapse of the OPEC + deal on production cuts in March 2020.

World War II bomb explodes outside a station in Munich

Three people were injured in an explosion at a construction site near a station in Munich On Wednesday, December 1, the newspaper Bild reports with reference to the local police. According to the newspaper, the incident took place at the construction site of the railway operator Deutsche Bahn. Presumably, the explosion was caused by the detonation of an aerial bomb during the Second World War. Three people were injured as a result of the accident, one of them was seriously injured. Currently, the territory is cordoned off, about 50 employees of emergency services, fire brigades and police are working on the spot, who are investigating the circumstances of the incident. It is clarified that the movement of trains at the main railway station in Munich is temporarily suspended. In May, one person was killed and three others were injured as a result of a bomb explosion during the Second World

Member of Basayev's gang was imprisoned for 25 years

A member of Basava's gang was sentenced to 25 years in prison for an attack on police officers in 1999 al-Khattab, were sentenced for the attack on the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Novolaksky district of Dagestan in September 1999. This was reported to “” in the Investigative Committee of Russia. He was found guilty of participation in a gang, an armed rebellion and encroachment on the life of law enforcement officers. According to the investigation, in In September 1999, Umakhanov, under the leadership of Basayev and Khattab, tried to carry out an armed seizure of power in the republic. As a result of the attack of the militants in the Novolaksky district, six villages were seized. In addition, it was established that the defendant fired on the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs department, in which there were more than 20 policemen,

The WHO spoke about the new vaccine against the background of the situation with the omicron strain

WHO: No need for a new vaccine against the omicron strain of coronavirus The World Health Organization (WHO) sees no need for a new vaccine coronavirus against the background of the situation with the omicron strain. Reuters writes about this with reference to the organization's statement. According to WHO, the decrease in the effectiveness of the available coronavirus vaccines against the omicron strain has not yet been proven. The organization believes that vaccines just need to be improved so that they are more effective against the new variant. On November 28, the WHO said that people who have previously had COVID-19 may have a high probability of contracting the omicron strain. At the same time, the organization noted that information on this matter is still “limited”.