PR Director Eljay explained his trip to Cyprus

PR Director of Eljay said that the rapper went to Cyprus on a “working visit” to Cyprus. This is reported by Gazeta.Ru. “Yes, he is in Cyprus. While a working visit. It is quite possible that he will soon return to Moscow, ”said Kozlov. At the same time, he did not answer the question about the possible acquisition of Cypriot citizenship by the artist. Aljay, who had previously left Russia a month ago, was noticed near the immigration center in Cyprus. It was assumed that he decided to obtain citizenship of another country. At the end of October it became known that the court will consider the case of Aljay on drug propaganda. The police checked the rapper's songs and took the materials to court. At the same time, it is not known which compositions attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies. In November, another artist left Russia – Morgenstern.

Lukashenko called Chechens organizers of delivery of migrants to the border

Lukashenko said that among the organizers of the delivery of migrants to the border were Chechens Among the organizers of the delivery of migrants to the border of Belarus were citizens of Russia, including including Chechens. This was announced to RIA Novosti by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. “Private companies, taxis, buses. They hire our people and rushed there. But guides from Russia also worked here, and thanks to the Chechens – these are organized people. They were the most organized here, they organized the flow. They helped people from Minsk to get to the border, possibly to cross the border, “Lukashenko said in an interview with journalist Dmitry Kisilev. In the same interview, Lukashenko said that migrants in Belarus were sent from Ukraine smuggled weapons , which they wanted to use against the Belarusian leader, the Russian military base and journalists. Earlier, the President of Belarus promised that he would

The State Department commented on Lukashenka's desire to recognize Crimea as Russian

Deputy Head of the State Department Nuland: the US is concerned about President Lukashenka's plans to visit Crimea President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to visit Crimea and recognize the Russian peninsula. This was reported by RIA Novosti. With this comment, the US Undersecretary of State made a video link at the Kiev Security Forum. “Now he [Lukashenko] has gone even further as a puppet of Russia and is going to visit Crimea (…) He is pushing Belarus into the arms of Moscow, giving up not only the energy future, but only exacerbating the situation,” the diplomat said. < p> According to Nuland, Washington is also concerned about the situation in Belarus as a whole. She once again accused the Belarusian president of provoking a migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. Also, according to her, the United States is looking for opportunities to introduce new sanctions against Minsk. Earlier, Lukashenko said

The specialist revealed details about the organization of attacks on Prince Harry in social networks

A security specialist spoke about the complexity and cost of bots for attacks on Prince Harry how bots are used to spread conspiracy theories and misinformation on social media. Earlier, the American company Bot Sentinel revealed details about the organization of attacks on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, carried out by just such methods. Related materials15: 49 – November 30 Princess Porn, Fake Son, and Lost Millions: How Conspiracy Theories Help the Royal Family Persecute People Who Do Not Want it00: 01 – 22 Aug 2020 arrogance “Prince Harry's buttocks, porn Meghan Markle and William's mistresses are the main scandals of the royal family A Bot Sentinel study found that just 83 Twitter accounts generate about 70 percent of negative content about Harry and Meghan. Then their publication is automatically relayed by a network of hundreds of bots, created according to a similar pattern. As a result, the potential audience

Described the harm of non-original chargers

Store founder Roman Kusakin listed the disadvantages of fake chargers Fake chargers can reduce smartphone battery life. The founder of Roman Kusakin said this in a conversation with Kusakin noted that in addition to official chargers, there are non-original charging accessories on the market. The specialist listed the potential harm from such devices – for example, too slow charging of the gadget, incorrect indication of the battery level. The author noted that the service life of the smartphone may also decrease. “For a non-original charger, the declared characteristics may differ from the real ones,” the specialist emphasized. According to Kusakin, when choosing the described charger, you need to choose an accessory with the appropriate voltage, which should be the same as that of the original charger. “If a smartphone supports fast charging, a special selection is required for the compatibility of the charger and smartphone technology, as well

Lukashenko said about the need for Russian air defense systems to protect the country

President of Belarus Lukashenko: the country needs Russian S-400 systems to protect missile attack requires Russian anti-aircraft missile systems S-400 or S-500. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. Lukashenko noted that the Belarusian air defense systems completely cover the borders, but at the same time said that the republic also needs Russian air defense systems. “To be effective against a missile attack, we need just the S-400, or maybe the S-500,” he noted. He added that the decision on the delivery of the complexes will be made by Russian President Vladimir Putin. In November, Alexander Lukashenko said that Minsk is interested in receiving Russian Iskander missile systems, since they are needed in the western and southern directions.

Sberbank revealed the mission of the new alliance

Sberbank: National ESG Alliance should promote the transition to a sustainable development model the Russian market. The event was attended by the first persons of the enterprises, the correspondent of “” reports. The mission of the alliance should be to facilitate the transition to a sustainable model of economic development: it will help preserve nature, support the well-being of society and the long-term prosperity of business. Sberbank President and Chairman of the Management Board German Gref at the event revealed the tasks of the new association. “Business in Russia should unite efforts to form an agenda. This includes transparent and efficient governance, social bias and environmental conservation. We must work on creating a regulatory framework within the country, on standards, rules for checking them, on the formation of new legislation that would stimulate all members of the alliance. Lobbying the interests of Russian business in the international arena is also

The nephew of a high-ranking Roscosmos employee disappeared after a party

SHOT: A 17-year-old nephew of a Roscosmos expert disappeared after a party outside the city A 17-year-old student disappeared after a party outside the city in Noginsk, reports Telegram-channel SHOT. According to sources, the missing person is the nephew of the chief expert of Roscosmos. The incident took place on Saturday, November 27th. A group of young people decided to celebrate the birthday of one of their friends. In the midst of the fun, the 17-year-old student was lost sight of, and when they found him missing, they began to call on the phone. The guy said that he was on the territory of SNT, where the party was held, and added that he was offended by his friends for noticing his absence only after an hour and a half. He promised to return soon, but never came. He did not appear at home either. According to the Telegram channel,

NATO agreed to avoid escalation on the Russian-Ukrainian border

NATO foreign ministers declared the need to avoid escalation between Russia and Ukraine NATO foreign ministers agreed on the need to avoid escalation Ukrainian border. This was stated by the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg, reports RIA Novosti. “The ministers made it clear that any future invasion or aggression against Ukraine will have a high price, economic and political consequences for Russia,” said the NATO chairman. Earlier, the head of the US Department of State Anthony Blinken and NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg discussed cooperation in support of Ukraine against “Russian aggression” and arms control. In addition, the parties considered the preparation of a new strategic concept for NATO, arms control and regional security.

The details of the life of the scientist who committed suicide in front of the former girlfriend of the scientist are revealed

The physicist who committed suicide for years pursued his former beloved 43-year-old physicist who committed suicide on Vorobyovy Gory in Moscow Nikitin pursued his former lover for a long time, and before committing suicide he put the barrel to the girl's head several times. The details of the last years of the man's life on Wednesday, December 1, were revealed by MK. According to the publication, the couple met in 2016 – the girl was a student at the university where Nikitin taught. After four years of relationship, they began to live together. But when the scientist's mother died, he had a nervous breakdown – he was twice hospitalized and prescribed a course of antidepressants. After that, the man began to regularly show aggression and arrange scenes of jealousy, one of which ended in a scandal and the girl's broken smartphone. After parting, Nikitin literally followed on the heels of