Lukashenko explained the meaning of the new Constitution

President of Belarus Lukashenko: under no circumstances should there be any dual power President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko explained the meaning of the new Constitution in an interview with RI . According to Lukashenko, the redistribution of powers and the creation of a new power structure is the main, but not the only meaning of the new Constitution. He noted that “this is correct.” “The role of the government is strengthening in the draft Constitution, the role of parliament is being strengthened. But the president, like today, will shape them, he will be the head of state, and a strong presidential power remains. In no case should there be any dual power, ”Lukashenka said. A new body will appear in the country – the All-Belarusian Assembly. The leader of the state recalled that it was first held back in the 1990s: “The most acute, basic issues are discussed there. And

Lukashenka’s possible visit to Crimea was called the final point in recognition

Roman Chegrinets: the final point in the recognition of Crimea will be the visit of Alexander Lukashenko the possible visit of President Alexander Lukashenko is the final point in the recognition of the peninsula by Belarus as part of Russia. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. According to Chegrinets, Belarus de facto recognized Crimea as Russian back in 2014. “Now it remains to put the final point. And this will be done at the time of Alexander Grigorievich's visit to Crimea, “he said, stressing that the community had repeatedly invited the Belarusian leader to visit. On December 1, Alexander Lukashenko said that de facto and de jure Crimea belongs to Russia, and also expressed a desire to visit the peninsula. He also said that in 2014, the Ukrainian military themselves asked Russia to take control of Crimea.

Revealed major mistakes when washing linen

Ariel representative: lowering the water temperature during washing is less harmful to the environment performed when washing linen. Relevant material is published by The Sun. An unnamed company spokesman said that consumers rarely think about the negative impact of frequent automatic washes on the environment. According to the expert, lowering the temperature of the water during washing causes much less harm to the environment. “If the people of Great Britain washed their clothes in cold water, it would be tantamount to removing about half a million cars from the roads: this amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) is saved due to seemingly small things, ”he stressed. In addition, the study showed that 68 percent of respondents always separate white from colored underwear, while 29 percent admitted that they do not sort things – this, according to experts, is a mistake. In addition, 51 percent of respondents said that they accidentally used

In Russia, they decided to build houses from recycled materials

Deputy Prime Minister Abramchenko instructed to work out the technology of construction of housing from recyclable materials the use of recyclable materials and waste from the demolition of old houses. Izvestia writes about this. Existing standards do not allow the use of recyclable materials for the production of certain types of products, the Ministry of Natural Resources told the publication. To develop a new technology, it is first necessary to approve a list of works and goods to which such initiatives could be applied. In turn, Vladimir Koshelev, Deputy Head of the State Duma Committee for Construction and Housing and Communal Services, noted that today secondary building materials are not subject to certification. He explained that this threatens with low operational characteristics of the facilities being built. The General Director of the Russian Environmental Operator (REO) Denis Butsaev pointed out that not only processed industrial waste, but also solid municipal

The sexiest female athlete in the world starred in a tight short top with a zipper

German runner Alisa Schmidt posted a photo in a white top from a stadium in Tenerife German runner Alisa Schmidt, who was named the sexiest edition by Busted Coverag athlete of the world, posted a new photo on Instagram. The athlete posed in a tight white top with a zipper and short green shorts at a stadium in Tenerife. She wrote that she had finished the third week of training and was returning to Germany. At the same time, she stressed that she does not stop working and is ready for competitions. In the comments, users called the athlete's form ideal. The picture got more than 150 thousand likes. On October 2, Schmidt arranged a fashion show for her fans on Instagram. She posted several photos in different outfits and asked subscribers to rate them in the comments. In 2017, Schmidt took second place in the German national team in

Lukashenko appreciated the idea of ​​a single currency of Russia and Belarus

President of Belarus Lukashenko refused to discuss the issue of a single currency with Russia … This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to him, this is a higher level of integration, to which the two countries have not yet approached, and so far there is no need to raise this issue. Come on – we will decide … You should come to this question step by step Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus, Moscow was also not ready for a single currency In September, the press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov denied assumptions about the imminent creation of a single currency for Russia and Belarus. According to him, there is no talk of such a form of economic integration of the two countries. He added that the issue of creating a single parliament is also not relevant. Earlier, the head of the State Duma Committee on CIS

Lukashenko named the approximate date of voting on the new Constitution of Belarus

Alexander Lukashenko: the referendum on the Constitution of Belarus will take place in February 2022 interview with RIA Novosti. According to him, it is planned to be held in the third decade of February next year. “In February, on the 20th, something like this, we’ll think about how it is convenient and better for us according to the law, according to the current constitution, we will submit it to a referendum, the constitution will be submitted to a referendum, “he said, adding that the vote will take place” if the war does not start. “

Russians bought housing in one Eurasian country

Barnes International: in 2021, demand for Cyprus property grew by 35 percent percent will exceed the results of 2020, according to the materials of the Barnes International Moscow agency, available to Russians are also actively buying apartments and houses on the island. In 2022, a drop in demand for Cypriot real estate is also not expected, analysts say. According to their observations, cities with a coastal line are especially in demand among Russian home buyers in this Eurasian country: Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca. Also popular is one resort village – Protaras, where wealthy locals prefer to relax. “The republic recognizes the Sputnik V vaccine, which makes this destination convenient for Russian clients,” experts say. After the closure of the passport program in Cyprus, the objects that allow obtaining permanent residence (permanent residence) are in greatest demand: villas at a price of 800 thousand euros and turnkey apartments at a cost

Lukashenko reveals terms of publication of the draft of the new Belarusian Constitution

Lukashenko promised to publish the draft of the new Constitution of Belarus before the New Year President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has revealed the timing of the publication of the draft of the new Constitution of the country. He told RIA Novosti about this. Lukashenko noted that the draft document is already on his table. “Now I sit and watch. And every line, as it was before, “- said the President. The Belarusian leader also added that he himself wrote the Constitution. At the same time, the head of state stressed that lawyers wrote with a pen, and he dictated, because he saw, as the president, what powers are needed to keep the country. When asked about the exact timing of the publication of the draft, Lukashenka replied that probably two weeks. “Until the New Year,” he added. Earlier, Lukashenko said that the new Constitution of Belarus is not being

Demand for windshield wipers has grown in Russia due to bad weather

In Russia, the demand for windshield wipers has almost doubled due to cyclone Benedict Due to bad weather and heavy snow, which brought the cyclone “Benedict” in Russia, the demand for wipers almost doubled, the press service of HeadHunter RIA Novosti reported. According to the agency, the demand in the labor market of wipers in Russia increased by 93 percent, Moscow – by 129 percent, in St. Petersburg – by 134 percent. The median salary is 23,212 rubles – over the past week it has grown by 1 percent. Employers in the retail trade, hotels and catering, construction and housing and communal services are looking for street cleaners and cleaners in Russia at the beginning of winter 2021, reported in HeadHunter. Earlier it was reported that on Tuesday, November 30, cyclone Benedict will hit Moscow with the heaviest rainfall in 69 years. Forecaster of the Phobos center Yevgeny Tishkovets warned