Published the second video captured in Syria by the Russians

Published the second video captured in Syria by the Russians The recording was made immediately after the capture of the Roman Zabolotnyi and Gregory Turcanu. Moscow. 9 Oct. INTERFAX.RU Published by the new Russians Roman Zabolotnyi and Gregory Turcanu who was captured in Syria by militants of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On YouTube posted the video, which captures the moment immediately after the capture. Militants trying to figure out the nationality of the captured. Zabolotny starts talking to them in Russian. He says he has “information about the weapons” and that “they went with the information to headquarters.” All the words of the speaker is difficult to disassemble due to poor sound quality. Together with Zabolotnyi in the cab of the truck sitting still at least two related men, one of whom is probably Gregory Turcanu. During the download an error has occurred. The first record

Matvienko: Moscow does not recognize the decision of the ECHR, if the PACE President will be elected without RF

The Speaker Of The Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, October 9. /TASS/. Russia will not accept the decision of the ECHR, if the PACE Chairman will be elected without the participation of the Russian delegation. About it on air of TV channel “Russia 24” said the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

Putin accepted the resignation of the Governor of the Omsk region Nazarov

Putin accepted the resignation of the Governor of the Omsk region Nazarov MOSCOW, October 9. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted resignation of the Governor of Omsk region Viktor Nazarov, acting head of the region before the elections, appointed Alexander Burkov. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin. “To accept resignation of the Governor of the Omsk region V. I. Nazarov on their own. Assign Burkov Alexander Leonidovich acting Governor of the Omsk region until the entry into office of a person elected the Governor of the Omsk region. This Decree shall enter into force from the day of its signing,” — said in the text of the decree of the President. As reported on the Kremlin website, Putin had a working meeting with Surkovym, “in which has informed on the decision to appoint him as the acting Governor of the Omsk region”.

Vice-speaker of the state Duma Vasiliev is was Olga Timofeeva

Vice-speaker of the state Duma Vasiliev is was Olga Timofeeva Vice-speaker of the state Duma became United Russia, the Chairman of the Duma Committee on ecology and environmental protection Olga Timofeeva. This decision was taken at a meeting of the faction “United Russia” on October 9. Timofeev held a position which was vacant after the appointment of the Vice-speaker and head of the faction of edinorosov Vladimir Vasiliev, acting head of Dagestan. The environment Committee is headed Timofeeva, Vladimir burmatov. Because of this, he will release the post of the head of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the party. At the same meeting of the faction was elected as its new leader. He was a former Secretary of the General Council “United Russia”, Deputy Duma speaker Sergei Neverov. His candidacy earlier on Monday submitted to the vote of the party leader, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Neverov has called his

Putin allowed foreigners to fight in ranks of Russian army abroad

Putin allowed foreigners to fight in ranks of Russian army abroad Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on amending the Regulation on the procedure of military service. Previously prescribed in Regulation norm coincides with the norm of the law “On military duty and military service”, according to which military servicemen, foreigners can take part in “the performance of tasks under conditions of martial law and in armed conflict”, making it in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties and Russian legislation. On the participation of employees in the Russian army of foreigners in operations outside the territory of Russia the law also says nothing. Foreigners can serve in the Russian army under the contract only the soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, and do not have the right to hold officer positions. Unlike Russians, foreigners for admission to military service not an oath

Trump has formulated the priorities of immigration policy

Trump has formulated the priorities of immigration policy Moscow. 9 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump has sent to Congress a list of priorities of the White house in the field of immigration, reports on Monday, the American TV channel Fox News. According to the report, the US administration is seeking to make a number of changes in the migration policy of the country, including to reduce the number of refugees and significantly increase the number of employees and customs and immigration. In addition, in the list of priorities of the White house included the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico project, previously subjected to harsh criticism from the Democratic party and the American public. According to the channel, in the White house want Congress adopted new proposals on immigration in exchange for the extension of the DACA program (deferred action for child immigrants), introduced former

Russia announced the purchase of the Saudis-400 and manufacture Riyadh AK-103

Russia announced the purchase of the Saudis-400 and manufacture Riyadh AK-103 Russia has officially announced it is supplying the Saudis complex With-400 “Triumph”. Earlier media reports estimated the cost of this contract is $2 billion But in addition, Riyadh is going to produce the AK-103. Russia will supply Saudi Arabia of anti-aircraft missile air defense system s-400, anti-tank missile complexes “Kornet-EM”, heavy flamethrower system TOS-1A “Pinocchio” and grenade launchers AGS-30. This was stated by the official representative of the Federal service for military-technical cooperation Maria Vorobyov, reports “RIA Novosti”. In addition, Saudi Arabia will start production of Kalashnikov AK-103 and ammunition. The corresponding contract was signed by Rosoboronexport and Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI). That Riyadh and Moscow agreed to supply s-400 was known on 5 October. Information confirmed the source of RBC in the concern “Almaz-Antey”, which produces these defense systems. “As for payment, Saudi Arabia is able to

The Syrian army said about the use of US weapons against the Russian military

The Syrian army said about the use of US weapons against the Russian military Militants in Syria receives weapons produced in the West, said major General Ali al-Ali during the demonstration, captured terrorists weapons, reports “Interfax”. “We know that the United States has supplied terrorists in Syria in the period from 5 June to 15 September this year 1421 the truck with military equipment and weapons. This weapon is supposedly intended to fight terrorists, but ultimately, it fell into the hands of militants “Islamic state” and “Jabhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia. — RBC), the General said. In particular, were shown samples of weapons which were used by the militants attacked a platoon of Russian military police in late September, reports “RIA Novosti”. Among them there are samples of weapons from the US, Belgium and France. As the General said, the Syrian army “was collected irrefutable evidence that terrorists used foreign

The Plenipotentiary in the SFD presented the acting Governor Travnikova the government of the Novosibirsk region

The acting Governor of the Novosibirsk region Andrey Travnikov © Yuri Sturgeon/TASS NOVOSIBIRSK, October 9. /TASS/. Plenipotentiary representative of RF President in the Siberian Federal district (SFD) Sergey Menyailo was appointed presented on 6 October President of Russia Vladimir Putin, acting Governor of the Novosibirsk region Andrei Travnikova members of the regional government, Executive and legislative authorities and bodies of local self-government. The official ceremony took place on Monday in the great hall of the government of the Novosibirsk region. “We have a great responsibility to work on further complex socio-economic development and fulfilling the tasks set by the President of the Russian Federation, the region has all the possibilities, the potential is enormous scientific, educational, industrial, manufacturing, intellectual. The biggest potential is the human potential of the region is huge. I am sure that during normal operation the potential of the region can be opened. I would particularly like