The Federation Council heard a preliminary report on the external interference in the sovereign Affairs of the Russian Federation

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, October 10. /TASS/. Senators heard Tuesday in plenary and took note of the preliminary report on the intervention in the internal Affairs of Russia, prepared by the interim Commission of the Federation Council on the protection of sovereignty. A preliminary report Members of the Commission, the document noted that external threats to state sovereignty, including attempts to interfere in the internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, not only continue, but increase, particularly starting in 2014.

Putin accepted the resignation of the Governor of the Ivanovo region Kon’kova

Putin accepted the resignation of the Governor of the Ivanovo region Kon’kova MOSCOW, October 10. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the Governor of Ivanovo region Pavel Konkov, the acting head of the region before the elections appointed Stanislav Voskresensky, who served as Deputy Minister of economic development of the Russian Federation. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin. “To accept resignation of the Governor of the Ivanovo region Kon’kov P. A. on their own. To appoint Stanislav S. Voskresensky, the acting Governor of the Ivanovo region before the entry into office of a person elected the Governor of the Ivanovo region”, — stated in the text of the decree of the President. As reported on the presidential website, Putin met in the Kremlin with the resurrection. Skates, which last month celebrated its 59 years, was led by Ivanovo oblast from October 2013. Resurrection

More than half of Russians see no alternative to Putin

More than half of Russians see no alternative to Putin Without him in the presidential election win of Dmitry Medvedev. More than a quarter of Russians (28%) intending to participate in the presidential elections in 2018, has not yet decided for whom to vote, found “Levada-center”. Vladimir Putin is ready to support almost two-thirds of the respondents (last month — 60%), only 2% scored the leaders of the LDPR and the Communist party Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Gennady Zyuganov which in September 2011, would vote respectively 6 and 8% of Russians. Opposition leader Alexei Navalny called 1%, other politicians, including Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (in September 2011, he had a rating of 17%), received less than 1% of votes each. If Putin went to the polls, the rating was leading to Medvedev (8%). With more than half of Russians see no alternative to Putin: 55% of respondents found it difficult to

Ex-Governor of the Novosibirsk region plans to find work in the region

The acting Governor of the Novosibirsk region Andrey Travnikov and former Governor of the region Vladimir Gorodetsky (left to right) © Cyril Kuhmar/TASS NOVOSIBIRSK, October 10. /TASS/. Vladimir Gorodetsky, who retired on Friday resigned from the post of Governor of the Novosibirsk region, hopes to continue working in the region and is waiting for proposals from the successor of Andrew Travnikova. He said this on Tuesday in the press center TASS in Novosibirsk. “Is not specifically defined place than I do. I’d just like to be helpful. To work so many years in such a dynamic , so I will be sure to look for the application to be let not in such dynamics, but in responsibility. What will be solution – decide. We agreed with Andrey Aleksandrovich (Travnikova) that he was familiar with Affairs, then, perhaps, we will find the way. He said yesterday that it is ready to

Hungary will review the agreement on Association of Ukraine with EU

Hungary will review the agreement on Association of Ukraine with EU Hungary intends to revise the Association agreement, the European Union (EU) and Ukraine in response to Kiev’s adoption of a new law on education, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Hungary Peter Siarto during the meeting in the Hungarian Diaspora of the country. It is reported by Magyar Nemzet. The head of the Hungarian foreign Ministry said that the new education act creates the worst situation for Hungarians in Ukraine than in the Soviet times. The foreign Minister of Hungary stressed that the measures of the Ukrainian government are “well thought out strategy of internal politics.” According to Szijjártó, the only way to force Ukraine to change the law, violating the rights of minorities is to increase international pressure on it. “With these measures is the abolition of the Association Agreement [EU-Ukraine — RBC], which requires the expansion

The government of the Novosibirsk region has resigned

The government of the Novosibirsk region has resigned In the area government, in addition to the head region comprises two first deputies, four Vice-governors, 16 Ministers, two heads of Department and Deputy head of administration of the Governor. NOVOSIBIRSK, October 10. /TASS/. The government of the Novosibirsk region where there was a change of Governor, on Tuesday resigned, said the disposal of the acting Governor of the region Andrey Travnikova. All members of the Cabinet of Ministers will continue to perform their duties until new appointment. “To announce the resignation of the government of the Novosibirsk region. The government of the Novosibirsk region continue to perform its powers until the formation of the new government of the Novosibirsk region”, — stated in the decree, published on the website of the regional government. The press service explained that in accordance with the law of the Novosibirsk region “About system of Executive

State Duma deputies plan to visit the DPRK in early November

State Duma deputies plan to visit the DPRK in early November MOSCOW, 10 Oct — RIA Novosti. State Duma deputies from all factions are planning to make a visit to the DPRK in early November, told RIA Novosti coordinator of the Deputy group for parliamentary relations, the DPRK Kazbek Taysaev. “We are planning to go, Yes… I am the head of the Committee for friendship with the (North — ed.), Korea. And our Deputy this Commission includes members of all factions. And (most likely) will go representatives of all factions of the state Duma,” said Taysaev RIA Novosti, The MP noted that while early to speak about who will meet the deputies in the DPRK and what topics will be raised. “The end of October — beginning of November, somewhere on the fifth of November… At this time planned”, — he added, speaking about the preliminary date of the trip.