Almost 100 thousand regional laws were adopted in violation of Federal regulations

Almost 100 thousand regional laws were adopted in violation of Federal regulations Moscow. 11 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation in the first half of 2017 revealed in the Russian regions and municipalities 94,2 thousand laws and regulations that contradict Federal norms; the test results sent to the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, informs on Wednesday the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to the official representative of the Prosecutor General Alexander kurinny. “Authorities of the illegally reduced expenditure on health and education, were deprived of state benefits for housing. In ten regions identified misuse of budget funds. Prosecutors also found the failure of the deadlines of the program of development of Crimea and Sevastopol”, — is spoken in the publication. As described in the publication Smoking, conducted in the first half of 2017 the audit showed that “regional and municipal officials everywhere are inconsistent

Media said, based on what a ban on the program “virus” in the United States

Media said, based on what a ban on the program “virus” in the United States WASHINGTON, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. A ban on the use of software products of the company “Kaspersky Lab” in the Federal institutions in the USA was based on information that the US intelligence services received from the Israeli colleagues write, citing multiple anonymous sources, the New York Times and the Washington Post. They claim that in 2015 the Israeli secret service found on the computers, “Kaspersky” some hacker tools that were allegedly stolen by the Russian government at the national security Agency of the United States. Sources of Newspapers claim that as a result “the Russian operation” the NSA employee had stolen secret documents, which he inadvertently stored on his home computer where you’ve installed the antivirus, the production of “virus”. While sources admit that in the hands of “Russian hackers” could get other

Trump has discussed military options for military action against North Korea

Trump has discussed military options for military action against North Korea The US President Donald trump on Tuesday met with representatives of the power structures of the country and discussed with them the options of military action against North Korea in response to its growing nuclear ambitions. This is with reference to the press service of the White house, reports The Hill. The American leader met with officials involved in national security issues. Trump received a briefing from defense Minister James Mattis and Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff General Joseph Dunford, specifies a press-service. Trump’s meeting with officials was held to discuss “options for responding to any form of North Korean aggression or, if necessary, to North Korea threatened the United States and its allies with nuclear weapons,” the report says. Also, the White house announced that the schedule of trump on Tuesday attended a lunch with Mattis

Center Kudrin disclosed the sources of their funding

Center Kudrin disclosed the sources of their funding The centre for strategic developments (TSSR) Alexei Kudrin revealed the size of its budget in 2016, it amounted to a relatively modest 343 million RUB for About 10% of this amount fell to a subsidy from the budget, the rest — contributions of Russian organizations and citizens, told RBC press service of the CSR. Fund, who writes for the President’s new strategy for Russia’s development, last year received 342,85 million rubles, including 309,85 million rubles from “Russian organizations and citizens” on statutory activities, 33 million rubles from the Federal budget for the implementation of the project on preparation of the Strategy for scientific and technological development of the state, announced in the CSR refused to reveal which organizations and people are financing the statutory activities. RUB 343 million — a small sum for such an organization, says the analyst of the center

Chapter Catalonia signed the Declaration of independence

Chapter Catalonia signed the Declaration of independence MADRID, 10 Oct. /TASS/. The head of the government of Catalonia Carles Pujdeme and other executives of autonomy was signed on Tuesday evening a paper on the Declaration of independence of the region from Spain, but in action he is not yet come. The photo from the signing ceremony posted on the official website of the Catalan government Twitter. “Established by the Catalan Republic as independent and sovereign, legal, democratic and social state”, — reads the text of the document. El #president @KRLS signant la declaració d independència #10OCT — Govern. Generalitat (@govern) 10 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Signatures under the document have put Putteman, his Deputy Mr. Oriol Junqueras, Chairman of the Parliament of Catalonia Carme Forcadell and 72 deputies of the legislative body, forming a ruling majority. It is expected that this Declaration will be

The Ministry of justice of Spain called illegal the statement of the head of Catalonia on independence

The Ministry of justice of Spain called illegal the statement of the head of Catalonia on independence MADRID, October 10 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of justice of Spain Rafael Catala said that the statement of the head of Generalitat (government) of Catalonia Carles Pokdemon of independence cannot be considered valid. “We cannot recognize the referendum, which was conducted illegally, and we can’t recognize a valid redeclaration of independence, which was immediately suspended,” — said the head of the Ministry of justice. Earlier, speaking in the Catalan Parliament, Carles Putteman said that according to the results of last October 1, the referendum, he “accepts the mandate of the citizens… to Catalonia became an independent state.” However, he then called on the Parliament “to suspend the Declaration of independence to come to a dialogue that will make possible the agreed negotiations.” On Tuesday, Putteman presented to the Parliament of Catalonia the

The US state Department said the high IQ Tillerson

The US state Department said the high IQ Tillerson Moscow. 10 Oct. INTERFAX.RU the Official U.S. state Department spokesman Heather Nauert are unable to give the exact level of intelligence quotient (IQ) Secretary Rex Tillerson, saying only that he was tall. “He’s tall,” said the spokesman in a briefing on Tuesday in response to a reporter’s question about the IQ level of the Secretary of state. “If you compare the facts, you will see that it is high,” added Neuert, recognizing that accurate estimates she does not know. Earlier in an interview with “Forbes,” trump suggested that his IQ is higher than Tillerson, commenting on NBC News, according to which the Secretary of state once called US President a “jerk.” Later, the President said that the proposal to compare his IQ with an IQ of U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson is not directed against the head of the American foreign Ministry.

Poklonskaya has asked the Prosecutor General to prohibit a “Christian state”

Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Committee for security and combating corruption Natalia Poklonskaya © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, October 10. /TASS/. The Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya sent Tuesday a request to the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika to take measures to ban the activities of the organization “the Christian state of Holy Russia” and to make a submission to the Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky with the demand to revoke the rental license for the movie “Matilda”. The text of his address, the MP has published on his page in “Vkontakte”. “Please realize given statutory powers… and to apply to the court to ban the activities of the Orthodox all-Russian public organization “the Christian state of Holy Russia”, – the document says. Poklonskaya also asked “to make a submission to the Minister of culture of the Russian Federation with the requirement to take measures to eliminate

Slutsky: Russia does not intend to pay any compensation for the Crimea

The Chairman of the international Affairs Committee of the state Duma Leonid Slutsky © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, October 10. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky said that Russia does not intend “anyone to pay for the Crimea”, including compensation to Ukraine on the proposal of the President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman. Zeman, speaking on Tuesday at PACE, said that Russia and Ukraine could agree on the Crimea on the basis of the payment of compensation to Kiev “in a financial form or in oil and gas.”

The leader of Catalonia has called for postponement of the Declaration of independence

The leader of Catalonia has called for postponement of the Declaration of independence The head of the government of Catalonia Carles Pujdeme asked the regional Parliament to postpone a Declaration of independence to establish a dialogue on the question of secession from Spain. According to him, the result of the past 1 October a referendum autonomy has received a mandate from the people to become an independent state. The performance was scheduled for 18.00 local time, but at the last moment was postponed in connection with necessity of additional consultations. At the outset Putteman said that “no plans, no threats or insults,” and wants to “de-escalate tensions”. It became apparent that this is not an internal problem. The situation in Catalonia at present is the European opresores Pakdemirli of the government of Catalonia In Barcelona on Tuesday, were strengthened security measures. The territory of the Parliament of Catalonia and Park