Hamas has announced a new agreement with Fatah on inter-Palestinian reconciliation

Hamas has announced a new agreement with Fatah on inter-Palestinian reconciliation GAS, October 12 — RIA Novosti. Rival Palestinian movements Fatah and Hamas have reached new agreements on overcoming sectarian conflict following talks held with the mediation of Egypt, told broadcasting in the Gaza strip, the TV channel “al-Aqsa”, citing a Hamas spokesman Tahir an-Nunu. He promised that details of the agreement will be presented later on Thursday at a press conference in Cairo. “Both sides will hold a press conference in Cairo at noon to announce the terms of the agreement”, — quotes an-Nunu is close to the Hamas TV channel. Hamas last ten years of rule by two million in the Gaza strip, which lives in the conditions of sanctions, isolation from the outside world, regular military conflicts with Israel and the deteriorating socio-economic situation. Opponents of the Islamists of Fatah control West Bank of the Jordan river

Trump called Clinton a bad candidate for the presidential election

Trump called Clinton a bad candidate for the presidential election Moscow. 12 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. Democratic party was defeated in the presidential election of 2016 not because of the so-called “Russian influence,” and because of the fact that the party was “bad candidate”, said the President of the United States Donald trump. In an interview with Fox News channel, he said that the reason for the defeat “was not Russia, and their (Democrats — if) bad candidate.” Trump noted that the accusations of Russia “to justify the electoral defeat, which was used by the Democrats”. The democratic party of the United States on the elections was presented by Hillary Clinton.

The Russian Embassy demanded the return of the Russian flag on the Consulate General and trade representation in the USA

The Russian Embassy demanded the return of the Russian flag on the Consulate General and trade representation in the USA Moscow. 12 Oct. INTERFAX.RU the Russian Embassy demanded the return of the Russian flags that were removed by the US authorities from building of the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco and the Russian trade mission in Washington. “We demand the immediate return of Russian flags on buildings of the Russian Consulate in San Francisco and the trade Mission of the Russian Federation in Washington, to prevent such actions in the future,” reads the English-language Twitter account of the Embassy. Earlier, the press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Washington told “Interfax” that the Russian flag was removed from the building of the Russian trade representation in Washington. In the Embassy “demanded an end to the provocative anti-Russian action.” The Embassy also expressed its strong protest in connection with what

The Ministry of Finance refused the defense Ministry to increase the salaries of the military

The Ministry of Finance refused the defense Ministry to increase the salaries of the military The Finance Ministry rejected the proposals of the defense Ministry to increase the salaries of the military, having decided to index them by only 4%. This increase in allowances is not enough, it follows from the conclusion of the Duma Committee on defense. Complaints about salary The state Duma Committee on defense was deemed insufficient by the Ministry of Finance proposed size of the indexation of money allowances of servicemen. This conclusion follows from the conclusion of the defense Committee on the draft law “On the Federal budget for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020”. In the budget the next three years laid the indexation of money allowances for servicemen and law enforcement officers, which five years were not indexed, announced on 2 October the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov. From the

Trump said that the world is again beginning to respect America

Trump said that the world is again beginning to respect America WASHINGTON, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump is confident that his administration returns America to its former respect from other powers. “America is respected again,” said trump, speaking in Pennsylvania, noting the achievements of his government. In confirmation of his words, he said: “something happened today in a country that we are not respected. (From there) called with very important news. My generals told me that this is a sign of great respect, and this could not have happened a year ago.” Trump hasn’t announced what country it is. “You’ll probably hear about it in a few days, but it is a country that we did not respect and which respects us now,” intrigued the audience of the leader of the country. “Believe me, the world is again beginning to respect us,”

Putin discussed with colleagues in EurAsEC and the CIS strengthening of interaction

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS SOCHI, October 11. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin held on Wednesday a two of a summit of the Eurasian economic Union and the Commonwealth of independent States. Meetings for both associations were held in narrow and expanded formats, and their outcome was the signing of the documents. Breakthrough decisions at the summit was not accepted, but the leaders confirmed that the systematic work of the unions is making steady progress in various areas – from humanitarian cooperation to the digital economy. EurAsEC digital Speaking at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Council, Putin said that the countries of EurAsEC (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) have approved basic directions of the digital agenda of the Union until 2025. “Russia is ready to actively participate in implementing the digital agenda; we are talking about coordinated with the countries of the Union policy

The state Department flags at the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco took the US government

The state Department flags at the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco took the US government WASHINGTON, October 12. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. Flags of Russia in its General Consulate in San Francisco (California) took representatives of the American authorities. This was confirmed on Wednesday to the correspondent of TASS, the state Department official. He assured that the procedure was carried out when demonstrating a proper respect for state symbols of Russia. Now the removed flags put in storage in the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco, said the employee of foreign policy Department of the USA. “Flags of the former Russian consular property in San Francisco was launched with the demonstration of proper respect and kept secure in each building,” said the American diplomat. He was referring to the General Consulate and the residence of the Consul General in San Francisco.

McCain said that the team trump delaying the implementation of sanctions against Russia

McCain said that the team trump delaying the implementation of sanctions against Russia WASHINGTON, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. Senators Ben Cardin and John McCain said that the administration of President Donald trump is delaying the implementation of a package of sanctions against Russia. The President of the United States Donald trump had previously signed a law involving the extension of sectoral sanctions against the Russian economy. The law, in particular, suggests that the head of state can impose sanctions on persons who invest in the construction of Russian export pipelines over $ 5 million a year or $ 1 million lump sum. The law separately States that the United States will continue to oppose the project “Northern stream-2”. “We once again call on the administration of the tramp to perform his obligations under the law, signed by (the President) and supported by Congress. They had plenty of time to