How Putin changed the governors: schedule and maps

How Putin changed the governors: schedule and maps For 18 days, the Russian governors “younger” for 116 years, showed the calculations of the Russian service Bi-bi-si. Over their career they “overcame” thousands of kilometers across Russia. For incomplete three weeks of the fall by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the governors of 11 regions. The process began on 25 September with the then head of the Samara region Nikolay Merkushkin and, apparently, ended on Thursday, October 12, with the departure of the Governor of the Pskov region Andrei Turchak. The oldest of the dismissed former head of Dagestan 71-year-old Ramazan Abdulatipov called it the “greening” of the governors, almost all appointed acting (acting)governors were younger than their predecessors. One of the main goals of process is to update regional personnel ahead of presidential elections scheduled for March 2018, said the analysts. Russian service Bi-bi-si decided

The white house revealed details of the new US strategy on Iran

The white house revealed details of the new US strategy on Iran American authorities intend to confront the “hostile activities” of the government of Iran and coming from it threats. This is stated in the new strategy of the White house in Tehran, according to Washington Examiner. In particular, the U.S. plans to oppose the funding of the Islamic revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), which “is engaged in extortion of the wealth of the Iranian people”. “We rallied the international community to condemn permitted in Case of gross violations of human rights and unjust detention of American citizens and other foreigners on false accusations”, — stated in the text of the strategy. USA will also stop the attempts of getting the Iranian regime of nuclear weapons, the document says. A new strategy for solving the problem of Iran today will be officially announced by US President Donald trump. According to the

The white house announced key provisions of the new strategy trump on Iran

The white house announced key provisions of the new strategy trump on Iran One of the goals of the program — “neutralizing the destabilizing influence” of the Iranian government. WASHINGTON, October 13. /TASS/. The United States will confront the destabilizing influence of Iran and to contain its aggression, will revive for this purpose, the interaction with a number of States in the region, and also intend to urge the international community to unite to exert joint pressure on the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps (IRGC, the elite units of the Iranian armed forces). Key provisions of the new strategy of US President Donald trump has circulated in the press service of the White house. The first paragraph States that “the new strategy of the United States against Iran aimed at neutralizing the destabilizing influence of the government of Iran and curb its aggression, in particular support for terrorism and militants”. “We

Zakharov commented on CNN about Russian intervention in the Affairs of USA via Pokemon Go

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said approval of CNN associated with the attempt associated with Russian agencies to use popular mobile games with the aim of fomenting hatred among people in the US. “Based on the logic of CNN, African Americans define their civil position, playing pokemon. That’s so poorly channel explain the emergence of racial issues in modern America. Again, blame the Russians … And manage pokémon” – wrote the diplomat on his page in the network Facebook.

What is UNESCO and how often do coming out of the US?

What is UNESCO and how often do coming out of the US? The U.S. and Israel, announced his intention to leave UNESCO. This has not yet happened, it is worth remembering that constitutes the organization, its history, goals, and what is still conflictual. What is UNESCO? The abbreviation for UNESCO is hiding full English name: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization — United Nations education, science and culture. The official languages of UNESCO are Arabic, English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French. The headquarters of the organization is located in Paris. At the moment, in her part of the 195 member States (after the U.S.’s transition to the status of an observer country and the release of Israel, they will remain 193) and 10 associated members (mainly the Autonomous territory, which does not carry its own foreign policy — these include, for example, the British virgin Islands and Macau). Among

In the United States called the problem the purchase by Turkey of the Russian s-400

In the United States called the problem the purchase by Turkey of the Russian s-400 WASHINGTON, 13 Dec — RIA Novosti. Turkey’s decision to buy Russian anti-aircraft missile complexes (AAMS) s-400 is a problem, said Thursday permanent representative to NATO, Kay Bailey Hutchison. “This caused alarm in NATO, since these systems are incompatible with those systems that uses the Alliance,” she said in an interview with the Washington Post, which was broadcast on the newspaper’s website. At the same time, Hutchison stressed several times that Turkey is a key partner of the United States, Washington is interested in cooperation with Turkey. She noted that the US “does not want Turkey closer to Russia”. “It’s not in our interests. But it’s also not in the interests of Turkey,” — said the U.S. permanent representative to NATO. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on 12 September announced that Turkey signed an agreement to acquire

The acting head of the Omsk region has sent the government in resignation

The acting Governor of the Omsk region Alexander Burkov © Dmitry Feoktistov/TASS OMSK, October 12. /TASS/. The acting Governor of the Omsk region Alexander Burkov has sent the government in resignation, but until the appointment of a new composition, all the Ministers will continue their work. This was reported in the press service of the government of Omsk region. “Following the requirements of the current legislation, the acting Governor of the Omsk region Alexander Burkov sent the current composition of the government of Omsk region to resign. Until the appointment of a new composition, all the Ministers will continue its work in the former capacity”, – is spoken in the message. Acting Governor stressed that he would rely on regional staff and will be in no hurry with government reshuffle. “In its work plan to fully rely on local talent, so let people work in peace. Hurry with the reassignment

Slutsky called provocation the removal of flags from buildings of departmenet of the Russian Federation in the USA

The Chairman of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky called provocation of withdrawal by U.S. authorities of the Russian flags from the buildings of the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco and the Russian trade representation in Washington. “Removal of Russian flags from the buildings of the Russian departmenet in the USA is another destructive step in a diplomatic war, unleashed by the administration of previous President of America Barack Obama. Such actions are clearly provocative character,” he told reporters on Thursday.