Madrid again demanded of Catalonia to make a decision on the referendum

Madrid again demanded of Catalonia to make a decision on the referendum MOSCOW, October 14 — RIA Novosti. If the head of the government of Catalonia Carles Pujdeme until Monday not clearly answer the question of the Council of Ministers of Spain, proclaimed is autonomy independence, they will take “appropriate measures”, said the Minister of internal Affairs of Spain Juan Ignacio Zoido in an interview with radio of Cape. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “If Pujdeme answer ambiguous on the requirement (Prime Minister — ed.), Mariano Rajoy, clear, announced whether the Catalan Parliament on 10 October, the independence of Catalonia or not, it would mean that he does not want dialogue, and the government will be forced to apply appropriate measures”, — said Saido. He added that there “is no ambiguity”. At the same time Deputy Chairman of the government of Catalonia Oriol Junqueras, the leader of the “Republican Left of Catalonia” (ERC), speaking

The Turkish authorities have linked the organizers of the murder of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation with a group of Gulen

The Turkish authorities have linked the organizers of the murder of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation with a group of Gulen Moscow. 14 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Perpetrators of the murder of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey Andrey Karlov associated with the organization of the Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen, said the Chairman of the National Assembly of Turkey Ismail Kahraman. “The investigation in connection with the murder of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov continues with the participation of Russian specialists. Moreover, it is clear that the perpetrators of this crime associated with the criminal gang of Fethullah Gulen” he said at a meeting with state Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin on Saturday. Chairman Natssobraniya of Turkey said that Turkey appreciates the position of Russia in this organization. “We know that Russia is one of the first countries to take appropriate action against the structure”, — stressed the head of the Turkish

Matvienko: depriving Russia of voting rights in the Council of Europe speaks of the need for change within the organization

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, October 14. /TASS/. The interaction of the Russian Federation and the Council of Europe (COE) after the accession of the country was interesting for both sides, but depriving Russia of voting rights in the organization indicates a need for change in the COE. This opinion was expressed in interview to the program “Vesti on Saturday” on TV channel “Russia 1” the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. “Now [I’m] absolutely convinced that Russia’s accession to the Council of Europe was absolutely correct and the only possible, and at the same time, it was mutually interesting, intellectual collaboration,” said she. However, responding to a remark of the journalist that subsequently, Russia was deprived of the right to the head of the Council of Europe, the Federation Council speaker stressed that it is “a signal to the Council of

Volodin: the majority of Council members believe that the rights of accelerate PACE you can not infringe on

Chairman Of The State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin © Marat Abulhasan/TASS SAINT-PETERSBURG, October 14. /TASS/. Most of the parliaments of the member countries of the Council of Europe considered that the right of national delegations to the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) can not be infringed, but only time will tell how this position will be directly reflected in the PACE. This was stated on Saturday by the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. “Today we see only one thing – that all national parliaments are, for the most part – sure, maybe with the exception of Ukraine and some Baltic countries share the position that the rights of national delegations [to the PACE] must not be infringed. But as it has then to be translated by national parliaments through their representatives in the Parliamentary Assembly, let’s wait, time will tell,” he said.

Russia is not invited to the PABSEC General Assembly in Kyiv

SAINT-PETERSBURG, October 14. /TASS/. Russia has not received an invitation to the General Assembly of the parliamentary Assembly of the black sea economic cooperation (PABSEC), which will be held in late 2017 in Kiev, which was unprecedented in the 25-year history of the BSEC. This was reported to journalists by the head of the Russian delegation to the Assembly, state Duma Deputy Mikhail Emelyanov, adding that this topic was discussed Saturday at the meeting of the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin with the speaker of the national Assembly of Serbia Maja gojkovic. “At the end of the year will be held the General Assembly of PABSEC in Kiev, – said Emelyanov. – There was absolutely unprecedented case when the Ukrainian side, the host country, Russia was not invited, member country, to the meeting. This has never happened before”.

“Independent girl”: why Sobchak met with Putin

“Independent girl”: why Sobchak met with Putin TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, a possible participant of presidential elections in 2018, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. A formal subject interview for the film about Anatoly Sobchak. To the 80 anniversary from the birthday of the former mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, his daughter, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, a film about the life and career of his father. About it the Russian service Bi-bi-si’s mother told the presenter, a member of the Federation Council Lyudmila Narusova. For this film Sobchak spoke with Vladimir Putin, you know, two people familiar with the source bi-Bi-si (both asked for anonymity for personal reasons). On the question of whether Sobchak interview Putin, Narusova said, “it is Expected that Vladimir Putin will be one of the speakers in the movie.” Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov on a question of Bi-bi-si about meeting Sobchak and

Yavlinsky spoke about his election program

Yavlinsky spoke about his election program MOSCOW, October 14 — RIA Novosti. The founder of the party “Yabloko” Grigory Yavlinsky, who had already been selected as a candidate from this party for the presidential elections in 2018, spoke about his presidential program “common sense”, it will cover international and socio-economic issues. “You can call it (the program — ed.) quite liberal, quite conservative, it can be called liberal-conservative. And in fact it’s just under the circumstances, the program is just common sense,” said Grigory Yavlinsky to journalists. The politician said that the tasks which he intends to present as its presidential program, is simple. According to Yavlinsky, he will advocate for resolution of the situation in Russian-Ukrainian relations, including issues related to Crimea. In addition, he said that will include a program of changes of relations between Russia and the world. “Russia today is a country that is subject to

Trump spoke about the meeting with a non-existent President of the virgin Islands

Trump spoke about the meeting with a non-existent President of the virgin Islands The American leader Donald trump during the conference Values Voter Summit in Washington, said that met with the President of the virgin Islands, which is himself, as the region is controlled by the us government. On Saturday, October 14, reports CNN. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “I went from Texas from Florida, from Louisiana, went to Puerto Rico and I met with the President of the virgin Islands,” said trump. After that, he told the audience, as the population of the Islands cope with the effects of hurricanes “Irma” and “Maria”. The channel notes that appealed to the White house to comment on the words of the head of state, but an immediate response is not received. In the official transcript the word “President” was changed to “the Governor” is officially called the head of the region, Kenneth MAPP (Kenneth Map).

Poroshenko confident that Ukraine will become a NATO member

Poroshenko confident that Ukraine will become a NATO member KYIV, October 14 — RIA Novosti. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is confident that his country will become a member of NATO, and Ukrainian in the future may become the General Secretary of the Alliance. “There is no doubt that among these age not courageous teenagers are the future officers and generals, ambassadors and Ministers. Perhaps a future President. And perhaps, even, — the Secretary General of NATO, because Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance”, — said the President, speaking Saturday in Kyiv on the occasion of the Day of defender of Ukraine and taking of the oath by students of Kyiv military Lyceum named Ivan Bohun. His statement, broadcast by Ukrainian TV channels. In turn, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman in his congratulatory message, published on the government website, said that the Ukrainian army in the medium

Kerry has accused trump in creating an international crisis

Kerry has accused trump in creating an international crisis MOSCOW, October 14 — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump its decision on the nuclear deal with Iran creates an international crisis and jeopardizes national interests in the sphere of security and the interests of American allies, according to former U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry. “The decision of the President of trump is dangerous, it creates an international crisis. It (the decision — ed.) is endangering US interests in the sphere of national security and the interests of close allies,” wrote Kerry in a statement posted on Twitter. He also called the decision “a reckless abandonment of the facts by the President in favor of his own ego and ideology”. The former US Secretary of state, participated in the work on an international deal on the Iranian atom, said he did not understand why trump might