The founder of Hustler magazine has offered $10 million for assistance in the impeachment of trump

The founder of Hustler magazine has offered $10 million for assistance in the impeachment of trump So Larry Flynt expressed his disagreement with the appointment of the President of the United States “not enough qualified individuals in high positions”. NEW YORK, October 15. /TASS/. Founder and owner of American porn magazine Hustler, Larry Flynt offered a reward of $10 million for information that will allow us to impeach the President of the United States Donald Trump. The announcement posted on Saturday in the Washington Post. “Larry Flynt and Hustler magazine announce the offer of up to $10 million for information that will lead to impeachment and removal from the post of Donald trump,” reads the ad headline. The author made a number of claims to the President of the United States, including the dismissal of the Director of the Federal Bureau of investigation James Komi, as well as “chronic nepotism

North Korea has promised to destroy all threatening the prosperity of the nation enemies

North Korea has promised to destroy all threatening the prosperity of the nation enemies Moscow. 14 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Deputy Chairman of the Parliament of North Korea, An Dong Choon said that the DPRK is aimed to take the destruction of all who threaten the future of the nation. “We saw the performance of children and Russian girls at the conclusion of the opening ceremony of the 137th Assembly of the inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). Our country also wants that future to be. This peace and prosperity. Therefore, in order to achieve such a world, all the enemies that may prevent this future, we all of them are strongly destroyed,” said An Dong Choon reporters on Saturday at the end of the activities of the IPU. He added: “This is our intention.”

In the state Duma are working on the introduction of the bill that responds to US sanctions

In the state Duma are working on the introduction of the bill that responds to US sanctions This issue is being worked, said the speaker of the lower house of Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin. SAINT-PETERSBURG, October 14. /TASS/. The state Duma is considering the issue of introduction of the bill, responding to American sanctions against Russia, but on the specific contents of the document are not yet available. About it to journalists was declared by the speaker of the lower house of Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin. “I don’t want to give any comment on this question, we are on the subject I think,” said the speaker when asked to comment on the possibility of the adoption of the bill in response to US sanctions. We are working on this issue but are not yet able to present it and talk about specific content. There is a study of the issue.Vyacheslav Waltenspiel Of

The President of Uzbekistan will fly the plane Alisher Usmanov

The President of Uzbekistan will fly the plane Alisher Usmanov For long-haul flights of the President of Uzbekistan will be leased Airbus 340 M-IABU proposed by the operator GlobalJet. This was reported on the website of Uzbekistan Airways. During the download an error has occurred. “The national airline “Uzbekiston Havo Yullari” on behalf of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan expresses its appreciation to Mr. Alisher Burkhanovich Usmanov for his agreement to rent and willingness to promptly provide the Airbus 340 M-IABU for use by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, — stated in the message. The national airline entered into a lease agreement with the aircraft owner company Klaret Aviation Limited on commercial terms, said Uzbekistan Airways.

Putin said the threat of the erosion of international law and culture of international dialogue

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS SAINT-PETERSBURG, October 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the threat of the erosion of international law and culture of international dialogue. “Worldwide, the parliaments, as the voice of the people, play a significant, a significant, sometimes leading role in the development of national models of Union and, of course, in finding adequate answers to modern challenges, challenges that are common to all of us, – the President said at the opening of the IPU Assembly in St. Petersburg. – Treat them the erosion of international law, and the culture of international dialogue”.

Damascus demanded that Turkey withdraw its troops from the province of Idlib

Damascus demanded that Turkey withdraw its troops from the province of Idlib CAIRO, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. Damascus demanded that Turkey immediately withdraw its forces from Syria’s Idlib province, reported Saturday the Syrian news Agency SANA, citing a source in the foreign Ministry of the country. On the eve of the Turkish General staff announced that the Turkish military began to establish in Idlib observation points within the progress in Astana agreements on areas of de-escalation in Syria. It is noted that another convoy with the technique of crossed a checkpoint in the district of reyhanli of Hatay province in the direction of the Syrian district of the Atma. “The Syrian Arab Republic to the most rigid condemns the invasion of Turkish troops in Idlib province, noting that it is an open infringement upon the sovereignty and integrity of the Syrian land and a clear violation of international law”,

The Russian foreign Ministry confirmed the visit Johnson in Russia

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, October 14. /TASS/. Preparations for the first visit to Moscow of Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain Boris Johnson is, however, the Russian Federation does not understand why the British announced this unilaterally and ahead of schedule. This was stated to journalists on Saturday by the first Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Vladimir Titov.

Bi-bi-si in Russia has developed a plan to release a positive news for voters

Bi-bi-si in Russia has developed a plan to release a positive news for voters Before the presidential election in March 2018, the Kremlin has developed a method that will allow you to tell voters more positive news on the work of government. About it reports Russian service Bi-bi-si with reference to the sources. The interlocutors said that the presidential administration with the help of this method, wants to improve social well-being of citizens and to reduce the “depressive situation” amid adverse economic conditions in the country. The first Deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, has asked the Federal government to collect information that could be used to demonstrate the improvement of life. The same task is set before heads of regions, industrial, energy and transport companies. “All information received and accumulated in the ministries, and regional leaders in the regional administrations. Then they report all the information to