At the election of the President of Kyrgyzstan, the leader of Sooronbai Jeenbekov

At the election of the President of Kyrgyzstan, the leader of Sooronbai Jeenbekov Moscow. 15 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Candidate from Pro-presidential Social democratic party of Kyrgyzstan Jeenbekov Sooronbai leader at the election of the President. According to the CEC, the results of the preliminary count of more than 150 thousand ballots voted 55 866 thousand voters. Zheenbekov main rival, opposition candidate Omurbek Babanov gaining 44 thousand 392 votes. On Sunday in Kyrgyzstan held presidential elections. They are 11 candidates, among them three former Prime Minister Omurbek Babanov, sooronbay Jeenbekov and Temir Sariev. The powers of the incumbent President Almazbek Atambayev expire on December 1, and he has no right repeatedly to run. The election was opened 2 thousand 375 polling stations. The total number of voters is 3 million 25 thousand 770 people.

USA careful approach to the development of sanctions against Russia, said Tillerson

USA careful approach to the development of sanctions against Russia, said Tillerson WASHINGTON, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. The United States is very cautious in the development of standards on sanctions against Russia, said on Sunday Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. In a live CNN host asked the Secretary of state to comment on the statement by senators John McCain and Ben Cardin that the US administration is delaying the implementation of a package of sanctions against Russia. “With regard to Russia in particular, we very carefully developed standards for companies that do business,” said Tillerson. He noted that he is personally involved in such discussions with the Ministry of Finance of the United States. “We cooperate with the Ministry of Finance for the development of such criteria, so that people could understand what is allowed and what will threaten sanctions themselves,” said Tillerson. The President of the

Kosachev: the main burden of responsibility for the reconstruction of Syria needs to carry the West

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, 15 Oct. /TASS/. The main burden of responsibility for post-war reconstruction of Syria needs to carry the West, which at one time undertook to democratize the middle East. This opinion was expressed on Sunday, TASS the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “It is clear that the responsibility for the fact that Syria’s civil war began, which, in turn, have used terrorists are, on the one hand, the Syrian authorities, on the other – those who are provoking the Syrian opposition into armed resistance,” said the Senator, responding to a question. According to him, is “the same Western countries, which have undertaken to democratize the greater middle East”. “And Syria is one example of how the forceful export of democracy have led to the opposite and destructive

The Kurdish leadership has not agreed to give up the independence of Kurdistan

The Kurdish leadership has not agreed to give up the independence of Kurdistan Moscow. 15 Oct. INTERFAX.RU Leaders of the Iraqi Kurds has rejected the demand of Baghdad to cancel the results of the referendum on the independence of Iraqi Kurdistan, said the representative of the Kurdish President. This requirement of the Central government of Iraq put forward as prerequisites for starting negotiations between the parties. The representative of the President wrote on his Twitter page that the Kurdish leadership, including the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, in the meeting called on the Baghdad government for a “peaceful settlement” of the crisis. They were strongly opposed to the threat of solving problems by force and said it was ready to defend the territory of Kurdistan in the event of an armed attack on her. A referendum on Kurdistan’s independence was held in September, more than 90% of its members voted

As would punish the Catalan separatists under Russian law

As would punish the Catalan separatists under Russian law Many Russian commentators have expressed support for the aspirations of Catalonia to independence. Meanwhile, if something like that happened in Russia, a hypothetical separatists were threatened with real prison terms. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Russian commentators, including in the Pro-Kremlin position, Madrid is often criticized for policies that brought the situation before the referendum in Catalonia, and support the region in its quest for independence. Not recognized by the Central authorities of Spain and the European Union a referendum on the independence of Catalonia on 1 October ended in clashes with police and mass rallies of supporters and opponents of secession. In the course of development of the Russian state media expressed deep sympathy for the Catalans and criticized Madrid. “Vampires from Madrid suck all the juice out of helpless of Catalonia”, — said the TV presenter of the program “Sunday times” Valery Fadeev.

In the state Duma considered a strange statement on the record of the explosion on the Tu-154 Kaczynski

In the state Duma considered a strange statement on the record of the explosion on the Tu-154 Kaczynski MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Alexei chepa (a just Russia) finds it strange that after so many years in Poland say about the discovery of a record of the time of the explosion in the Tu-154 crash which killed the President of the Republic Lech Kaczynski. Earlier, the Minister of defence of Poland Anthony Macierewicz reported that a Polish Commission found the record of the moment of explosion in the flight recorders of the Tu-154, in 2010, crashed while landing at the airport “Smolensk-North”. Onboard there were 96 persons: 88 passengers and eight crew members flying at the mourning events in Katyn, they all died. “I don’t believe that after so many years, and now someone-something suddenly finds. Yes? Of course,

The Polish authorities are speculating on the death of Kaczynski, said Klintsevich

The Polish authorities are speculating on the death of Kaczynski, said Klintsevich MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The Polish authorities speculate into the death of Lech Kaczynski in favor of their interests, nothing to do with the plane crash this foul-smelling policy is, said to RIA Novosti on Sunday, the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich. Earlier, the Minister of defence of Poland Anthony Macierewicz reported that a Polish Commission found the record of the moment of explosion in the flight recorders of the Tu-154, in 2010, crashed while landing at the airport “Smolensk-North”. Onboard there were 96 persons: 88 passengers and eight crew members flying at the mourning events in Katyn, they all died. “I think this is the statement of the Minister of defence of Poland should be seen as a kind of appendage to the recent arrival of

Chancellor of Austria voted in the parliamentary elections

Chancellor of Austria voted in the parliamentary elections VIENNA, 15 Oct. /TASS/. Chancellor and Chairman of the Social democratic party of Austria Christian Kern voted on Sunday in early elections to the national Council (lower house of Parliament). Your voice the head of the Cabinet of Ministers together with his wife Evelyn, Steinberger Kern gave at a polling station in the Vienna district of Neubau, the correspondent of TASS. “Look at the results. It will be fun, but as you know, this afternoon will be another event, namely the game “Austria”. Calmly to watch the game. It will be good if both events are successful,” said Kern assembled journalists. Chancellor Kern enjoys football and is a fan of football club “Austria Wien” from Vienna. The team will play in Sunday’s away game with Sturm Graz in Graz. Early parliamentary elections are held on Sunday in Austria with the participation of

The coalition allowed the militants to evacuate Raqqa

The coalition allowed the militants to evacuate Raqqa The US-led international coalition in the fight against the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state” has allowed militants to peacefully leave the Syrian Raqqa. They come out of the city accompanied by U.S.-backed Syrian militias, according to Reuters. As told to the Agency a member of the city Council of Raqqa, Omar Alloush, the militants were allowed to leave the city on the evening of 15 October. They intend taking with them some 400 civilians as “human shields.” The representative of the Syrian people’s protection units (YPG), Nouri Mahmoud said that raqqa, considered the capital of ISIS, can be liberated from militants on Saturday or Sunday. At the weekend more than 100 militants have surrendered to the military. Happiness of a woman from Raqqa after she was rescued by YPG fighters — Mutlu Civiroglu (@mutludc) 12 Oct 2017. During the download an

The owner of Hustler offered $10 million for incriminating evidence for impeachment trump

The owner of Hustler offered $10 million for incriminating evidence for impeachment trump MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The owner of the American magazine “adult” Hustler Larry Flynt has offered ten million dollars for information that will allow us to impeach the President of the United States Donald trump. “I don’t expect any of the millionaires of friends, trump pass, but I’m sure there are many knowledgeable people, for which ten million dollars is a large sum,” — said in the announcement published in the Washington Post. Flint considers as grounds for dismissal of trump’s “conspiring with a hostile power for the election fraud”, “inciting sectarian violence” through the support of neo-Nazis, damage to national politics because of the conflict of interest, lies and incompetence, nepotism and out of the Paris climate agreement.