Nikiforov did not rule out retaliatory measures in connection with the problem of the Russian media in USA

The Minister of communications of Russia Nikolay Nikiforov © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, October 18. /TASS/. The Minister of communications of Russia Nikolai Nikiforov does not exclude retaliatory measures in connection with the problem of Russian media in the US, but they will not be symmetrical. He reported about it to journalists.

The Prosecutor General’s office received 43 complaints Poklonskaya on “Matilda”

The Prosecutor General’s office received 43 complaints Poklonskaya on “Matilda” The Ministry did not reveal violations of the law in the process of making the film, its funding and receive a distribution certificate. Moscow. 18 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the General Prosecutor’s office has already considered a request from 41 state Duma Deputy Natalia Polonskaya in the movie “Matilda” and recently received two more that were also being studied. About this informed the official representative of the Supervisory Department Alexander Kurennoy, responding to the question of “Interfax”. “For the period from December 2016 to present to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation received 41 the appeal of the Deputy of the State Duma Natalia Poklonskaya about possible violations in the actions of the creators of the movie “Matilda,” said Kurennoy on Wednesday. He stated that the Prosecutor’s office revealed violations of the current legislation in the process of creating, financing

The tax pack in polyethylene

The tax pack in polyethylene Special presidential envoy on issues of the environment, transport and environmental protection Sergei Ivanov has asked the Ministry of industry to study the idea of an environmental charge on plastic bags. He drew attention that the polyethylene does “multiples more” damage than paper bags. Environmentalists and does insist on the renunciation of use in the home such packages: they sent the largest grocery retailers offer to voluntarily withdraw them from circulation. “Damage to the polyethylene causes a multiple greater than paper”, — said Sergey Ivanov at the meeting of the organizational Committee on holding the year of ecology. He also noted that in all the chain stores when buying goods issue plastic bag, and rarely offer a choice of paper counterpart, meanwhile, “plastic bag decomposes 300 years.” The reason for the reluctance of retailers to work with paper packages, Mr. Ivanov explained that the Russian

In the Ministry proposed to ban advertising of services on writing diplomas

In the Ministry proposed to ban advertising of services on writing diplomas MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of education proposes to ban advertising of sales and services for the writing of final qualifying works and other works associated with certification in education and science, the corresponding project is published on the Federal portal of projects of normative legal acts. “The bill proposes to amend article 5 of the Federal law “On advertising” in terms of non-advertising final qualifying works and other works related to certification in the educational process in the field of science, as objects of sale and services according to their writing, and article 59 of the Federal law “On education in the Russian Federation” in the part of the host free educational institutions of higher education graduation thesis in master’s degree programs and specialist programs,” — said in the explanatory note to the project.

In Syria, killing the General responsible for the defense of the Deir ez-Zor

In Syria, killing the General responsible for the defense of the Deir ez-Zor Issam Zahreddin that three and a half years led the troops defending the city, struck a mine near the island Saker on the Euphrates river. DAMASCUS, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti, Mikhail Alaeddin. In Syria, killed one of the most famous generals of the government army Issam Zahreddin responsible for the defense of the Deir ez-Zor, told RIA Novosti at the headquarters of the operation. “General Issam died today as a result of blasting on a mine near the island of the Saker” — said the Agency interlocutor. In the beginning of the crisis Zahreddin led the troops of the Republican guard and cleaned out the quarters in the suburbs of Damascus. The last three and a half years was responsible for the defense of the siege of Deir ez-Zor. In early September, the defenders of the

Poklonskaya explained the appeal of inspection of the Teacher on tax evasion

Poklonskaya explained the appeal of inspection of the Teacher on tax evasion State Duma Deputy Natalya Poklonskaya explained RBC, why sent a request to the authorities with a request to check the Studio Director Alexei “ROCK” for possible tax evasion. The request was submitted to the Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov and head FNS of Michael mishustina 17 Oct. “First, the allocation of public funds is possible in the absence of unfulfilled obligations on prisoners with the Ministry of culture the contracts,” said Poklonski. According to her, the Teacher should budget of 280 million rubles for the film “the Treasure of Ermak”, so the financing of the movie “Matilda” broke the law. “Secondly, public funds for the film “Matilda” was allocated under the scenario established in 2012 by the author Gerasimovym and telling about the life and career of the ballerina Matilda Kschessinska,” said Poklonski. However, according

Zhirinovsky proposed to cancel new year holidays

Zhirinovsky proposed to cancel new year holidays MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky suggested to enter in Russia for more vacation days instead of Christmas holidays that the Russians did not abuse alcohol. According to the politician, in the new year holidays residents of Russia begins to abuse alcohol as “what should a man if he’s not busy in some work”. “There must still achieve two us vacation: 30 calendar days 15 when he wants to, then uses. Common holidays — only three: 1 January, 9 may and 12 (June),” — said the leader of LDPR. Earlier, the Russian government approved holidays calendar for next year: the Russians are waiting for a ten-day “vacation” from December 30, 2017-8 January 2018.

Russia urged the United States to immediately destroy their chemical weapons

UN 18 Oct. /TASS/. Russia, destroyed in September last stockpiles of chemical weapons, called on Tuesday the United States and other countries “to immediately follow” his example and eliminate stockpiles of such weapons. Speaking at the meeting of the 1st Committee of the UN General Assembly, Deputy Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ermakov called it a historic event, proposing to fix it in the resolution of the General Assembly.

XI Jinping called on countries to abandon the cold war mentality

XI Jinping called on countries to abandon the cold war mentality Chinese President XI Jinping called on countries to abandon the cold war mentality and power politics, giving the differences in the preference dialog. The Secretary General of the CPC Central Committee, said during a speech at the XIX Congress of the Communist party of China in Beijing. “We have to respect each other, conduct equal consultation, with a firm determination to abandon the cold war mentality and power politics. Disputes and disagreements should be resolved through dialogue and consultation,” the politician said the Agency “RIA Novosti”. Also the Chinese President noted the importance of new approaches to international relations, based not on confrontation but on partnership. According to him, it is necessary for the establishment of a “community of common destiny of mankind”. How wrote portal in the event you participate 2280 delegates, the Congress will last till