The US budget deficit peaked in 2013

The US budget deficit peaked in 2013 The Federal budget deficit, States at the end of the 2017 financial year, which ended September 30, amounted to $666 billion, or 3.5% of GDP, according to the Finance Ministry. Bloomberg notes that this is the highest figure since 2013. By the end of 2016 fingida the Federal budget deficit amounted to U.S. $587 billion, or 3.2% of GDP. Thus, in 2017 fingado figure rose to $79 billion. “Today’s budget figures underscore the importance of achieving strong and sustainable economic growth. Thanks to the tax reform and the easing of the regulation, States will be able to return to a higher GDP growth rate, and this will allow to get rid of the budget deficit,” said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

The white house announced the continuation of cooperation with Moscow on Syria and the DPRK

The white house announced the continuation of cooperation with Moscow on Syria and the DPRK The US continues to try to work with Russia on issues related to Syria and the DPRK, said to CBS during the briefing, White house spokesman Sarah Sanders. Sanders noted that in Russian-American relations, “much depends on Russia,” whether it is “bad or good” and what “kind of relationship they want to have.” “We’re trying to continue to work with them [Russia] in matters very important to the national security of [the United States], in such issues as Syria and North Korea,” she said in a CBS reporter’s question about the nature of the relationship of the administration to trump Russia. Earlier, on October 20 the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow and Washington bothers to negotiate “Russophobic rage” in the us Congress. The Minister noted that while the ongoing

Medina will remain the doctor of historical Sciences. Generalization

Medina will remain the doctor of historical Sciences. Generalization The Presidium of the HAC rejected the claims to the doctoral dissertation of the Minister, despite the contrary recommendations of historians Moscow. 20 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Presidium of the Higher attestation Commission (HAC) under the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation on Friday rejected claims the doctoral thesis of the head of the Ministry of culture Vladimir Medinsky. The decision was taken by majority of votes, have informed “Interfax” in the press service of the Ministry of education. According to one of participants of meeting, 14 people voted in favor of Medina, 6 — against him. Thus, the HAC ultimately recommended that the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation to leave the head of the Ministry of culture doctorate in history. The Ministry of education has already reacted to the resolution of the WAC.

The interior Ministry has called the period of possible mounting positions on the border with Belarus

The interior Ministry has called the period of possible mounting positions on the border with Belarus According to first Deputy Minister, the posts may appear on the highways and the railroad in the spring of 2018. In the spring of 2018 on the border of Russia with Belarus can be set temporary border posts, warned first Deputy interior Minister Alexander Gorovoy. “We’re tough enough to work with the month of may,” said Gorovoy at the meeting of the Federation Council (quoted by “Interfax”). The possibility of border posts, he explained the concern of the Russian authorities about the openness of the border, when the Belarusian authorities allowed the citizens of 80 countries of the world to come to their country without a visa. “If we don’t unify immigration laws and does not move on a single migration card until March, the Russian government preliminarily considered the question of establishing temporary

Medina was not deprived of a scientific degree

Medina was not deprived of a scientific degree The Presidium of the Higher attestation Commission (HAC) today did not deprive the Minister of culture, Vladimir Medinsky, the degree of doctor of historical Sciences. This was reported by one of the applicants — activist “Discerneth” Ivan Babitsky and the representative of the press service of the Medina. At the meeting, which was closed to reporters, he came to Medina and historian Konstantin Averyanov, protecting the Minister’s position. Babitsky, who demanded to deprive the Minister of degree, was allowed into the meeting after Medina. After the speech, Medina Babitsky was able to ask him questions. Also at the meeting was the scientific Director of the Institute of General history Alexander Chubarian. He told “Vedomosti” that invited the Chairman of the Waka, “I was Chairman of the expert Council”, “I’m interested”. He said at the meeting that you should not open Pandora’s box

Sobchak said about the absence of her political program

Sobchak said about the absence of her political program She acknowledged that she has little political weight and a small chance to win in the presidential elections. Moscow. 20 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Journalist Ksenia Sobchak, announced on Wednesday his intention to nominate his candidacy for the presidential elections in Russia in 2018, said she has no political agenda. In an interview with British newspaper The Guardian, she also admitted that she had little chance to win. I have no political weight, I don’t deserve the right to launch any political programme or to act as a candidate.Ksenia Sobchak In her opinion, the opportunity to vote for it may be of interest to those who are dissatisfied with the political order under the current President. Previously Sobchak said that her candidacy will support those Russians who are in the presence of the ballot the opportunity to vote “against all” would be

Putin looks to the party to the participants of Sochi festival of youth

Putin looks to the party to the participants of Sochi festival of youth The President, returning from a meeting of the club “Valdai” told the students that their knowledge “are on the level of world experts”. Moscow. 19 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin, returning from a meeting of the club “Valdai”, on Thursday evening we stopped in one of the cafes in the Olympic Park, where he spoke the world festival of youth and students. The head of state came unexpectedly to the inside just at the moment when the young people danced to the accompaniment of a guitar, and was met with applause. The President asked the audience if they like the festival, what are the conditions of life as they settled. The conversation, however, went beyond General conversation, and young people from different countries began to ask related issues, including foreign policy. For example, a student

Russian foreign Minister: Russia cannot trust the accusations of the CIA in Damascus for the incident in Khan Sheyhun

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, October 20. /TASS/. Moscow can’t trust the allegations of CIA on the responsibility of Damascus for use of chemical weapons in Syria, said the Director of the Department of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on non-proliferation and arms control (DNCW) Mikhail Ulyanov in connection with the statement by CIA Director Michael Pompeo that the US is supposedly already in 70 hours after the incident in Khan Sheyhun had irrefutable evidence that the responsibility for himataku bears the responsibility of the Syrian government.

Ministry of education: for the renewal of the mandate of the UN mission, the OPCW, the United States engaged in lies and cheating

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Gennady Homeland/TASS MOSCOW, October 20. /TASS/. The US is trying to achieve the renewal of the mandate of the Joint UN and OPCW (Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons) to investigate the chemical attacks in Syria (CMP), putting “the cart before the horse”.