The head of the CIA asked him not to contact him in case of disappearance of the head of the DPRK

The head of the CIA asked him not to contact him in case of disappearance of the head of the DPRK The head of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) Mike Pompeo said that we should not refer to it in that case, if the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN suddenly disappears. He told about it on the forum of the Foundation for defense of democracies in Washington, according to the newspaper South China Morning Post. “Someone might think that was a coincidence. “You know had an accident”. It’s not helpful to our Ministry”, — said the head of the CIA. However, he added that “we are going to be much angrier by the office”. According to him, now the task of the North Korean leader “just to stay in power”. On the eve of the summit on national security Pompeo reported that the DPRK will soon be able to

Billionaire Andrew Babish won parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic

Billionaire Andrew Babish won parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic Parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic by a large margin won the ANO movement of billionaire Andrew Babish. The ruling Czech social democratic party finished the race only fifth. In the parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic, which ended on Saturday, October 21, won a landslide victory of the center-right movement ANO (“Action of disgruntled citizens”) is a Czech billionaire Andrew Babish, according to Reuters. Movement ANO Babish scored 29.6% of the votes, which will honor three times more than its closest rivals. Overall, the results of the vote in the Czech Parliament passed nine parties. Second place, followed by ANO of Babish, took the Civic democratic party, gaining to 11.32% of the vote. According to the Agency, the Czech voters this time chose to not vote for the traditional parties, giving preference to the businessman, the representative of antiestablishment

Trump will pay for his associates court costs for the “Russian case”

Trump will pay for his associates court costs for the “Russian case” To pay lawyers for former and current employees of the White house, involved in the investigation on the “Russian case”, Donald trump is going to spend at least $430 thousand of personal funds. The President of the United States Donald trump is going to spend at least $430 thousand of own funds to cover legal costs incurred by his colleagues, including former and current employees of the White house to investigate their alleged ties with Russia. Axios it is reported, citing an unnamed representative of the White House. How payments will be distributed, and who receives them, is not clear. The publication Politico, citing another senior White house official familiar with the situation, adding that donations trump will be made “to the extent that this is permissible” Management ethics in the government and tax requirements.

In Catalonia refused to accept the decision of Madrid to suspend the autonomy

In Catalonia refused to accept the decision of Madrid to suspend the autonomy The speaker of the Parliament of Catalonia the Karma Forcadell said it will defend its powers and the powers of the deputies of the autonomy, refusing to acknowledge earlier the Spanish government’s decision to dissolve the Catalan government. The decision of the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, on the dissolution of the Catalan government, the suspension of autonomy and ad in the region of the new election is a “coup” and “an attack on democracy.” This was stated by the speaker of the Parliament of Catalonia the Karma Forcadell, reports Reuters. In a televised speech, she said that will not allow the termination of authority of the autonomy. “That’s why we want to send the citizens of this country a message about our steadfastness and hope. We will protect the sovereignty of the Parliament of Catalonia

The who announced the revision of the appointment of the President of Zimbabwe goodwill Ambassador

The who announced the revision of the appointment of the President of Zimbabwe goodwill Ambassador Director General of the world health organization (who) Tedros Aden Gebreyesus will review the decision on the appointment of Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe as a goodwill Ambassador. He wrote about this in his Twitter. “I’m listening. I heard your concerns. Will revise its approach in light of the values who. I will make a statement as soon as possible,” wrote Hebraicus. Today, 21 Oct, who chose 93-year-old Mugabe’s goodwill Ambassador. This Gebreyesus said at a conference on noncommunicable diseases (NCDS). “I’m honored to announce that President Mugabe has agreed to become a goodwill Ambassador for noncommunicable diseases the who in Africa with the aim of influencing its partners in the region and to identify priorities for NCDS” — said the Director General of the who. International human rights organizations and politicians have criticized the choice

Saakashvili proposed a reform plan of Ukraine for 70 days

Saakashvili proposed a reform plan of Ukraine for 70 days KIEV, October 21. /TASS/. The ex-President of Georgia, the leader of the “movement new forces,” Saakashvili proposed a plan of reforms for Ukraine for 70 days. He outlined it on Saturday night on Constitution square near the Verkhovna Rada during the briefing, which was organized by the soldiers of the military operation in the Donbass, the correspondent of TASS from the event. “I propose the Verkhovna Rada “Plan 70 days” about how to change Ukraine session in five weeks,” he said. In addition, Saakashvili stated that the country should prepare for “Ukraine without Poroshenko”. “At the first session week Parliament should change the political system in the country to adopt a law on impeachment of the President, the deprivation of immunity of deputies of the moment, and also to adopt the law on the oligarchs. Our goal — the struggle

Ryabkov: the events in Ukraine caused by internal reasons, not a “Russian decision”

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/. The events in Ukraine in 2014 due to the internal situation in the country, first of all, the incident a coup d’etat, and not by any decision Russia. This was stated by TASS on Saturday, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov, commenting on the words of a former senior Deputy Secretary of state Wendy Sherman.

The foreign Ministry made a change in Russian laws to counter the United States

The foreign Ministry made a change in Russian laws to counter the United States Russia could amend its legislation to counteract us policy against Moscow, said Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. According to him, on draft modifications are also the state Duma and the Federation Council. Russian authorities may introduce in their legislation the changes to counter the “destructive policy” of the United States. This was stated by Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, reports TASS. “The situation that arose as a result of destructive policy of the American side with regard to the relations with Russia, literally overlap each other,” he said. We feel that in order to build their line to counter, their counter-attacks even more effectively, we may need some additions and clarifications to the legislation in force.Sergey Raskolnista foreign Affairs Ryabkov did not specify in what form the government may accept the new changes, however, assured

In Barcelona began a demonstration in support of Catalan independence

In Barcelona began a demonstration in support of Catalan independence A March in support of Catalan independence started in Barcelona. Earlier today, Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy said that it has launched a procedure that will lead to the dissolution of the government and limit the autonomy of the region. In Barcelona began a demonstration in support of independence of Catalonia. Live webcast of the event are El Pais and La Vanguardia. In the procession, the participants of which protest against limitations of the autonomy and the dissolution of the regional government of Madrid, attended by the head of Generalitat Carles Putteman, members of the Catalan government, the mayor of Barcelona Hell Cola and members of the city administration. The procession will pass through the Passeig de gràcia and is expected to be, the proclamation of the Manifesto and a musical concert. Demonstrators carry posters of “rights and freedoms”,

The Embassy of the Russian Federation commented on the desire of London to fight the “Russian threat”

LONDON, 21 Oct. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in great Britain has called on London to draw attention to manifestations of extremism and the growing crime rate in the United Kingdom instead of to fight non-existent “Russian threat”. The corresponding entry was posted on Saturday on the page of Embassy on Twitter. Thus it commented on the statement of the former head of the British government communications Centre (GCHQ, the equivalent of the national security Agency of USA) Robert Hannigan in an interview with broadcasting Corporation Bi-bi-si.