The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: analysis of the UN report on Syria may lead to undesirable for Washington conclusions

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/. Washington fears that a thoughtful analysis of the report of the Joint OPCW-UN to investigate cases of chemical weapons use in Syria (SMR) on its activities over the past year will lead to undesirable consequences for the US conclusions. This is stated in a statement on Tuesday, the foreign Ministry statement.

Vladimir Putin has dealt with the cryptocurrency

Vladimir Putin has dealt with the cryptocurrency Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government and the Central Bank to ensure payment for legislative changes aimed at regulating the cryptocurrency industry, and new digital technologies. In addition, financial authorities will have to submit offers on creation on the basis of Bank “regulatory sandbox” for testing innovative financial technologies, products and services. The assignment of Vladimir Putin concerning the regulation of new financial techniques (including the cryptocurrency industry) published today on official website of the Kremlin. According to them, the government of the Russian Federation jointly with the Bank of Russia will have until 1 July 2018 to ensure inclusion in the legislation of changes that will allow you to adjust the ICO (Initial Coin Offering — public fundraising, including crypto, by placing a token). Moreover, the text of the order States that regulations the ICO should be similar to the regulations

At the all-Russian competition “Leaders of Russia” has already received 130 thousand applications

At the all-Russian competition “Leaders of Russia” has already received 130 thousand applications To apply for participation in the competition can any citizen of the Russian Federation in the age to 50 years old with managerial experience. MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/. All-Russian competition “Leaders of Russia” registered 130 th application for participation, said Tuesday at the organizing Committee of the event. “For half the time allotted for the collection of applications for the contest “Leaders of Russia”, has received 130 thousand of applications for participation”, — stated in the message. As noted in the organizing Committee of the contest, the most active representatives of Moscow and Moscow region — they received almost 75% of the applications of CFD (Central Federal district). From other regions of the County are the leaders of the Voronezh and Belgorod region. “The most uniform distribution with applications in the Volga Federal district. Nizhny Novgorod oblast

Bozena of Rynska vs Ksenia Sobchak: a drama in one act

Bozena of Rynska vs Ksenia Sobchak: a drama in one act Also starring: Igor Malashenko and Alexey Navalny. Active person Ksenia Sobchak, a possible presidential candidate Bozena of Rynska, socialite Igor Malashenko, the civil husband of Bozena Ryńskie and chief of staff Sobchak Alexei Navalny, a politician, a possible rival Sobchak in the elections A journalist from the press conference. The Stanislavsky electrotheatre, Ksenia Sobchak sits in the center of the room. Journalists look forward to when she will announce the members of his team. Sobchak: now the Election is a show. And as a professional I can say — this show is pretty low quality. My goal is to turn this show. To set its own rules. Perhaps my participation will add a certain number of people who will come to the elections and vote against all. Against all, including against President Vladimir Putin. Bozena: what a sneaky snake.

Putin: the solution of the Cyprus problem should not be imposed from outside

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/. The final solution of the Cyprus problem cannot be imposed on other countries, it must be taken by the Cypriots. This opinion was expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin following talks with President of Cyprus Nikos Anastasiadis.

Levin called the blatant cynicism of statements by foreign media after the attack on Felgenhauer

MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications Leonid Levin called on international organizations not to use the attack on a leading radio station “Echo of Moscow” Tatiana Felgengauer to allegations that journalists working in Russia in terms of “coercion and violence”. Review of the MP was extended on Tuesday a press-service of the Committee.

The Russian Ambassador called the vote in the UN security Council on Syria, “orchestrated performance”

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Craig Ruttle UN 24 Oct. /TASS/. The vote in the Security Council (SC) of the United Nations on the question of extending the powers of the Commission for the investigation of chemical attacks in Syria forced United States, was “orchestrated performance”. This was stated on Tuesday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the end of voting, during which Russia has vetoed a negotiated text of the resolution.

The defense Ministry responded to the accusations of the widow of the dead in Syria major

The defense Ministry responded to the accusations of the widow of the dead in Syria major The payment to the widow of the deceased in Syria, the Russian major Sergei Burgundy was made in full, said the press service of the defense Ministry. The office concluded that the journalists of the British Agency Reuters, wrote an article about a distressed woman, has twisted the words of the heroine for the sake of slander. The payment to the widow of the deceased in Syria, the Russian major Sergei Burgundy was made in full, said the press service of the defense Ministry. About it reports TASS. “Financial assets in accordance with Russian law received in equal shares and the full amount of all close relatives of the deceased soldier: the widow, the soldier’s mother and his three children,” — said in the Ministry. The defense Ministry said that information from the article

Russia is gradually moving away from conscription service, he said

Russia is gradually moving away from conscription service, he said MOSCOW, October 24 — RIA Novosti. Russia is gradually moving away from conscription service in the Armed forces, in addition, the possibility of establishing industrial parks for the passage of there service, young people who graduated from College, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the course of communication with members of the national team WorldSkills Russia the Russian leader wondered whether it is possible to do alternative service in order to train a new generation of Champions, and in parallel they would give duty to the Motherland. “We are now developing that the Ministry of defence several years ago started, you have probably heard, we have created a research company, so-called, and now we do, relatively speaking, a technology Park for young specialists who graduated from higher education institutions and can be an alternative and a real military conscription, but

Kiev has denied Saakashvili’s political asylum

Kiev has denied Saakashvili’s political asylum Now extradition policy did not interfere, said the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko. Georgia in early September, has asked Ukraine to extradite its former President. Ukrainian migration service refused to grant the former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili for political asylum, said the General Prosecutor of the country Yury Lutsenko, transfers TV channel “112 Ukraine”. According to him, the politician did not appeal this decision in court. “So now he is a stateless person, without any special circumstances, which could avoid deportation or extradition. And the State migration service knows that for sure,” — said Lutsenko. “Ukrainian Pravda” reported that the Prosecutor General also said that Saakashvili was forced Odessa officials “to issue a permanent residence permit 20 citizens of Georgia as valuable figures.” According to Lutsenko, they go on belonging to the Odessa administration machines, “bought with the money of