XI Jinping was elected General Secretary of the Communist party of China

XI Jinping was elected General Secretary of the Communist party of China BEIJING, October 25 — RIA Novosti. Chinese President XI Jinping re-elected as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party of China, while five of the seven members of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee was replaced, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. In addition to XI Jinping in the Central Committee also retained the Premier of the state Council Li Keqiang. The new composition pkpb became Vice-Premier of the state Council Wang Yang, the head of the party Committee of Shanghai Han Zhang, head of the General office of the CPC Central Committee Li Zhanshu, head of the Organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee Zhao Lassi and head of the Center for political studies under the CPC Central Committee Wang Junin. During the first plenary session of the Central

Russia gave the Philippines the arms, ammunition and military trucks

Russia gave the Philippines the arms, ammunition and military trucks The ceremony of transfer of military equipment was aboard BPK “Admiral Panteleev” with the participation of the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu and the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte. MANILA, October 25 — RIA Novosti. Russia has put the Philippines party of military goods, including small arms, ammunition, and army trucks. The ceremony with participation of the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu and the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte was held Wednesday at the port of Manila on Board a large anti-submarine ship “Admiral Panteleev” the Pacific fleet of the Russian Navy, reports RIA Novosti. Earlier it was reported that Russia will supply the Philippines consignment of small arms, including Kalashnikov assault rifles and ammunition, as well as army trucks. Before an agreement was signed between the governments of Russia and the Philippines on

Moscow urged the United States to leave the Russian media alone

Moscow urged the United States to leave the Russian media alone Moscow urged Washington to give the opportunity to work quietly in the Russian media. This is stated in the statement of the Russian Embassy in the United States. The Embassy also noted that the U.S. act on the registration of foreign agents (FARA) is applied selectively and politically motivated, and the pressure on the Russian media does not stop. 20 November it became known that RT refused to register in the U.S. as invagent. According to representatives of the TV company, they will challenge the requirement of American justice. On 30 September the Ministry of justice sent a notice to several American media about the possibility of including them in the list of registered as foreign agents. Found the media, it is connected with the probable granting of the status of inherent in the United States publications RT and

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the law on registered as a foreign agent in the United States is “politically motivated”

The building of the Russian Embassy in Washington © EPA/SHAWN THEW WASHINGTON, October 25. /TASS/. The American version of the foreign agents law is applied selectively and with political overtones. This is stated in a statement on Tuesday, the comments of the Russian Embassy in the United States on the question of possible inclusion in the list of Russian media, particularly RT.

Iraqi Kurdistan is ready to freeze the results of the referendum

Iraqi Kurdistan is ready to freeze the results of the referendum MOSCOW, 25 Jul — RIA Novosti. The government of Iraqi Kurdistan has proposed to the government of Iraq to cease fire, to start a dialogue, for its part expressed its willingness to freeze the results of the referendum. This is stated in the statement published on the website of the government of the region. “To fulfill our obligations to the people of Kurdistan and Iraq, we offer the following to the Iraqi government, Iraqi and world public opinion: 1) an immediate cease-fire and suspend all military operations in Kurdistan, 2) to freeze the results of a referendum held in Iraqi Kurdistan, 3) to initiate an open dialogue between the Kurdistan regional government and Federal government of Iraq on the basis of the Constitution,” the statement said. According to authorities of Kurdistan, the conflict between the Iraqi forces and the

Sobchak said that it cannot be judged for the words about Crimea

Sobchak said that it cannot be judged for the words about Crimea MOSCOW, 25 Jul — RIA Novosti. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, has announced its intention to participate in presidential elections in 2018, told RIA Novosti that it cannot be judged for the words about the Crimea. At the first press conference after the announcement of the intention to participate in presidential election campaign, Sobchak said he believes Crimea is Ukrainian territory, and the restoration of relations of Russia and Ukraine — the main task of Russia, for which she was criticized by many politicians. “The law says that jurisdiction calls for the separation or violation of territorial integrity. In the law there is no word about a statement of fact, and even the statement of opinion that does not coincide with the state. Judge me for it, and Suleiman Kadyrov can not be too. All the people that have

The state border service of Ukraine in 2018 will begin to lift fingerprints from arriving Russians

The state border service of Ukraine in 2018 will begin to lift fingerprints from arriving Russians In the state border service of Ukraine added that the EU citizens to cross the Ukrainian border will be enough biometric passports. KIEV, October 24. /TASS/. Citizens of Russia and countries of migration risk when crossing the Ukrainian border on 1 January 2018 and will undergo the procedure of fingerprinting. This was announced on Tuesday, the head of the state border service of Ukraine Petro Cigital. “While the Russians cross the border on foreign passports. But now we are considering that from 1 January [2018] was introduced biometric control will be fingerprinted. In General, we have 157 international and interstate checkpoints. And today we have allocated 300 million UAH (about $11 million — approx. TASS) for the purchase of scanners, the arrangement of jobs, the creation of a complex system,” said Cigital in interview

Committee of the U.S. house of representatives began investigating the “uranium deal”

Committee of the U.S. house of representatives began investigating the “uranium deal” WASHINGTON, October 24 — RIA Novosti. The intelligence Committee of the U.S. house of representatives begins to investigate the agreement with Russia on uranium, which was concluded a few years ago, said the head of the Committee Devin Nuns. “What we’re going to announce today about the request for agreement on uranium from Russia, which was concluded a few years ago. This is only the beginning of this investigation,” he told reporters. The US President Donald trump said earlier that the family of the head of the election headquarters of Hillary Clinton, John Podestà profited from lobbying the transaction controlled by “Rosatom” company Uranium One. In recent days, the media there are new reports that at the conclusion of the deals in 2013 were committed corruption crimes, which the previous US administration refused to investigate. Earlier, Clinton was

In Regardie said about the lack of money for translation of Riot police at military service

In Regardie said about the lack of money for translation of Riot police at military service The Finance Ministry has not budgeted for 2018 funding required for reassignment SWAT, Riot police and aviation units of Regardie for military service. The new status should give the officers access to military benefits. The military service members of the riot police, SWAT and aviation units of Regardie can be transferred. This statement was made first Deputy Director of Regardie Colonel-General Sergei Melikov at the meeting of the Council of the Federation, reports TASS. According to him, the postponement is related to the lack of necessary financing. He stressed that the transfer of employees of Regardie for military service during 2018, was approved by a decision of the security Council of the country. “Today, when looking at the budget we see that the Ministry of Finance the funds for the troops of the national

Russia has blocked a UN security Council resolution on the continuation of the investigation hematic in Syria

© REUTERS/Lucas Jackson UN 24 Oct. /TASS/. Russia on Tuesday blocked the adoption of UN Security Council resolution inconsistent on the one-year extension of authority for Joint UN and the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) to investigate the chemical attacks in Syria (CMP). Together with Russia against the document prepared by the United States, Bolivia voted with two abstentions countries – Kazakhstan and China. Another 11 countries, including the UK, US and France voted for the draft resolution.