U.S. authorities returned to Russia taken from buildings of the diplomatic mission flags

U.S. authorities returned to Russia taken from buildings of the diplomatic mission flags The US authorities have returned to Russian diplomats, the Russian flags captured by American intelligence officials with the buildings of the Consulate General in San Francisco, said “RIA Novosti” Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. In early October the Russian Embassy in the United States reported the theft of flags from the buildings of the Consulate, calling the incident a “shameful event”. “We demand the immediate return of Russian state symbols in place and to prevent the incident in future,” — stated in the message of the Embassy. The U.S. state Department then assured that the Russian flag was “respectfully lowered and securely stored”. According to Ryabkov, the flags returned along with the archives of the Consulate of San Francisco, which was illegally taken by the Americans from the closed to the Russian diplomats of the building of

President of Turkmenistan rode on horseback through the deserted Ashgabat

President of Turkmenistan rode on horseback through the deserted Ashgabat President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on horseback, inspected the construction sites in Ashgabat. The corresponding video published portal “Chronicle of Turkmenistan”. In the video, the head of state rides on horseback against the backdrop of modern and prestigious districts of Ashgabat. Berdimuhamedov wearing a tracksuit, and hands him a cane, with which he drives the horse and gives orders subordinates. Subordinates in the video only two, both in business suits. They’re walking and write something down in a notebook, according to nod in response to the instructions of the President. Other people on shots, Berdymukhamedov rides through the deserted city. During the download an error has occurred.

Medvedev found the former head of the customs Belyaninov place in the Bank

Medvedev found the former head of the customs Belyaninov place in the Bank The Prime Minister instructed the Finance Ministry to propose the candidacy of Andrei Belyaninov, who had resigned from the post of head FTS after searches at his house, for appointment to the post of Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian development Bank. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Finance Ministry to submit the candidacy of the former head of the FCS Andrei Belyaninov for appointment to the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian development Bank (EDB). The order was published on the government website. In July 2016, Belyaninov has resigned from the post of head of the FCS after the investigators involved in the case about the smuggling of alcohol found in his home to 9.5 million rubles, $390 thousand and €350 thousand Belyaninov He then stated that he found the money are

The Federation Council ahead of schedule stopped powers of the Senator Borisov

The Federation Council ahead of schedule stopped powers of the Senator Borisov MOSCOW, 25 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Federation Council at session on Wednesday ahead of schedule stopped powers of the Senator from legislative Assembly of the Pskov region Alexander Borisov. In a statement, the Senator sought to terminate his powers early on 27 October. Himself Borisov told RIA Novosti that does not assume powers because of the transition in the structure of the “United Russia”, without specifying a position, which is planning to move. As has informed Agency a source in the office of the Federation Council, the place of Barysau on October 27 will be delegated to the former Governor of the Pskov region Andrei Turchak. It is expected that he will take the place of the Vice-speaker of the upper house. Powers Borisov was due to expire in September 2021. In the Scenarios it since 2011

Zhirinovsky: Sobchak for saying Crimea should be put in prison “for five years”

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. The leader of fraction of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has urged to initiate a criminal case against TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, have declared their intention to participate in presidential elections of the Russian Federation for its statement about the affiliation of Crimea to Ukraine from the point of view of international law.

The white house has deemed the investigation of the uranium deal with Moscow, “the right step”

The white house has deemed the investigation of the uranium deal with Moscow, “the right step” The investigation of the U.S. Congress on possible violations at the conclusion of Washington’s uranium deal with Moscow is “a step in the right direction.” Such opinion during a briefing was expressed by White house spokesman Sarah Sanders, transcript of the press conference published on the website of the administration of the President of the United States. “Of course, I think it’s a step in the right direction,” she responded to a question, adding that White house officials have repeatedly pointed out — “if during the [presidential] campaign [under the agreement] has been no collusion or secret agreement was signed with any other country — need to look at [ex-presidential candidate Hillary] Clinton.” “So I think that it [the investigation of the uranium deal with Russia] properly,” concluded Sanders, noting however, that “directly” did

The Russian Embassy warned of fines for Smoking on the beaches of Thailand

The Russian Embassy warned of fines for Smoking on the beaches of Thailand The Russian Embassy in Thailand has warned tourists about the ban on Smoking at several beaches in the country, the violation of which faces a heavy fine or imprisonment. This was reported on the website of the Embassy. According to the decision of the Department of marine and coastal resources of Thailand, from November 1, you can’t smoke 20 beaches among which the most popular places on Phuket island and in the resort towns of Pattaya and Hua hin. It is noted that the ban was imposed to combat pollution. “Violators of the ban faces a maximum penalty of a fine in the amount up to 100 thousand baht (more than $3 million) or imprisonment for up to one year”, — stated in the message of the Embassy. It is clarified that for the convenience of guests

The state Department explained the delay in the execution of sanctions against Russia

The state Department explained the delay in the execution of sanctions against Russia The definition of individuals and companies from Russia, which could potentially fall under U.S. sanctions, a complex process that requires time, stated in the state Department. Earlier in the Senate, criticized the delay in the execution of sanctions against Russia. The state Department is working to identify individuals and organizations associated with the Russian defense and intelligence sectors, and the failure of the deadline due to the complexity of the process. About this at a press briefing said state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. According to her, the definition of such persons and entities may lead to the fact that they will be subjected to new sanctions. In the state Department “working on the completion of the process”. “I understand, and I’m not working on it personally, but I was told by the people who work, it is